Most def Tonguenchick- it was definitely a new, interesting and fun experience for me. we need to def do that
Originally Posted by Tonguenchick
Well Marie we have had the eats and rinks at Restaurants and SC!
But circumstances limited potential of play time! 
I had a great time as usual with your company!
We need to try again when we are not in middle of "meet and greet" party or having to be
designated drivers! LOL!
I definitely understand where you're coming from. I don't do alot of dates like that but have had a few, and especially with those few that I have become very comfortable with, then its no issue. I as well prefer quality over quantity.
I personally have a very busy schedule with my work/family, so alot of times my opportunities to enjoy this hobby are usually somewhat limited.
Originally Posted by bule84
I always feel like that as long as the whole time is not "on the clock". That is why I shy away from the hobby. I enjoy chatting and getting to know someone. I find that UTR girls are more in the "friendship" component, which I find important. Plus I am not so interested in quantity of girls as I am quality and sexual compatability (kink level)
I don't meant to imply that you are not flexible as I don't know you, my comments are more in general
Originally Posted by smithlane
Hmmmm. Who woulda thunk it? 
Haha im full of surprises darling smithlane, its not something I do on the norm but on occasion its nice.