Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Actually, SAangel, I strive to be Mr. Diplomacy and do ask politely for what I want.
However, that is very often not enough and I have been misunderstood many times in spite of trying to be nice.
People always seem inclined to read something into what was said that was never intended.
Oh really? Mr. Diplomacy? Allow me to bring up the recent past.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
. . . Caroline, you might want to take a bubble bath and sip a glass of wine and consider why you impute motives to your customers that may only be in your pretty little head.

Condescending and patronizing.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Well, first of all, Caroline, it was never my intention to ridicule you in any way whatsoever.
I respect providers because I know their profession is often difficult.
However, that imagined slight does highlight the exact point that I have been trying to make here.

"Imagined slight." Heh.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
. . . I can understand how haggling over price or wanting something not on her menu might upset her, but then arguing with a woman's logic has never been productive so it's better just to avoid that scene.
Oh, no, that's not misogynistic at all.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
There is actually a long list of valid reasons as why a client might request the first appointment.
We're still waiting on that "long list." Or do you just say things based on imaginary justification to back up your claims and hope no one calls you on it? I called you on it. The words came out of your mouth (figuratively speaking). I didn't force you to say them. Now I'm just asking you to back them up, or wear the brand that you're full of sh*t and will just throw out claims with absolutely no evidence to back them up, just so you can seem right.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
1. Flexible Schedule.
2. Prefer to be her first.
Hey, wait a minute here!
I just saw the trick!
You are trying to make me justify to you my early appointment, but I am the customer, you know, the one with the money, therefore, I get to decide when I want to see you.
Oh, that's right, you did try. And failed. Pathetic attempt to dodge by accusing us of trying to "trick" you when you ran out of reasons at (kind of) two. Yes, asking someone to back up a claim they brought up in the first place is very "tricky."
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Caroline, why are you being so damned difficult with me?
Because you thought you were picking on a weakling who was going to let you be a jerk and try to make me look like a fool for your own amusement and an obsessive need to feel superior. Except I find people like you amusing. You say things that are so rude, arrogant, insulting, demeaning, and ridiculous, and then are honestly shocked when people bite back. I bit back, and you're upset that I won't learn my place. Deal with it.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
This entire discussion began with one of your very own conclusions (not to mention erroneous)
You have yet to prove my position erroneous.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
If you could stop your runaway brain and be objective for a minute, you would see that the problem is actually only an imaginary one that you yourself concocted and projected.
Pointing fingers in the wrong direction, sweetie. So far, you are the only one that has concocted a claim he can't back up. There is no reason for a gentleman to demand the first appointment of the day other than the fact that he thinks she is (to put it politely) no longer "fresh" after she has seen someone. Asking for an EARLY appointment is not the same as demanding to be FIRST. We've been over this. But you chose a position without thinking it through and now you're desperate to be right, so you'll keep deflecting the hard questions and trying to discredit me whenever you get the chance.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I object to such a venomous and unfounded accusations of my sterling character.
Sterling character. Heh.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
. . . Furthermore, you might consider that your sessions would be more enjoyable if you would see your customers in a more favorable light.
I am very good at what I do and I enjoy it immensely, as I'm sure any of my wonderful clients would tell you. I simply don't suffer stupidity well. Which really is only a problem for you and WTF so far.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
. . .We won't speak further about this matter as we appreciate the modest limits of female logic, such as it is.
Lol, again, that's not misogynistic at all.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Well, I have been misunderstood before and I suspect that it won't be the last.
Perhaps it is time for you to consider that it is not we who are misunderstanding. Just a suggestion.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I have nothing against women. A good woman is a prize, but honestly they can be so exasperating sometimes.
Really?! It is fascinating to me that you don't see how many decades behind the curve you are when it comes to seeing women as people. The fact that most of the things you have to say about women could easily be lines spoken in Mad Men should be a pretty big clue.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
It sounds to me that you are more interested in creating an artificial argument than in seeing the reality as it is.
Once again, you are the only person that has proved they can't back up what they claim. No room to start accusing others of creating artificial arguments, I'm afraid.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
. . . I imagine that back when folks thought the world was flat, you would be right there with your meager math skills to show Eratosthenes how his calculations about the earth's structure were incorrect.
Did you really just try to discredit his simple (and correct) math on the subject by comparing it to people who disbelieved extremely advanced astronomic equations that they couldn't possibly understand? Maybe the two are the same for you....
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I do not understand the analogy in your cryptic message, Marie.
Her message was neither cryptic nor difficult for anyone else to understand. The problem, methinks, lies with you.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
So far I have received pretty much nothing except snide remarks, accusations and repeated requested for the list of reasons, but even that was not a legitimate request.
I assure you, it
was a legitimate request. You just choose not to believe so because you can't back up what you claim.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I will therefore offer another example of how unreasonable girls can be and just how trivial a reason she needs for cancelling an appointment.
Perhaps you should stop seeing "girls" and try grown women for a change. If you can find any that will see you.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
This truly demonstrates the level of maturity and genius with which we are dealing. I'm sure to you this is a scientific map and deserving of serious contemplation.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Do you mean to say that you ladies are only in this business because of the money?
. . .Here I thought you were all about customer satisfaction!

