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Old 11-13-2014, 07:29 PM   #1
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Default Ok it's time to compromise......

Ok actually I am one who thinks that with 2 years remaining obama's legacy is not over despite a majority Republican House and Senate. Let's not forget that Reagan worked with a majority Dem House and Senate and Clinton also had a majority republican House and Senate during his term.
In the long run this could be a shining moment of Obama if he is willing to compromise with the GOP on certain policies. i think every POTUS regardless of part, has to find common ground on issues if they want to leave an impressive legacy- sometimes you have to swallow your pride and meet the opposition in the middle.

With that in mind- I would like to ask both sides: guys like Whirlaway, IFFORD, J.D, Jewish lawyer, COG etc as Conservatives what issues do you think your party could compromise with the Dems/

And for the Liberals- Yssup, I'havabiggin, BigTex, etc would issues do you think the Dems should meet the GOP half way to get a compromise?

Guys, I know we take jabs at each other from time to time, but let's face both parties have good ideas- even though I consider myself Independent I do think there are some GOP policies that would work and likewise I think there are some liberal policies that could work as well.

I will go first and mention 2 obvious policies that I would like to see Obama come to a mutual compromise with the GOP:

1) obamacare- I don't think it should be 100 percent repealed- I think there are many parts of it that needs to be removed and revamped where it won't be a job killing bill. Obamacare has some good laws and provisions but it's far from perfect.

2) KeyStone Pipeline; I am pretty confident that this will be signed into law by obama- I personally don't think the pipeline would be a bad idea if all the proper analysis has been completed.

honestly if the GOP House and Senate were smart they would compromise with Obama as much as possible in the next year and go in 2016 with the attitude that 'hey we got this country back on it's feet..re-elect us to keep the trend going- if the Congress does nothing the next 2 years- american voters will think you guys had majority House and senate and you have done nothing- time to re-elect someone else
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Old 11-13-2014, 08:56 PM   #2
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I agree with you. But unfortunately it will probably be the same old shit from both parties.
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Old 11-13-2014, 10:00 PM   #3
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We won't compromise on these Conservative Principles. RINOs might?

Nothing personal WED1911, you seem like a nice guy.

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Old 11-13-2014, 10:00 PM   #4
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On ObamaCare, my single complaint is the exemptions. If it is good enough for some, it should be good enough for all. So make the entire Country share equally.

The Keystone pipeline?. Get it moving, but with the most stringent inviroment all safety regulations. They did it with the Alaskan Pipeline.

Another item, get off the backs of the coal industry. We have more coal than the Middle East has oil. You can't tell me that in this modern age, we can't solve the pollution issues and make use of this plentiful resource.

Once and for all, come up with a nationwide declaration that marriage is a legal civil bond between two adults who wish to share their lives together, regardless of gender.

Get the hell out of the Middle East. If those 12th century barbarians want to kill each other arguing over whose God is right, let them. We need to develop all of our energy resources, wind, solar, coal nuclear, and oil, and be self sufficient.

Come to a realization that many of the policies instituted by the Liberal Agenda has done tremendous harm to one major minority, Blacks.

Accept the fact that our immigration system is in shambles. Try to get some type of legal status for the millions of illegals already here, while at the same time closing the Border. A big step in getting a handle on things would be to go after the employers of illegals. If Federal Marshall's walk into a Board Room and arrest the Board Members of companies that employ illegals, things would change.

That would be a start.
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Old 11-13-2014, 11:56 PM   #5
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Screw compromise. There is some things ya just don't compromise on. We need to secure our borders, dump this silly ACA crock of shit all together and get this Pipe line moving ahead. We need to stop playing Russian Roulette with this country before it is destroyed beyond repair, if it isn't already.

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Old 11-14-2014, 07:25 AM   #6
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They should bring back dueling in the house, and senate.
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Old 11-14-2014, 07:46 AM   #7
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Obama is not going to move to the center one bit. If anything he will move further left. This executive order for immigration is the first step. I will not be surprised at all if he vetoes the keystone pipeline deal when it hits his desk. The libs idea of compromise is for the conservatives to give up their beliefs and agree with them. I don't see that happening.

My question to you is why now? Why do you all of a sudden think we should compromise? Where was this benevolent attitude when the cocksucker Harry Reid controlled the senate?
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Old 11-14-2014, 07:48 AM   #8
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legalize weed and stop this racist Law.

change Obamacare so we are NOT a Nation of Part-time Workers

change Dodd-Frank to allow for less stringent buyback rules. loosen up UW Guides so Lenders will take more risk..
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Old 11-14-2014, 07:50 AM   #9
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Stop sending a thugs family to represent the US in front of the UN.
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Old 11-14-2014, 08:52 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Ok actually I am one who thinks that with 2 years remaining obama's legacy is not over despite a majority Republican House and Senate. Let's not forget that Reagan worked with a majority Dem House and Senate and Clinton also had a majority republican House and Senate during his term.
In the long run this could be a shining moment of Obama if he is willing to compromise with the GOP on certain policies. i think every POTUS regardless of part, has to find common ground on issues if they want to leave an impressive legacy- sometimes you have to swallow your pride and meet the opposition in the middle.

