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Remember you said that. Tonight we are to be served a big, steaming pile of democratic bullshit. They are going to run ads saying that Republican budget cuts to the CDC is responsible for the Ebola outbreak. As you say, there have been no budget cuts and even the head of the CDC has said that extra money (above what they have recieved every year) would not have provided a vaccine for Ebola. So know that you are being lied to....again but the same people who try this same tired tactic every election.
I also notice that no one blamed Obama for Ebola and yet you reacted as if they have Timmie. That was a defensive reaction to a percieved threat that didn't exist. Gives us some insight into your mind. Why do YOU think Obama has some responsiblity?
The Investor's Business Daily shows Obama's proposed cuts and the actual mount given to the CDC and the NIH. The NIH has taken a modest cut but not the CDC.
Here is the actual proposed budget by the CDC for fiscal year 2012. Not that on page 11 they are reducing the amount of money for emergency preparedness by 71.5 million dollars. They also propose reducing education and research by 24 million. On page 15 they propose to reduce the money going to the public health infrastructure by 9 million dollars from the 2010 amount.
Save the amateur psychoanalysis for somebody that gives a shit Admiral. And, trust me when I tell you it isn't me. Get back to your October surprise fantasy.....
Democrats War On the National Institute of Health !
Below is a CRS analysis of the actual NIH budget for the last several years in inflation adjusted (real) dollars. It’s worth noting that after the Republican takeover in ’94, the NIH budget rose until the Dems took over Congress in 2006. The Pelosi/Reid congress was the first to flatline the NIH budget in nominal dollars. If they’re not careful, someone might notice, take the Dems at their word that the decreasing NIH budget is the reason we don’t have Ebola drugs yet, and blame the Democrats.
Below is a CRS analysis of the actual NIH budget for the last several years in inflation adjusted (real) dollars. It’s worth noting that after the Republican takeover in ’94, the NIH budget rose until the Dems took over Congress in 2006. The Pelosi/Reid congress was the first to flatline the NIH budget in nominal dollars. If they’re not careful, someone might notice, take the Dems at their word that the decreasing NIH budget is the reason we don’t have Ebola drugs yet, and blame the Democrats.
If by ARRA years you mean the American Rec and ReIv Act, 2009 to present, then those are the years that the Democrats never passed a budget and Reid/Obama were in control of spending.
And Obama and the Democrats proposed budgets that further reduced spending in the CDC/NIH.
The satanic so called leaders need higher/more taxes (1 example, ObamaCare) QE$'S and other forms of debt for endless wars.
I learned this in 4th grade civics class... The behavior when empires start to implode.
When there is not a real enemy create, fund and arm one!
Or 2 or 3 or...
And no presidential future candidate the MSM pimps out to the American people and the World will change things, remember that.
The satanic so called leaders need higher/more taxes (1 example, ObamaCare) QE$'S and other forms of debt for endless wars.
I learned this in 4th grade civics class... The behavior when empires start to implode.
When there is not a real enemy create, fund and arm one!
Or 2 or 3 or...
And no presidential future candidate the MSM pimps out to the American people and the World will change things, remember that.
The satanic so called leaders need higher/more taxes (1 example, ObamaCare) QE$'S and other forms of debt for endless wars.
I learned this in 4th grade civics class... The behavior when empires start to implode.
When there is not a real enemy create, fund and arm one!
Or 2 or 3 or...
And no presidential future candidate the MSM pimps out to the American people and the World will change things, remember that.
I believe it was also covered in "1984" by George Orwell.