Originally Posted by Gemma34
Hell, I don't know the exact channel for Mike and Molly, I just love tv so whether it is a cable channel or not, I dont care, so long as its good
yeah, I dunno what channel it's on, I was just poking at you to see how hard you'd slap me
Originally Posted by Gemma34
. What does them being fat have to do with whether I like the show or not??
if she was hot, then she may not be a star
remember the movie Varisty blues or "not another teenage movie""
The football player, billybob,
he lost all the fat he had, then couldnt get a job, and said
Personal Quote:
Am I alive? Yes. Am I happy? No. Did I throw away my career to be skinny? Yes. I wouldn't do [the surgery] again. I would much rather have died happy, rich, and kept my status and gone out on top.
via IMDB
I have never seen M&M, but I was told a rant today on my FB from one of my friends, BB guy, 9% bodyfat, etc.
""I just want to share my thought. All that shit about "ooooh i dont care about the look, i have a great personality, guys/girls should love me for" shit.
Bitch, nones gonna FUCK your personality, that's simple. None is gonna stick their dick into your womyn study degree. Learn it and come to terms with it. If you go out clubbing wearing slutty outfit, none fucking care about your goddamn personality. That is for one.
Secondly, none with great personality brags about it! People who are nice and fun to be around dont go telling others how fucking lovely they are!
And thirdly, there are thousand people with greater personality AND hot bodies. Why d anyone choose your fat ass and "great personality" if they can have both?
If you meet someone you fucking have to be attracted physically to even consider going further. What is so hard to understand? If you effingmybeautystandart dont expect me to fuck you! Go and fuck yourself.
And also why are you so fucking offended if some tells you to go and fuck another fattie? Huh? They also have great personalities, why do you want a package of hot body with it? Why wont you eff your own fucking beauty standard and get on with smelly fattas who dont wash clothes or him/her self?
And basically i cant believe someone has a great personality if the only thing they do is eating fucking junk and take nasty selfie with a dirty mirror and nasty room. None owes you a respect! Work for it or just die trying."
not my rant, but a quality one"
-we often have a dispute
target or walmart
he loves target and goes there and "spend a few cents more, but a lot fewer fatties"
my stance is I go to walmart, I save money and laughing(LOLZ) is healthy, so I win twice by going to walmart
Originally Posted by Gemma34
Melissa McCarthy is hilarious and a great actress. She's successful and making far more money than me and probably you, so I'm not sure her weight is a factor here.
Its not for me,I'd laugh too, like I laugh when I watch youtube of guys getting hit in the balls with a steel toed shoe,, or guys on TOSH, falling off roofs, trying to break windows with their foreheads...
Originally Posted by Gemma34
House was canceled 2012, I believe after 8 years of airing.
yeah, but I loved house
when I took genetics, I forgot the details of the assignment, but I used an episode of house,(Skin deep)(The search for the cause of a supermodel's symptoms causes intense feelings among the team, as new facts are revealed)
I made an old newspaper and wrote an awesoke "Dear Abby" letter using the the facts fro Skin Deep, asking for advice.....
recall that skin deep is about a hot female model who had a XY genes,(she's male)
and had, I think , testiciular cancer
at any rate, the work I did got me 20 extra points cause the visiting prof from Kauffaman Loved it
and I am like house, (soon as I'm done with skool) I can juggle, I have goood hair and I make $300k every epi---ok I'm told I don't get money from episodes of house, nevermind
Originally Posted by Gemma34
And on The Walking Dead, some parts may seem slow but it gets better and they scavenge the basics. Its a tv show, not a reality show. Besides, I dont want to see how they manage to find vitamins, I want to see them kick some more zombie ass!!
I like the girl with the sword, I am glad rick is dead, I'm sure where everyone is trying to go to?
and how do those zombies live without water?
I guess if I can deal with superman flying, wolverine have claws that get stored somewhere in his arm and come out via? majic?
then I can deal with zombies coming being alive

so do guys ever get tired of your mouth and spank you?>