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Security Matters Personal security is of the utmost priority. Discussions regarding every aspect of personal security within the hobby can be found here.

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Old 12-13-2014, 10:31 PM   #31
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But you do have to give p411 real info right? (Name at least)
Would rather avoid the employer part but only have one provider ref guess I'll have to get another?
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Old 12-14-2014, 08:30 AM   #32
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They're pretty discrete with the employer verification.
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Old 12-14-2014, 12:19 PM   #33
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I have had a few clients the last year state that p411 was the best as far as their methods of checking. Isn't it better to be safely and discreetly verified then end up not?
It will open your doors to so many more great providers.
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Old 01-14-2015, 02:58 PM   #34
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A certain red head provider in Boulder/Denver posts personal information if in her bent opinion you've breached some imaginary line. Regardless that behavior is uncalled for and unprofessional even by hooker standards
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Old 01-15-2015, 12:20 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by contrails View Post
A certain red head provider in Boulder/Denver posts personal information if in her bent opinion you've breached some imaginary line. Regardless that behavior is uncalled for and unprofessional even by hooker standards
Why not let others know that she does that? Many of us go through great trouble to protect your information. To protect those who out others is inexcusable.
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Old 01-15-2015, 07:56 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Camille Fox View Post
Why not let others know that she does that? Many of us go through great trouble to protect your information. To protect those who out others is inexcusable.
Im kind of new posting here so I didn't want to violate tos as I never got past the intro stage. It's Melinda Madison.

I understand and fully appreciate there are two sides to a coin but I have impeccable references and the email chain proves my point perfectly.

I have been told I'm not the only one who has had similar issues either.
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Old 01-15-2015, 09:29 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by contrails View Post
A certain red head provider in Boulder/Denver posts personal information if in her bent opinion you've breached some imaginary line. Regardless that behavior is uncalled for and unprofessional even by hooker standards
We had that issue in Austin a few weeks ago where a Provider shared a guys drivers license and other ID with anyone that asked for it. SHE had obtained it from another lady..... The guys real name, details of his personal life, where he went to school etc were not only published in open thread but specific instructions on how to fuck with the guys life were spelled out.

Some will justify it that he is a sleaze bag and walked off without paying.... That might be true...... But IMO there is never justification for outing someone...

There has been several instances recently where information given the ladies for screening purposes is getting into the hands of people that have no business having it.

It is possible to hobby without ever identifying yourself. You should learn how,
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Old 01-15-2015, 11:21 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
We had that issue in Austin a few weeks ago where a Provider shared a guys drivers license and other ID with anyone that asked for it. SHE had obtained it from another lady..... The guys real name, details of his personal life, where he went to school etc were not only published in open thread but specific instructions on how to fuck with the guys life were spelled out.

Some will justify it that he is a sleaze bag and walked off without paying.... That might be true...... But IMO there is never justification for outing someone...

There has been several instances recently where information given the ladies for screening purposes is getting into the hands of people that have no business having it.

It is possible to hobby without ever identifying yourself. You should learn how,

Very true about the identifying.....taking steps.

At the time this happened I had been with several providers of different backgrounds that were reputable and I never had a problem before or after until Melinda. I guess a lot of dumb luck or niativity on my part for sure. Obviously well reviewed and fancy web sites mean nothing when psychosis enters the equation. Apparently from several pm's Im not the only one Melinda has done this too.

I let the situation drop laughing about and thanking my lucky stars I didn't waste a dime or time on her but.....

What is concerning now is information is being sent to business associates and clients with an isp address that makes it questionable and obvious. I can live with and respect providers that may turn me down about this (it has a couple of times but hey no big deal and I completely respect and understand that choice) but when it affects my livelihood and career....that's another story entirely and I'm exploring options.

Anyway...I totally agree about outing unless it's is a safety issue.
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Old 01-15-2015, 03:17 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by mad469s View Post
Name- give fake 1
Employer- Make 1 up
Address- Make 1 up
If asked for ID- RUN DON'T WALK, AS FAST AS YOU CAN AWAY FROM THAT PROVIDER. NEVER let them see what you're driving, unless they're an established provider, then still use caution
Fake name. Do not see
Any dishonesty will get you no where. Find a well established provider who sees newbies. A little research will go a long way.
I do not think I need an I.d., or address. (If I were still taking noobs) which I am not.
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Old 01-15-2015, 04:07 PM   #40
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Why would anyone give a hooker your real info?

If they request it, find another hooker.
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Old 01-15-2015, 04:10 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by samara View Post
Fake name. Do not see
Any dishonesty will get you no where. Find a well established provider who sees newbies. A little research will go a long way.
I do not think I need an I.d., or address. (If I were still taking noobs) which I am not.
You are a noob on this forum with three reviews lol.

No one cares

You have a job where pimps, low lifes and scum partake and is part of the game.

