Originally Posted by Kuhlarrow
Damn Abomb is that all you do is peruse my posts THEN go crying to Mods?
FOOTBALL!!! America's TRUE Sport!!!!
Based on photos above I guess I'm a Giants Fan? Nothing personal just love the Squeeze Plays in THOSE Giants uniforms...
I am huge football fan myself but I do like baseball as well unfortunately my astros have not been very good since jeff bagwell and craig biggio retired

but I am pulling for the royals would like to see a new team win it all for a change
Khul it is kind of funny that you say football is americas true sport since baseball has been around a lot longer...
Btw I enjoyed your pm a lot I am looking forward to the next one I hope that one is just as enlightening
See now that is sarcasm and I didnt even have to make a racist comment to do it but you continue to be you and I am sure you will get another ban just like you did last time. Have a great day!!