So, I went on a date at a large Marriot hotel in the area a few hrs ago. The text conversation before we met was just oozing with wit, flirtation, and mystery. As I drove to this $200/hr hotel date, I imagined a friendly/easygoing, mildly attractive, and conversationally gifted married man from another state. I was pretty much looking forward to it
I arrived at the bar, which was hoppin...if you consider hoppin to be 30 middle aged, obnoxiously drunk; walking cliches trying to fuck each other. He would be in a blue shirt and jeans, alone at the bar...I approached him, he acknowledged me with a slightly annoyed nod, and was totally fucking cryptic and weird in everything he said. He was mildly attractive, but I was wrong about everything else...his difficult, know-it-all personality and social ineptitude really made a strong argument for humane euthanasia. He didnt smell quite fresh enough, and was kinda scotch-soaked. He was on his phone the whole time, and kept making sure his laptop, notebook, and cellphone were perfectly stacked/straight. It kind of felt like some roleplay gone wrong, and I was not missing the fact that he was skirting the $ subject a little more than I was comfortable with. I walked with him up to his room, and he asked me straight up what I wanted to do and what I wanted out of it...I told him I was gonna go freshen up and I wanted to come out to him settled into the bed and my donation on the dresser (with a sweet smile of course)...and he was like "i dont have any cash on me..."
FUCK. THIS AGAIN. it happens from time to time, they are really just idiots who assumed it was free. Da Fuq? Awkward. I went into the bathroom, and just locked the door and exhaled sharply in frustration. Sat on the toilet, pulled out my phone which I had not checked for a good half hour or so...and had the following
Yepp, I had had the wrong guy the whole time...and this poor social misfit was probably even more uncomfortable than I was. I was just in time checking my phone, the original had about given up on me when I went to his room after a hurried and apologetic goodbye to Mr. Monk. He WAS attractive, WAS conversationally gifted, and was HIGHLY amused by his riding up the elevator with the two of us at first, m
aking smoldering eye contact wth me, and still I did g=not put 2 and 2 together. After sharing a shaky but relieved laugh, we had a terrific hour together which I found quite enjoyable, and I still got paid.
I have officially gotten ditzy.