If you want my info you are stupid for asking, if they give it to you then they earned all the bullshit they get for being stupid.

They in fact are awarded the stupid prize
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Old 01-16-2015, 04:08 PM   #42
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Default Easier said than done

Originally Posted by Gotyour6 View Post
Why would anyone give a hooker your real info?

If they request it, find another hooker.
Easier said than done. Not to talk in circles, but, as already stated, a noob friendly provider who asks for NO personal info can be just as risky. She's likely to be LE or a thief.

Gotyour6, if you know of any providers who see noobs, who don't request personal info, and are at least somewhat established and/or reliable, please reply with some specifics.
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Old 01-16-2015, 05:00 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by luckyk View Post
Agreed.. we all should do what's comfortable for us. I also agree that there're probably many ladies out there who understand that clients also need to protect themselves and stay anonymous to some extent. I don't doubt that I will find some very nice ladies to spend quality time with, without having to give out my personal & employment info.

Frankly, I just haven't been trying to reach out to providers in my area YET. As I mentioned in a previous post, there are so many other 'distractions', at least here in DFW area. So many hot chicks and various options around. I've been keeping myself busy with a dancer I met last month. Seen her 3 times now OTC. Besides that, there're always AMPs I could just walk right in. The only thing I ever need to give out with these options are my hobby name and hobby phone#. I treat all the ladies I come across very nicely and generously. I think they themselves can also tell within minutes of seeing and talking to me that I'm a respectful, clean, & friendly individual. This arrangement seems to work out perfectly for now... it allows me to have fun without going through the hassle of pre-screening. I will try out the escort hobby soon, but I'm just too comfortable with my 'chosen path' for the time being.
Giving your real information doesn't hurt a thing ... as long as you're careful about whom you give it to. I gave all of my information to the first two providers I saw. My consequences? Zero. And after the first two, nobody wants your information any more. They just want to check with those two. Or, after a while, the most recent two. Or maybe they don't check at all ... I'm on P411, and I suspect some providers may just check that and consider you screened. Myself, I'd hope they'd be a little more careful than that, but many, I think, just go with their gut instinct. I'm not here to tell them how they should do business.

If you want, PM me and I'll send you the names of those two providers, who proved completely trustworthy in my case.
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Old 01-17-2015, 03:01 PM   #44
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Looking through the comments, I see that no one has mentioned pictures. Never send a picture of yourself. With tools like tineye a picture can be used to track down a link to your civilian identity.

Have a hobby persona, with name, untraceable email and phone number (burner phone/google voice with no link to you). Use TOR or at the minimum private browsing windows.

Build up cred by posting on sites like this one and writing some reviews of well-reviewed providers. Do your research on who you visit and they will do the same.
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Old 01-17-2015, 07:07 PM   #45
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I have been a provider for almost 9 years. I have NEVER EVER shared any info about my clients with anyone. I have an impeccable reputation and I plan on keeping it that way. I know most of my clients first and last name and where they work. It is a shame that the ones who can be trusted are painted with the same brush as these low life's that take advantage of the gentlemen who willingly share their personal information. Even after 8+ years in the business, I still get gentlemen to contact me wanting to meet me but after I ask for a name and work info. they refuse to give it. I have some who try to give me names of ladies who advertise on backpage whom has neither a website or reviews. How am I to know if she is legit or not. I also have some gentlemen who tries to use their handle as a way to screen them. Please tell me how I am supposed to know that is actually his handle and he is not using someone else's or a cop has got a hold of his handle and I am actually conversing with said cop? If this happens and I get busted, guess what that means, that means I will possibly become an informant and the next time you contact me wanting an appt and I don't ask you for specific information, then let me warn you, you will probably be the next to get busted. We had an incident here in Nashville not to long ago where a certain man got busted because he only saw ladies who didn't ask for the information. He then turned to be an informant and the cops used his p411 handle to write ladies for an appt. Because they never checked his ID to see if he was actually the one corresponding with them on P411, they too got busted. I want to know who I am spending time with. I don't know if you are going to rob me, hurt me severely or even murder me. I suggest that if you are not sure about a lady then don't see her. Do as we do, research that individual that you are thinking about spending time with. It will be well worth it. Some of you guys spend more time researching the next big electronic then you do on someone that you are going to spend more money on than that electronic. At least you may be able to take that item back if you don't like it. I had a gentleman that actually told me that he was using his buddies P411 handle when I saw that the 4 numbers after his handle was not the same as his drivers license. If you want to get verified and not have to show information each time. Trust one lady with your information, then use her for a reference. If she is reputable, you will probably never have to show any of your personal information again. Besides, if a lady has a impeccable reputation, why would she want to fudge that up by screwing over someone. That makes no sense.

OK, I AM DONE RANTING. Sorry to be so long winded. I just had to get that off of my chest.

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