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Old 01-17-2015, 09:33 PM   #16
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According to an article, I read in the Wall Street Journal, 40% of the new jobs last year were subsistence jobs (temporary, food service and retail). If someone takes a job at Walmart, it is going to be difficult to survive without some form of government assistance. It might just be food stamps or it might be section 8 housing. As tax payers, we are subsidizing Walmart because they couldn't afford to work there without the government assistance. Why work and starve at the same time?

Yes we may be supporting those working part time at low wages BUT Obama Care is forcing all of the companies to hire only part time help. This all comes back to government meddling.
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Old 01-18-2015, 08:11 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by tucson View Post
According to an article, I read in the Wall Street Journal, 40% of the new jobs last year were subsistence jobs (temporary, food service and retail). If someone takes a job at Walmart, it is going to be difficult to survive without some form of government assistance. It might just be food stamps or it might be section 8 housing. As tax payers, we are subsidizing Walmart because they couldn't afford to work there without the government assistance. Why work and starve at the same time?

Yes we may be supporting those working part time at low wages BUT Obama Care is forcing all of the companies to hire only part time help. This all comes back to government meddling.
There is a bill in Congress to turn full-time back to 40 hours. ObamaCare is destroying the best healthcare system in the world.

I had to do my quarterly taxes and finished my taxes for 2014. It begins by asking if you have insurance. If you are expecting a return but don't have insurance, it will be deducted. 60% of Americans hate ObamaCare and they haven't felt the full effect. The IRS expects to collect $4 billion from those that don't have health insurance.

Most of the people that are signing up for ObamaCare are getting Medicade. It is becoming more difficult for these people to find doctors or hospitals that take these patients.

Anyone else remember when Obama said it would make Heathcare as affordable as your cell phone bill?
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Old 01-18-2015, 10:39 PM   #18
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Government hypocrisy: In the national parks they will post signs telling visitors to not feed the animals lest they become dependent on humans yet the same government has no problem passing out welfare making the same humans dependent on the government.

Part of Lucy's problem is that she thinks that it's the government's money she's getting. No! It's the money that those of us who are working pay into the government as taxes.
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Old 01-19-2015, 10:37 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Wheretonow View Post
Lucy: “But you know, if somebody offered you a million dollars, no strings attached, would you walk away from it?”
That "no strings attached" comment is the problem. She thinks it is "free" money that if she doesn't use, it will just go to waste. She also thinks that there is an unlimited supply of it, and that everyone in the country should take advantage of it. She doesn't realize that if everyone followed her advice, things would collapse rather quickly.

Actually if you have a look at the number at http://www.usdebtclock.org/ it's pretty evident that the path we're on is completely unsustainable. At this moment, the total US debt owed PER FAMILY is 732,995.00. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the above mentioned woman does not have enough money in her account to afford to send a check in for that amount. Neither do I, and neither do 99.999% of the families in this country. So when do we pay that debt off? We don't, the number just keeps getting bigger, not smaller. Where does it all end? It ends when those who buy our debt (foreign countries like China and even our own people via bonds) realize the emperor is butt-ass-naked and they quit buying debt. When that happens (and it will some day), then it will all collapse into smoking ruins and there will be no welfare, no social security, no Medicare/ Medicaid and no entitlement programs. Those who are used to working (even if it's a desk job) will get by. Those who have spent their lives smoking pot and waiting for a check to arrive, well I don't know what will happen to them but it's not going to be pretty.
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Old 01-19-2015, 05:08 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by GracePreston View Post
Would you be shocked to learn that for the most part, I'm a Liberal? I believe in feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, caring for the sick, etc. However, I am not a fan of defrauding the government, because you aren't just defrauding the government, you are defrauding each and every person who is following the rules and doing their part.

I'm not against welfare... I'm against welfare fraud. There are many who sincerely need it.. but there are many who do not.
Would you be shocked that I an Conservative as far right as you are Left.

That said we will never reach consensus on anything. But i will bet you that I spend more of my income apart from the confiscatory Democratic taxes, from my after tax dollars by 4 times aiding the ill, the vets, the aged, and children. not my kin; and contribute by 10 fold the time I spent is community work helping the same. I have contributed; have you.
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Old 01-19-2015, 07:32 PM   #21
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Grace you and I agree on things it's just the HOW it is done that we disagree on. The Texas Star Card is a great idea but there should be limits on what can be purchased with it. Pre-cooked foods such as chicken wings from the store should not be allowed. A random drug test is a method of cutting down on the abuse.
I worked last summer with a census of homeless here in Arlington and met a bunch under some bridges. My lost of faith occurred when two guys tried to tell me they were veterans. It took two minutes to discover they had never been in the service let alone in a combat area. Most were there because they would not take direction or supervision from some one else. We all started doing the scud work as the new guy in a place of work.
I believe if every one graduating from school or when they stop attending school should serve two years in service to our country. It teaches us to be on time and how to work with others.
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Old 01-19-2015, 07:55 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
But the couch potatoes roots are deeply rooted in the couch cushions, that is the problem.
People need to get off their fucking taint and earn some money!
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Old 01-19-2015, 08:08 PM   #23
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What is sad is that there are people out there that feel like they shouldnt work and get gov't assistance. I see this all the time. There are those people that actually have kid after kid to stay on welfare.

