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Old 11-15-2014, 08:07 PM   #16
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan
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Taking professional pics is fun and rewarding for a provider. Personally, I love all of the planning that goes into it and its awesome when everything comes together and I get some really beautiful shots!

However, I think I look better in my webcam selfies.

Some guys are worried that pro photos are over edited, but a good photographer will only do a minimal amount of editing and a sexy provider only needs a minimal amount of editing. I am not that photogenic, so I look way better in person than in my pro and amateur shots.
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Old 11-15-2014, 08:24 PM   #17
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I think amateur photography is the best. The professional ones are too model-like IMHO. There's nothing wrong with them, but I prefer the natural setting with natural lighting. Maybe throw in some outdoorsy pics?

But, on the other hand, I also can't stand those social network-type selfies. You know, like in the mirror with the smartphone and the duckface.

BTW, I have offered photoshoots to ladies before "off the clock."
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Old 11-15-2014, 08:33 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan View Post
Taking professional pics is fun and rewarding for a provider. Personally, I love all of the planning that goes into it and its awesome when everything comes together and I get some really beautiful shots!

However, I think I look better in my webcam selfies.

Some guys are worried that pro photos are over edited, but a good photographer will only do a minimal amount of editing and a sexy provider only needs a minimal amount of editing. I am not that photogenic, I find that very hard to believe. so I look way better in person than in my pro and amateur shots. Someone keeps moving to the top of my list.
My responses in red.
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Old 11-15-2014, 09:37 PM   #19
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Nice pictures.......
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Old 11-16-2014, 08:31 AM   #20
Vic Kosslovich
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Professional pics are nice since a lot of selfies are so poor that you can't tell what a lady really looks like. My personal pet peeve though is some of the professional pics that show the lady wearing specific things (like lingerie as an example) and then the girl wears only jeans or something of that nature. In other words, I want them to be fairly representative of what I should expect when I walk in the door.
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Old 11-16-2014, 08:44 AM   #21
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I personally want to see what the lady looks like. I think all the guys would agree we don't want to show up and find the woman looks nothing like her photos.
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Old 11-16-2014, 09:07 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Prolongus View Post
Too much Photoshopping on professional pics and soon enough, you won't look like them. So be honest with yourself when you "oooo" and "ahhh" over them...otherwise guys will spread the word in their reviews about them not being representational of you.

Selfies or client shots are a good mix, too, but they will sometimes have the opposite effect...personally I don't care for the zoomed-in twat shots. I've seen some pics of girls on here that will turn me off and not see her for fear of that "pic" looming in my mind during an orgasmic explosion.

Originally Posted by Prolongus View Post
BTW, that's a nice pic of you standing at the counter...
I bet she can't cook.
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Old 11-16-2014, 10:48 AM   #23
Eva Damita
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Some providers will probably hate me for saying this, but "professional" pics may as well be code for Photoshop. Just sayin...no names, but you guys already know

Lily Blake, however, is one of FEW who professional pics or not, looks exactly like her pro pics. I use to catch slack and pressured into airbrushed, glossy, photoshoppery, spend $500+shoots, from a provider here, but my shoots depict ME, not how I WANT to imagine myself as.

Luring guys in by deceit is not my style, so I am choosy with my photographers, and leave the typical, big ego photographers alone.

Hot pics by the way!
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Old 11-16-2014, 11:39 AM   #24
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Marketing is everything in this realm. If you don't splurge on professional pictures and a professional website, you will never be able to command the big bucks. You have to spend money to make money, but if you're happy being a mediocre hooker, then so be it.

This is $200k worth of advice and will be my one valuable contribution to the wonderful world of Etchy.

Ok, now back to trolling.
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Old 11-16-2014, 12:23 PM   #25
Randall Creed
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Pictures are SUPPOSED to be good. Cameras are made better these days. At the same time, a provider (or anyone) can train up and get made up to take a professional photo, and look great. If that person lets themselves go and eats at McD's for the next 3 weeks and looks less pretty and hot in person, that's on the person.

Professional shots should benefit the photographer and the subject. Wow. He/she takes great pictures. This is what we want people to say afterwards. Otherwise, what's the point? Everything that involves modern technology is 'enhanced', even selfies. Girls take those low angle booty shots and you think, ooh, she's got a nice ass! You get there and..not..so..much. It's deceptive photography.

