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Old 11-22-2014, 05:10 PM   #31
Nik McPratt
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Originally Posted by Muscleup View Post
Most guys don't have true ED. It's usually low testosterone that is the culprit if psychological issues, poor health, other medications, etc... are ruled out. I'm not doing it now but I was doing androgel for a while then 1 cm (M.I.) of testosterone cypionate per week. WOW! Major increase in desire and an erection that felt like it would cut glass.

If looking for natural ways to increase turgidity of erections, you might try high doses of Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (A-AKG). Take at least double what it suggest about 3 hours before on an empty stomach. Then again say an hour and a half before. This is well tolerated by most and won't hurt kidney function. Just drink a bunch of water. This stuff naturally increases your NO2 acting like Viagra, cialis, etc... I like MRI NO2 black. It's great.

Plus, I agree with ahobbist2. I regularly take multi-vitamins and 200mg of DHEA. DHEA use to be illegal and you could only get it by scripts from your Doc or underground. It is a testosterone precursor. That combo works best for me. I also stay very fit, run marathons and follow crossfit.com routine, etc...

MACA, Yohimbi, horny goat weed, and alike seem to help some folks. But its all for not, if you are in poor health, over-stressed, and taking a ton of meds. Nothing says "BOING" (getting a erection) like good health. Good luck and happy hunting!
That is a very good read. I do the Viagra now and it works well for me. I have tried the Liquid Cialis and it also works well for me. I used the DHEA for a while in the past and it worked well also. In addition to better erections the DHEA helped in exercise sessions. I could do more and wasn't as sore afterward. But after a few months it wasn't effective at all. Maybe a month on and a month off would have prolonged its effect. There is always a price, as Muscleup wrote if you are not active or in poor health it is an up hill battle. Just depends on how bad you want to enjoy sex and the effort you want to expend.
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Old 11-24-2014, 03:02 AM   #32
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Thank you Nik!

With DHEA, I had to increase dosage from orginally 50 mg to now about 200 mg per day to get same effect. It does help with the workouts as well.

You are correct, it would be wise to come off DHEA after a couple of months. Then cycle back up after 2 to 3 weeks. I usually do that but I increased dosage and prolonged usage instead this round. I'm attempting to meet a certain fit goal and needed the help. The health stats say you should stay at or under 100 mg due to potential exacerbation of prostate issues.

I really want to get back on testosterone cypionate combined with a little HCG (Gonadotropin), and anastrozole as needed. The HCG will keep your testicles from turning to raisins and the anastrozole will stop aromatisation (chemical conversion to estrogen) of testosterone. It will make you feel like you are 25 years old. This will need to be monitored and adjusted by a reputable physician. It effects your desire more than anything I've done thus far. Kind of a pain but WOW! The effects for me were great! I have no difficulty with "performance" but overall desire seems to waver. ED meds just swell the mucous membrane of my sinus and I get a big ol' headache.

But all this has a price physically. It's best to stay as natural as possible. As you might sense, I'm not accepting the aging process with grace. ;-)
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Old 11-24-2014, 01:29 PM   #33
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Based in my recent experience, I would think twice before taking anything sold OTC at porn shops. They definitely "work", but can also have some very unpleasant side effects, including greatly hindering your ability to reach orgasm. Also throw in insomnia, headache, and resulting blue balls due to the previously-mentioned side effect. This was on the "low" dose of a product called Miracle Zen.
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Old 11-25-2014, 06:02 AM   #34
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Absolutely buyer beware of the OTC at porn shops! Especially, if you order some of the garbage online. It's tempting but dangerous, if not a waste of money. If you take several meds regularly, some of this stuff can interact with scripted meds and cause a great deal of problems.

If you have problems with ejaculating, it's usually due to medication. Most, if not all, anti-depressant meds can suppress ejaculation. Conversely, if you pop quickly, low dose anti-depressants can be a friend. Combine that with a little Androgel and your set.
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Old 11-25-2014, 11:56 AM   #35
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Old 12-08-2014, 02:53 AM   #36
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There are several types of treatments available for erectile dysfunction. These include pills, injections, suppositories, pumps, constriction rings, implants and surgery. Let’s check out some of the common treatments used for erectile dysfunction.
1. Pills

The most common pills and medicines used to treat erectile dysfunction include Viagra, Cialis (tadalafil) and Levitra (vardenafil). These pills are safe and help to relax the muscle in the penis. They also increase the blood flow that aids in erection.
2. Injections

When oral medications don’t yield positive results, the doctor may recommend injecting medication into either the base or the side of the penis via a tiny needle.
3. Suppositories