I feel that welfare is there for those that need assistance at a rough time in there life. I feel that it shouldnt be something one depends on for the rest of their life. I was on section 8, food stamps and medicaid when I had my son many moons ago, but i didnt stay on it for long. I got off my ass found a full time job eventually after many part time jobs. It is just that these types of people are plain lazy and it is sad.
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Old 01-19-2015, 08:24 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by GracePreston View Post
Would you be shocked to learn that for the most part, I'm a Liberal? I believe in feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, caring for the sick, etc. However, I am not a fan of defrauding the government, because you aren't just defrauding the government, you are defrauding each and every person who is following the rules and doing their part.

I'm not against welfare... I'm against welfare fraud. There are many who sincerely need it.. but there are many who do not.
Grace, those views aren't liberal. I don't know a single conservative that wants to pull the safety net out from under poor people. It is only when living on the tit becomes a lifestyle where there are issues. Nobody wants people to starve in the richest nation on earth. These are just scare tactics used by the left.

The Welfare Reform Act was signed by Bill Clinton. Over time, fraud has crept back into the system.

Bill Clinton got his butt kicked in the midterm elections just like Obama did. Remember Obama saying, "this election is about my policies". The difference was Clinton moved to the right and worked with congress. This President isn't willing to do that.

Listen the the SOTU speech tomorrow night. I bet you that Obama is going to demonize the rich and say that they are not paying their fare share of taxes and he wants to increase taxes on them, again. He will have some tax cut for the middle class. The rich are the very people that own business and hire people.

He wants to make it easier for people to attend college. He wants to spend billions of dollars, to this end, that we don't have. Why in the world would we want to contribute to a failed system?

Tuition has skyrocketed for two main reasons.

The average University, offering a doctoral degree, pays the Chancellor/President $350K a year. I understand that UTA pays their President considerably more. The average Dean, at one of these, makes six figures. That is a glorified guidance counselor. At all of these institutions, administrators outnumber faculty members. Many of the faculty are part-time.

This has happened because students can secure loans for astronomical amounts. Default rates on these loans is 13.7%. Some of these might continue for 30 years. By some time this year, the amount owed in student loans will reach 1,000,000,000,000. 13.7% doesn't sound that bad until you see all those zeros in the outstanding student loan debt.

Brick and mortar Universities are going to be a thing of the past. People are going to assemble the best and brightest and do this on-line for a fraction of the cost.

Obama identifies with the professors. He loves the thought of a bunch of liberal professors indoctrinating students in the virtues of Keynesian economics, atheism, climate change and every other wacko liberal ideal. We can graduate hundreds of thousands of young socialists each year.

The good thing about this, he can't get it done. These are things that he can't do by executive order.
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Old 01-20-2015, 02:36 AM   #25
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I like this woman. This is a classic. The best part is at 50 seconds.

"Somebody needs to pay for all my children... Somebody needs to be held accountable".

Bwahahaha hahaha. No you fucking idiot. Somebody needs to be sterilized so they cant have anymore kids.
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Old 01-20-2015, 03:25 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat View Post

I like this woman. This is a classic. The best part is at 50 seconds.

"Somebody needs to pay for all my children... Somebody needs to be held accountable".

Bwahahaha hahaha. No you fucking idiot. Somebody needs to be sterilized so they cant have anymore kids.
Achtung! Please let me introduce Dr. Josepf Mengele! SIEG HEIL!
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Old 01-20-2015, 04:02 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by andymarksman View Post
Achtung! Please let me introduce Dr. Josepf Mengele! SIEG HEIL!
I know right. It's almost as ridiculous as her wanting to hold someone else accountable for her having 15 kids. Her ass backward request deserved an equally ass backward solution. It's the only one I could find stupid enough to match.
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Old 01-20-2015, 08:02 AM   #28
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I don't know who is really to blame for the annual deficit and mounting national debt, but no politician will ever solve the problem; it's political suicide. The fact is, as long as everyone who the US owes in debt money never presses the issue to collect, which they can't without starting a war, we'll keep overspending to keep the voters happy. We'll keep paying interest-only on those loans and keep getting more loans to pay for shit forever. The only discussions I ever see is how to spend all that borrowed money.

Regarding welfare - if it's there, people will take it. There should be a time limit on how long you can receive it, but what do you do with a single woman with three kids who's husband ran out on her?
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Old 01-20-2015, 09:55 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Alastair View Post
Regarding welfare - if it's there, people will take it. There should be a time limit on how long you can receive it, but what do you do with a single woman with three kids who's husband ran out on her?
You can go to jail for back child support. When released they have halfway houses where you spend the night. They go to work but spend the night there. They will also garnish your paycheck. Often, women will not disclose the baby's father. They should be excluded from the program.

I don't care what the relationship is with the mother, you have to be a serious low life not to take care of your kids. Any amn that is behind on child support should be exempt from any government programs. Hunger is a compelling incentive.
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Old 01-20-2015, 10:17 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Alastair View Post
I don't know who is really to blame for the annual deficit and mounting national debt, but no politician will ever solve the problem; it's political suicide. The fact is, as long as everyone who the US owes in debt money never presses the issue to collect, which they can't without starting a war, we'll keep overspending to keep the voters happy. We'll keep paying interest-only on those loans and keep getting more loans to pay for shit forever. The only discussions I ever see is how to spend all that borrowed money.

Regarding welfare - if it's there, people will take it. There should be a time limit on how long you can receive it, but what do you do with a single woman with three kids who's husband ran out on her?
Remember that time we went to war in Iraq for no reason and it costed us 3 Trillion dollars?

I wish the Conservatives would have cared about the national debt back then
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