Sorry, couldn't resist. This is still one of my favorite little nuggets of your "wisdom."
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
So just where in the world, did you get that wild notion of the the vagina being "self-cleaning?
Science. Or what you might know as "vile magic." I really can't tell what your relationship with science might be. Doesn't seem to be a close one, at any rate.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Well, once again in spite of being a bright lady.
Thank you.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
you have reached a wrong conclusion, CD.
No, I haven't.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
. . .Emotional management is vital to a successful life, but very few practice, much less perfect the art-form.
You mean like dealing with rejection well instead of throwing a tantrum when the bitch refuses?
Originally Posted by WTF
Really....funny how you never acknowledged JessicaKnightly well thought out response. Was she trying to shame a female for having an opinion a man didn't give her.
Care to respond to her post?
Sure do. I probably wouldn't mind a lot of things that irk me now if my minimum was $1500.

She has a different business strategy and perspective. If you want to pay me $1500+ then I'm delighted to let you be the first and only of the day. But I only ask $400, so to make as much as her minimum, I have to work 4 hours. That might be two 2hr appointments, or four 1hr appointments. So, unless I only ever book dinner dates or overnights, not everyone can be the first of the day if I'm going to try to keep up with a $1500 minimum lady.
And somehow I doubt you and FG are seeing $1500 ladies on a regular basis, so she's not representative of the ladies YOU demand such special treatment from. I guarantee you there are things that irk her that probably don't bother me at all. It doesn't make my position or opinion on this topic any less valid.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Caroline, please heed my warning on this.
Do not mess with WTF.
Usually we keep him hidden under a rock, but sometimes he crawls out just to cause mischief or maybe run a sweet girl off the board with his acrid remarks.
I think he secretly wants to be the Queen Bitch of the board and feels threatened by you.
WTF is actually more like the Eccie version of Ebola, but we are working urgently on a vaccine for this deadly virus.
I appreciate the warning and the concern, but I'm very familiar with WTF and his bitchiness. I am unthreatened. It's a SHMB, and nothing he says can actually harm me. I like to keep that in perspective.
Originally Posted by WTF
I'll say....If I requested a freshly cooked meal and some cunty wench tried to shame me into taking a reheated one that others had taken a bite out of. I wouldn't be saying I was misunderstood, I'd be pointing out a crazy bitch and more than a few of her WK's!

That analogy doesn't work. If you requested a freshly cooked meal and then demanded that no one else had used the plate that day, whether it had been washed or not, the staff would laugh you out of the building. None of us are trying to serve you "reheated food." We will be fresh and clean when you arrive, or else you should write in your review that she was not and never see her again. We simply only have one plate on which to serve your food, and we keep it very fresh and sanitary. If you don't like that reality, then perhaps pay for play is not for you. You can't pay us to "rent" our vagina, and then get pissed that other people also get to rent it. You want one no one else touches? Put a ring on it and buy it. Otherwise, learn to share. And you are once again proving my position on the subject. Gents who request the first appointment absolutely mean that they think we're dirty and disgusting after that. Thanks for the assist, honey.