Men who don’t prefer injections can use a suppository known as MUSE. It contains the drug alprostadil which is inserted into the urethra.
4. Pumps

Penis vacuum pumps are pretty effective for increasing the blood flow to the penis. They are easily available over-the-counter at alldaychemist, a well known online pharmacy.
Apart from the erectile dysfunction treatment methods mentioned above, there are many others that help in treating this problem. It is also necessary to take health supplements that are available for men. This can help in keeping men’s health intact during the treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Read these articles, Great information:
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Old 04-06-2015, 04:54 AM   #37
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This thread was dropping back but I guarantee the demand is there. Just ordered the MACA (http://www.greenpacks.com/) and will check with doc on liquid C. I have heard some amazing stories on Androgel in the last few days. I'm doing heavy vitamin "therapy" etc. as well. Again, after a good guy for some years, and now with not many left, I'm pulling the stops on getting what I need.
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Old 04-06-2015, 04:59 AM   #38
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One more bit: The DHEA (according to this little wiki-clip) may help me remember the good times...
It is the most abundant circulating steroid hormone in humans,[2] in whom it is produced in the adrenal glands,[3] the gonads, and the brain,[4] where it functions predominantly as a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of the androgen and estrogen sex steroids.[1][5] However, DHEA also has a variety of potential biological effects in its own right, binding to an array of nuclear and cell surface receptors,[6] and acting as a neurosteroid.[7]
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Old 04-06-2015, 11:59 PM   #39
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Some of my personal experience....

To watchoutthegameisrigged who said he didn't want to keep trimix in the refrigerator cuz his wife might find it... uh, dude, a personal refrigerator is like $100, depending on size. You can find a place to hide it? I actually kept mine at work for a while, lots of folks at my office have personal refrigerators. But, I moved it home to a closet. I also keep some regular vitamins in it that my wife does know about. So, that provides cover for the trimix.

I would prefer not to have to have trimix. It does get you hard quick. But, it has some drawbacks. For one, it sometimes leaves my dick sore. And, once, I guess I hit a blood vessel or didn't inject it right and my dick didn't get hard, I just got some weird buldge on the side of the dick. The girl was not impressed, LOL.

My doc (at Men's Clinic of America) says I have venus leakage. Which sucks bigtime. It means the mechanism that helps hold the blood in the dick doesn't work right. He said the only cure is testosterone treatment. But I've been getting T injections for over a year and still have it. Sucks bigtime.

And, for all the people talking about how this or that OTC works great, well, if you got venus leakage, no, it does the fuck not. Well, it can help some. But, not enough. At least in my experience.

And, Yohimbe raises blood pressure pretty significantly. At least in a lot of people including me. So, don't take these OTC stuff if you don't know what you're doing or you have other significant health issues, which men with ED usually do.

But, another one of the OTC supplements that is supposed to help a lot is pycogenol tree bark. Didn't seem to help me though. But, it has overall other health benefits and few side effects. It doesn't raise blood pressure, for instance. But, its not a quick fixer. You are supposed to take it for an extended period of time. And its not a cheap supplement. Though not outrageous. So, if you are interested in OTC, you might at least research this one too. But as I said, definitely NOT a "before you bang" product.
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Old 01-04-2017, 11:21 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged View Post
Trimix works but one of my problems with it is that it has to be refrigerated. If my wife stumbled across that in the fridge (as she would), I doubt that I could make her believe it was salad dressing. And she would damn well know it was not for her benefit since menopause killed that off years ago. You might try the "melts under your tongue" versions of the common ED drugs. They work fast and don't go to your stomach like the pills do, where they give some guys problems. They go straight into your blood and bypass the digestive system altogether.
Haha, I hid mine under the beer cans in a twelve pack in garage.
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Old 01-05-2017, 12:25 AM   #41
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Well the thing is, looking at this too plainly is just as bad as not looking enough, its 2017 now, that means a lot of new medical advancements. There are more than enough opportunities for OP to regain, at least parts of his Youth. Legal Alternatives to TRT; Other options besides Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Without a prescription? OTC Alternatives?
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Old 01-05-2017, 11:01 AM   #42
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I bought some stuff at pornshops liquid herbal crap and also tried some pills both gave me horrible horrible heartburn I mean like I'm gonna die heartburn. Don't do it!
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Old 01-05-2017, 12:28 PM   #43
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I buy an OTC product at Walgreens stores called Extenze Plus. It is available in either pill or liquid form. I take it 60-90 minutes before a session and I find it very effective. Very affordable and less side effects for me than either Viagra or Cialis.
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Old 01-14-2017, 07:44 PM   #44
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Cialis can be easily bought at Naps though, technically it's ''over-the-counter''.
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