Originally Posted by iamhavingfun
I know I'm going to get a white night comment. But she has said that she isn't newbie friendly. From what I can see you have only been on here for a few months and your reviews are of a strip club and two spas and they are in a totally different city.
And she said that she caught it Late.
Yep, u said it. Damn WK. In any case, I hope you are getting good stuff in return. If so, then keep on doing it.
Just to put it in perspective, she realized it after setting up the appointment? I Thot u screen, then setup appointment, not the other way around. Plus, after realizing it, did she bother to tell him she could not see him coz he has no references. As a WK, u r really failing in ur duties. You simply confirmed that it was really an ncns.
To the OP, thanks for letting everyone know, there are too many fish in the sea so don't get hang up on an ncns.