With that in mind- I would like to ask both sides: guys like Whirlaway, IFFORD, J.D, Jewish lawyer, COG etc as Conservatives what issues do you think your party could compromise with the Dems/

And for the Liberals- Yssup, I'havabiggin, BigTex, etc would issues do you think the Dems should meet the GOP half way to get a compromise?

Guys, I know we take jabs at each other from time to time, but let's face both parties have good ideas- even though I consider myself Independent I do think there are some GOP policies that would work and likewise I think there are some liberal policies that could work as well.

I will go first and mention 2 obvious policies that I would like to see Obama come to a mutual compromise with the GOP:

1) obamacare- I don't think it should be 100 percent repealed- I think there are many parts of it that needs to be removed and revamped where it won't be a job killing bill. Obamacare has some good laws and provisions but it's far from perfect.

2) KeyStone Pipeline; I am pretty confident that this will be signed into law by obama- I personally don't think the pipeline would be a bad idea if all the proper analysis has been completed.

honestly if the GOP House and Senate were smart they would compromise with Obama as much as possible in the next year and go in 2016 with the attitude that 'hey we got this country back on it's feet..re-elect us to keep the trend going- if the Congress does nothing the next 2 years- american voters will think you guys had majority House and senate and you have done nothing- time to re-elect someone else
WOW great post Sir

My take, with first a preface I believe that both sides must realize that we have become a much more heterogeneous society, and with that comes polarity which hopefully at some point, our so called leaders (as they are the ones to set the stage for the tone of this nation) will be adult enough to bridge the dichotomous nature of this once great country, instead of using it to separate and divide. As far a "do nothing" Congress, I am hopefully now that some of those bills (352 as of July 19th 2014) that sat on Harry Reid's desk (simply to make it look like the Congress was doing nothing) will maybe now proceed to the White House and then we shall see what the Executive Office does, or if will continue to be an impasse.


I believe that ACA should be eliminated totally and be developed from the ground up, for, as in the building of anything, the majority of time it can be easier to start over than it is to tear down walls, take out windows,take out electrical etc., the foundation is of the utmost importance of any framework.

Keystone Pipeline, the benefits can be great, energy security as well as job and economic security would be a great advantage for our Nation, and as was said, as long as it has been scrutinized and the prelims have been done by the many "independent agencies" (independent being the operative word, not governmental agencies) and if all appears safe, then we proceed with caution, but also be aware that with any new undertakings, there will always be issues and of course a bone of contention.
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Old 11-14-2014, 09:01 AM   #11
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If the GOP compromises (on border security first, on growth of government, on Obamacare) the base will not show up in 2016.

Obama can't compromise on anything significant in Obamacare (employer mandate, cross state line purchase, cadillac plan tax); if he does, the POS legislation collapses. The medical device tax is only a small part of what needs to be done to correct the harm done by Obamacare.

But anytime Obama is willing to truly compromise on significant issues let us know; so far he hasn't shown any signs of it.

I doubt the GOP will play hardball with Obama. Already Bohner is signalling his response to Obama's amnesty executive order = LAWSUIT !!!

A joke of a response.
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Old 11-14-2014, 09:02 AM   #12
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When they lose... It's time to compromise.

When they win... Not so much.
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Old 11-14-2014, 09:10 AM   #13
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No compromise until we get a truth and reconciliation statement out of Obama. Obama has to admit to his lies and deceptions over Obamacare, AND apologize to the American public!

And notice WE doesn't tell us where compromise can be achieved....even on Keystone he couches it with the caveat "if all the proper analysis has been completed"

Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post

When they lose... It's time to compromise.

When they win... Not so much.
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Old 11-14-2014, 10:15 AM   #14
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From 11 months ago On Keystone:
State Department releases Keystone XL final environmental impact statement

The State Department concluded in its final environmental assessment issued Friday that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline would be unlikely to alter global greenhouse gas emissions, but officials cautioned that they are still weighing whether the project would meet the test of President Obama’s broader climate strategy.


This POS president has been holding up Keystone (and the massive economic spinoffs) for what reason ?

Answer: To punish the fossil fuel/fracking industry and the communities that rely on it?

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Old 11-14-2014, 10:27 AM   #15
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Not Obama, Not The Democrats............The GOP Congress

Following the midterm election that some have termed a Republican wave, the majority of Americans want the Republicans in Congress -- rather than President Barack Obama -- to have more influence over the direction the country takes in the coming year. This is a switch from early 2012 when a slim plurality, 46%, wanted Obama to prevail in steering the nation.

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