so, either no one else has an inquistive mind, or they have only had perfect experiences, or perhaps I have touched on a taboo subject?
Real world example. Appointment with a very well regarded and reviewed provider from this site. We agreed on 7pm as the time. As I was traveling I got delayed and immediately called said provider and advised that I would be 15 minutes late. She said no problem, she did not have a following appt, so we would begin when I arrived. My assumption, perhaps faulty, was that the hour would begin at my arrival.
I arrived at her door at 7:12 actually. Walked in, chatted, used the restroom, got comfortable, had a very nice time, as the lady was talented as the reviews stated. Got dressed again, feeling hurried by the lady and was out the door at 7:50.
So, I did not get the hour that was originally agreed on from 7 to 8, and in reality only got 38 minutes of an hour. We can agree that it was my fault I was 12 minutes late, but the point is that I did not even get that full hour and it was apparent she was in a hurry to get me gone.
I was in the lobby, feeding coins into the coke machine and there she was leaving immediately also. For all I know, maybe she had an emergency but she could have explained that. Maybe I am a hugely boring, ugly, hard to be around customer and she wanted rid of me fast. Or maybe customer service is not what it used to be? Or maybe my expectations are not in line with the business and thus these questions.
I should probably add as background info that I am right at 60 years of age and to me the "journey" is much more pleasurable than the "destination". For that matter, the "destination" can be arrived at with my hand, thus the experience of the "journey", the excitement of a lovely ladies company, the thrill of being with someone enjoyable, are the reason I am willing to pay for this hobby, not just the ultimate outcome (or outcum?