Professional shoots are like wearing a shirt and tie to a job interview. It's like going to a good barber/salon instead of cutting your own hair. It's saying that you want to present a good image of yourself and you're using available resources to do it. Can you get great pics of yourself with selfies? Sure, but it's you can only do so much. You can give yourself a good haircut...sometimes. But a trained barber can do it better, because he/she sees your whole head in 3D instead of using the double mirror process (which can be tricky).

It's not up to the photographer to maintain a certain look of a provider. It's up to the provider. If she gains 20lbs after the shoot, that's not the photographer's fault.
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Old 11-16-2014, 01:10 PM   #26
Eva Damita
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
Pictures are SUPPOSED to be good. Cameras are made better these days. At the same time, a provider (or anyone) can train up and get made up to take a professional photo, and look great. If that person lets themselves go and eats at McD's for the next 3 weeks and looks less pretty and hot in person, that's on the person.

Professional shots should benefit the photographer and the subject. Wow. He/she takes great pictures. This is what we want people to say afterwards. Otherwise, what's the point? Everything that involves modern technology is 'enhanced', even selfies. Girls take those low angle booty shots and you think, ooh, she's got a nice ass! You get there and..not..so..much. It's deceptive photography.

Professional shoots are like wearing a shirt and tie to a job interview. It's like going to a good barber/salon instead of cutting your own hair. It's saying that you want to present a good image of yourself and you're using available resources to do it. Can you get great pics of yourself with selfies? Sure, but it's you can only do so much. You can give yourself a good haircut...sometimes. But a trained barber can do it better, because he/she sees your whole head in 3D instead of using the double mirror process (which can be tricky).

It's not up to the photographer to maintain a certain look of a provider. It's up to the provider. If she gains 20lbs after the shoot, that's not the photographer's fault.

Exactly. . . Professional photos CAN be done without deception and over doing it with the photo shopping. Some ladies mix photo shoot pics and selfies, which often works bc gents can see how she is in different ways.
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Old 11-16-2014, 03:15 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Eva Damita View Post
Some providers will probably hate me for saying this, but "professional" pics may as well be code for Photoshop. Just sayin...no names, but you guys already know

Lily Blake, however, is one of FEW who professional pics or not, looks exactly like her pro pics. I use to catch slack and pressured into airbrushed, glossy, photoshoppery, spend $500+shoots, from a provider here, but my shoots depict ME, not how I WANT to imagine myself as.

Luring guys in by deceit is not my style, so I am choosy with my photographers, and leave the typical, big ego photographers alone.

Hot pics by the way!
I like professional pictures tastefully done with little to no photo altering when I look for a lady. Your pics are HOT too btw Eva !
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Old 11-16-2014, 09:14 PM   #28
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I prefer an even mix of professional and nonprofessional shots. The selfies will appear to make someone look more realistic instead of possibly being Photoshopped.
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Old 11-26-2014, 09:55 AM   #29
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Mix it up and keep it fresh. While not a professional, I've enjoyed photo shoots with a few very nice ladies here. The editing for showcase/ ad shots consists of color balance, cropping, and usually some burning as I like low key and moody.

But, since photography is my major hobby, I've also done some creative treatments like digital paintings, things that are obviously meant to be seen as heavily manipulated rather than deceptive. While the ladies don't use this sort of image for ads, I've posted them here before. The subject of one such "artsy" shot told me she booked a great deal of new business the day after I posted it.

So, you just never know.
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Old 11-26-2014, 10:26 AM   #30
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I think one of the keys with a professional a shoot is getting a true professional. A really good photographer costs money. You get what you pay for. There are some really gifted amateurs out there. But, this is your livelihood. A really good photo shoot will help your business. Its an investment. You have to spend money to make money. A true professional buys the best tools for their business. Why would you do less?

You want some casual shots as well? Tell the photographer what you want and have him shoot some casual shots as well. A really great photographer will make you look the way YOU want, not what he wants.

And I think you look great in your photos now. The only comment I would make is all but one of the 9 photos is of your butt. Its a really nice butt but I am sure the rest of you is very lovely as well. Show more of it to us.
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