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Old 02-14-2015, 12:16 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I now see your "conceptual" problem ....

.. you are getting your information from .....

...Junior High Students!!!!!

You just told an intentional lie so you are a liar. Had you told an unintentional lie you'd just be an idiot.

Hey LexusLiar if Obama thought you could keep your doctor...why do you keep saying he was lying?

I love this...you numbnuts have backed yourselves so far in the corner that nevergaveitathought thinks he has something buried up his ass!
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Old 02-14-2015, 12:34 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You just told an intentional lie ....
But I posted with Big Letters and Lots of little cartoon characters .....

... Doesn't that make me smarter than you are?

By your own standards you have lied.

Because you are wrong on YOUR DEFINITION... which you claim any Junior High Student would confirm as being correct ... which means you must be relying on what Junior High Students have told you, otherwise you would not know what Junior High Students would say when we asked them to tell us what a "lie" is .... so you are relying on what Junior High Students say a "lie" is ...

now... if you haven't asked Junior High Students what they think a "lie" is then you are lying about what Junior High Students believe a "lie' to be, because you don't know what Junior High Students think a "lie' is, because you haven't asked them.

Just like you LIED when you said Zimmerman would be found guilty of "something" in the trial of Zimmerman for the death of Martin ... according to your OWN definition.

HERE! You are drowning ...

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Old 02-14-2015, 12:48 PM   #123
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Default Apparently you think you know how I would respond to certain situations

Originally Posted by boardman View Post
Apparently you would have just accepted her apology.

I stand by my assertion:
It's not a lie if there is no intent do deceive and it's not murder if there is no intent to kill.
This ain't a courtroom hoss. This is a hooker board. One where common sense seems to be lacking.

Try this: A person is not a murderer if he did not intend to kill and a person is not a liar if they did not intend to deceive. BUT both the truth and a person are dead...no matter the intentions.An accidentally lie can be just as deadly as a purposeful one. Just as say a car running over a person.

You can not seem to grasp that a accidental lie can be just as deadly as a lie. The courtroom is to try and discover intent. COG would convict GWB over this because he thinks his intent was to deceive. Were that case to go to a world court he just may get a conviction. Think about that.
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Old 02-14-2015, 01:29 PM   #124
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Default Apparently you think you know how I would respond to certain situations

Originally Posted by boardman View Post
Apparently you would have just accepted her apology.

I stand by my assertion:
It's not a lie if there is no intent do deceive and it's not murder if there is no intent to kill.
This ain't a courtroom hoss. This is a hooker board. One where common sense seems to be lacking.

Try this: A person is not a murderer if he did not intend to kill and a person is not a liar if they did not intend to deceive. BUT both the truth and a person are dead...no matter the intentions.An accidentally lie can be just as deadly as a purposeful one. Just as say a car running over a person.

You can not seem to grasp that a accidental lie can be just as deadly as a lie. The courtroom is to try and discover intent. COG would convict GWB over this because he thinks his intent was to deceive. Were that case to go to a world court he just may get a conviction. Think about that.
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Old 02-14-2015, 01:36 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
But I posted with Big Letters and Lots of little cartoon characters .....

... Doesn't that make me smarter than you are?

By your own standards you have lied.

Because you are wrong on YOUR DEFINITION... which you claim any Junior High Student would confirm as being correct ... which means you must be relying on what Junior High Students have told you, otherwise you would not know what Junior High Students would say when we asked them to tell us what a "lie" is .... so you are relying on what Junior High Students say a "lie" is ...

now... if you haven't asked Junior High Students what they think a "lie" is then you are lying about what Junior High Students believe a "lie' to be, because you don't know what Junior High Students think a "lie' is, because you haven't asked them.

Just like you LIED when you said Zimmerman would be found guilty of "something" in the trial of Zimmerman for the death of Martin ... according to your OWN definition.

HERE! You are drowning ...

Ok you just proved you were not lying on purpose you are just lying because you are an idiot. So I take back calling you a liar.
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Old 02-14-2015, 01:38 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
This ain't a courtroom ....
If it were the air would be congested with muffled laughter each time you spoke.

And the roar would be deafening when you proclaimed your were victorious.

Apparently you missed the first throw ... I'll try again, one more time:

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Old 02-14-2015, 01:44 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Try this: A person is not a murderer if he did not intend to kill and a person is not a liar if they did not intend to deceive. BUT both the truth and a person are dead...no matter the intentions.
I recommend you re-consult one of your Junior High Buddies on that "try"!

I can hear it now: "Say what"?

"truth" is not "dead" .... because "truth" doesn't die. It is inanimate.

Just like the shit that builds up inside of you. It's there. It just hasn't emerged.

Strike three!

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Old 02-14-2015, 03:02 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I recommend you re-consult one of your Junior High Buddies on that "try"!
Now you are flat out lying again. I have no Junior High buddies to consult. You were once again wrong in your assumption of my prior post.

Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post

"truth" is not "dead" .... because "truth" doesn't die. It is inanimate.
The truth can be slain with a lie. Whether or not it can recover is up to time. In this case. The question was war or no war. At that particular point in time the lie had to be presented as the truth for this country to proceed with war. If anyone disputes that fact they are not worthy of further discussion.

The lie that there were WMD's in Iraq has been proven just that but at the time the truth was slain by that lie, falsehood....what ever name you choose to give it.

This is to help boardman if he were to follow my advice and ask a Junior Higher how a lie and a falsehood comingle.

noun 1. a false statement; lie. Synonyms: fabrication, prevarication, falsification, canard, invention, fiction, story.

2. something false; an untrue idea, belief, etc.: The Nazis propagated the falsehood of racial superiority.

3. the act of lying or making false statements.

4. lack of conformity to truth or fact. Synonyms: untruthfulness, inveracity, mendacity.

5. Obsolete, deception.

Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post

Just like the shit that builds up inside of you. It's there. It just hasn't emerged.

Strike three!
Shit builds up in us all you. Would you try and act like an adult.

Though lustlad and boardman are having a hard time with certain concepts I'm trying to teach they are not acting childish. Please exit stage left if you can not act like an adult.
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Old 02-14-2015, 03:30 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
We choose to define a lie in different ways. That's obvious. I use the most common definition which includes the intent to deceive.You do understand what includes but not limited to means? If not we are in trouble...well I'll be in trouble try to have you grasp another concept! Looking at several legal definitions of "lie'(or what would be accepted in a courtroom) it appears that they all include intention to deceive as the basis for the word lie as well. COG has enter the fray and made an interesting point. He actually thinks Bush lied with intent. I personally do to and think he would be convicted in a World Court. I would not vote to convict like COG because per the example you used with Obama with the keep your doctor bs...there is enough wiggle room for reasonable doubt.
You look farther down the page. That's fine. You are in the definite minority with your definition and I'll give you credit...You own it. I do not own it. I did not write it. It is one of the definition used. It is not my personal definition. I use all of them. I do not Cherry Pick definitions like you seem to be doing. Where have we heard that Cherry Pick before? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm If you present a falsehood as the truth , you are lying per the definition. Again. includes but not limited to

You may be able to find some obscure legal site, further down the page when searching "legal definition of lie" that supports your claim , I stopped after two pages. What I am saying is this. If you tried to use your definition of lie in a courtroom, The judge would probably correct you and refer you to a legal definition or he may simply laugh your ass out of the courtroom. Ask any junior high schooler which one is the more common definition. In a Courtroom , I would run circles around you. It is in black and white. It is the definition you provided. That you would want to cherry pick which definition can and can not be used is ridiculous. A Falsehood is a lie. WMD's in Iraq were a falsehood or another word for falsehood is LIE.

True Story:

The other day an employee relayed some information from a vendor. A little while later that vendor called back to tell her that the information was not good and they wanted to make sure that she had the correct information. OK

My employee came to me to relay the new information. Apparently she thinks like you assumption on your part because the first thing she said to me was, "I'm sorry, I lied to you earlier". Probably a correct assumption. Paraphrasing now...blah, blah is the correct info, The vendor called me back.

This is not the first time she has prefaced a comment like that...Saying she lied.
The other day I told her that relaying bad information wasn't a lie and she owed me no apology when that happens. I thanked her right away for bringing me the correct info and let it go at that.
Apparently you would have just accepted her apology. No I would have said repeating that lie was not her fault as she did not do it on purpose. I would have thanked her if she had promptly corrected the lie asap.

I stand by my assertion:
It's not a lie if there is no intent do deceive and it's not murder if there is no intent to kill.
Yes according to the definition that you supplied , a falsehood , which WMD's in Iraq turned out to be , were a lie. You may not agree with that definition that you supplied but it is wtf it is.

I'll leave you with this diddy from my favorite author...

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes”

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Old 02-14-2015, 05:51 PM   #130
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Old 02-14-2015, 09:09 PM   #131
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Old 02-14-2015, 09:48 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by UnderConstruction View Post
I'm not sure about the number of liars in this thread, but there's a whole shitload of libtard idiots.
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Old 02-14-2015, 09:53 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Would you like to Google how Bush and Cheney kept linking 9/11 and Saddam. Do you know how many folks thought Saddam was responsible for 9/11? You know how many times Bush tried to straighten that misconception?

So you can stick that two card monty of an article up your gullible ass.

No, I dont know how many thought that. Give me a number or percentage and I will show you X number of canidates for the next "Darwin Awards" presentation.
This is a perfect example of people who should not vote and should not propagate !
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Old 02-14-2015, 10:52 PM   #134
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Old 02-14-2015, 11:38 PM   #135
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Yes that would be correct. Just as Bush lied when he said there were WMD's in Iraq when he went with what the intelligence community told him. Pretty simple really. Not sure why lustylad and a few others are having such a hard time with it.

Since you are a history buff and like to talk about the past... 58,220 American souls... WTF... http://www.opsecnews.com/gulf-of-ton...ar-in-vietnam/

Gulf of Tonkin Incident: False Flag For War In Vietnam

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