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Old 11-02-2014, 10:08 AM   #46
Alyssa Marie
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post

Don't fucking ignore this. This IS your business, simply because you're aware of it. You can do it anonymously, but her parents or somebody needs to know.

Attention-seeker?? Ohhh, no one's ever actually killed themselves before. They ALL bluff. Oh,wait...[record scratch].

Dude, do whatever you can to help this person, even if it's nothing but reporting. A little bit of intervention just might save her life, as well as an innocent baby.
After reading the first handful of replies I was shocked at how many judgemental people are on this board! Not only judgmental, but far from someone who should be giving their immature uneducated opinion on such a sensitive topic!

This lady isn't threatening suicide over a car. She obviously has a mental illness, one that no one here can diagnose the severity.

Call this number -
1-800-273-TALK and speak to someone.

They can contact her and see if she needs a welfare check.

The one truth is that this should not be a situation that takes over your life. If this lady is suicidal, besides lending an ear, there is not much you can do - she needs a professional.
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Old 11-02-2014, 10:16 AM   #47
Alyssa Marie
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Originally Posted by Devon Derriere View Post
I don't understand how someone that can make $2-300 an hour can't pay their bills? I mean seriously!
Until our government which makes way more than 2-3 an hour learns how to pay their bills, well...
Look at all of the celebrities who run to bankruptcy in years..
Look at the banks who needed to be bailed out..
Look at airlines who are not making profit..

It's called money management and poor money management exists everywhere.

I just saw a lady buying a big ole bottle of Absolut yet using her food stamp card for the rest of the stuff...

It's all around us that people can't control their money.

Are you perfect on your taxes and your credit report?
I doubt it.
Even my vanilla family members have issues here and there.
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Old 11-02-2014, 10:48 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by OTTER7001 View Post
I started a SB/SD relationship in October 2013 with a girl who lived in my town. She was going to the local College in my town and got pregnant by her boyfriend who lived 1.5 hours away and dropped out of College, but remained in my town and I took care of her for the next 8 months. We grew close and I developed feelings for her and vice versa. During this I paid her rent, car payment etc.

During the 9th month she decided to move closer to home to be around family and got back with her Baby Daddy. We still communicated, but didn't see each other. She broke up with her Baby Daddy again and is now behind on her bills and is begging me to help her, but I really don't feel the need to help her...that's not the question.

She is two months behind on her car payment, lost her car insurance and other bills are mounting up and she is stressing out. Her family is just as borke as she is so they can't help financially. Since I won't help her with her bills she is threatening suicide if her car gets repo'd.

My question is: should I notify her mother through Facebook and let her know her daughter is threatening suicide or just mind my own Business? I do care for her but I'm not real sure she will commint suicide, but having lost 5-6 friends due to suicide I'm not sure if this is a cry for help or trying to extort/bluff money from me. Any suggestions?
Mine is make sure she does it correctly so send her this instructional picture..

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Old 11-04-2014, 07:46 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by Devon Derriere View Post
mind ur own business... usually the ones who threaten it... are attention seekers. I mean.... look at the celebrities.. the ones who committed suicide. NO ONE knew it was coming.
The ones you lost, did they threaten before doing it?
Truly suicidal people dont tell people...

Id avoid this one... seems mental.
Good point on matter.She didn't want relationship/$$$ to stop.SAD.
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Old 11-04-2014, 08:39 AM   #50
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I'm glad so many advised you to report. True Story: Bad break up, I got the call and listened to his threats of suicide. I immediately hung up and called the authorities. He ended up in the hospital and got his stomach pumped. He's alive today, as far as I know. He was somewhat of a stalker, so I had to really lay low for several years and have avoided any mutual friends and acquaintances.

Anywho, having worked on a psychiatric unit, I learned some useful information. One of them was, never blow off a suicide threat! People who look back and examine the last days of those who commit suicide will usually then recognize just how serious the situation was, regardless of verbal threats or not.
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