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Old 10-06-2014, 07:59 AM   #1
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My ECCIE Reviews
Default What makes you say NO?

Ladies and gentlemen if I may ask.

What makes you say no to even the thought of spending time with a provider who advertises in your area or even any provider who is perhaps convenient to you. Maybe you're searching for someone in another town you have business in and seeing what your options are.
Now these are ladies you have not yet met, either in a social setting or BCD.

Could it be her advertising methods, online persona, her reviews or lack of same? Do you ask around about a lady prior to contacting her about a meating?
Have you ever started to schedule with a particular lady and then changed your mind to a definite NO because something you saw. read or heard made you decide against meeting the lady?

Pretty much the same question to you.
What makes you so NO to a hobbyist who contacts you.
Now, in the ladies case I'm also curious what would make you say no to a hobbyist you have met before as well.

Personally I have no problem saying no to a hobbyist who is rude or harassing, I think that's a given with us all..
Also, I have been known to turn down one or two gentlemen because of their online personas.
And one gentleman because of his board handle...
(sounds petty I know, but there you have it)
They may very well be perfectly sweet gentlemen, but their posting "style" reflected a personality I'd rather not spend time alone with.
So I exercise my right to say "No thank you"

And I'm sure some gentlemen pass by my profile simply because of my rate, age, body type, reviews, etc., which is their prerogative.
The best thing about our hobby is all of the choices we have.

So let's discuss,
What makes you say "No thanks"?
Perhaps some ladies and gentlemen might read these comments and realize they might be presenting themselves incorrectly.


We'll all get a good laugh out of it.

Thanks for reading.
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Old 10-06-2014, 08:32 AM   #2
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Old 10-06-2014, 08:37 AM   #3
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Exactly online persona. I don't mind posts but name calling/drama is uncalled for.
I think the guys think the same way. The saying you catch more flies with honey or in this case guys. Ha.
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Old 10-06-2014, 08:49 AM   #4
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I have several steps I go through, and at each step I might say "no". I usually do them in order.

1. Her on-line attitude. Does she come across as someone I would enjoy spending time with at dinner, in the car, on a walk, in private? If not, then I tell myself "no".

2. I scan her reviews for red flags. I read and see if the reviews confirm the personality i mentally conjured up from her writing.

3. How does she reply when I initially contact her? I don't need volumes, but a few sentences that come across as personal--and answer any questions I asked--are an important screen for me. If I ask "What general part of [invert big city] are you near?" Or "Would next Wednesday or Thursday be more convenient for you? " and her reply is "Hey Hon, can you come over in 20 min?", well that is a "no".

Those are the big ones for me.
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Old 10-06-2014, 09:17 AM   #5
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Negative online persona
Too many negative reviews (and I don't mean "honest", I mean nitpicky and whiny)
Dishonest about outcall location (i.e. he says "near Ann Arbor", I google map the addy and it's 30 miles south of A2 in a very isolated rural area)
More than one nc/ns or last minute cancellation
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Old 10-06-2014, 09:55 AM   #6
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Poor attitude. I have a special place in my heart for smartasses. Vindictive or whiny? No thanks.

You set off my internal creeper alert.

You have a history of NC/NS or cancellations. I understand things happen but a habitual pattern is hard to argue against.
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Old 10-06-2014, 09:59 AM   #7
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posting tiny photos.

not being able to spell.

you laugh, but i'm as serious as an episode of general hospital. anything that makes me think a girl may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer is an immediate red flag. i may miss some good ones, but the odds are that a dumb girl and i aren't going to have much fun.

also, endless paragraphs about how awesome and stunning you are. seriously. i can decide that for myself.
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Old 10-06-2014, 10:04 AM   #8
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That is how I go about it too.
I might add that I don't care if you are agency or indepedent, just say so.
Don't say independent when it is actually an agency. I just like notice and I don't mind since I have used agencies in the past but I like to know if I am talking to a booker or the gal herself.

Old T, I completely agree with you,I can tell right away if the gal is interested or ymmv by the way she responds. You usually know right off the bat if it is gonna work out. This comes my personal experience starting out in the hobby and lessons learned the hard way. I learned from it but wished I never tried in the 1st place. This goes for any conversations I strike with gals at strip club or bar.

Any inconsistencies in reviews is a red flag like you nailed it Old T. I don't hobby much anymore if any but these are things newbies should keep in mind. I still enjoy reading the threads and posts.

Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
I have several steps I go through, and at each step I might say "no". I usually do them in order.

1. Her on-line attitude. Does she come across as someone I would enjoy spending time with at dinner, in the car, on a walk, in private? If not, then I tell myself "no".

2. I scan her reviews for red flags. I read and see if the reviews confirm the personality i mentally conjured up from her writing.

3. How does she reply when I initially contact her? I don't need volumes, but a few sentences that come across as personal--and answer any questions I asked--are an important screen for me. If I ask "What general part of [invert big city] are you near?" Or "Would next Wednesday or Thursday be more convenient for you? " and her reply is "Hey Hon, can you come over in 20 min?", well that is a "no".

Those are the big ones for me.
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Old 10-06-2014, 10:34 AM   #9
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For me, smoking status is the #1 "no" generator. "Occasional/social" = smoker. "Daily" = heavy smoker. No answer = smoker. In my experience, people who smoke quickly lose a lot of their sense of smell and taste; then, they assume that nonsmokers can't smell or taste any more than they (the smoker) can. Not correct. The smoke residue clings to hair, clothing, and skin. It's also quite unmistakable in a lady's (natural) vaginal lubrication.

Obviously. many clients smoke themselves, and probably lots more don't smoke but don't find it unpleasant, so it's very much a "YMMV" thing. For me, though, it's a dealbreaker.
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Old 10-06-2014, 10:37 AM   #10
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I have a few things I look for that will automatically rule her out. These are my dealbreakers:

cbj only
no daty
5'7" or taller
145 lbs or heavier
over $200 hr.

Just my preferences
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Old 10-06-2014, 10:48 AM   #11
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her pics/stats of course (she has to be my type), if she smokes, poor reviews or too many reviews (I prefer UTR), services she does/doesn't do, price (too low and its suspicious, too high makes me not want to repeat).. I usually shoot off an email on her schedule and if she isn't easy to communicate with that's a red flag that she could NCNS

a big one also is what part of town her incall is

I think a provider shouldn't feel slighted if a guy doesn't see her when she comes to town.. I mean a lot of us have SO's, jobs, etc. plus there are a lot of options to choose from, its not like we can see everyone who visits
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Old 10-06-2014, 12:11 PM   #12
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I have a certain 'preference' for attitude, age, and beauty. economics factor into it. the reviews ... not very many I trust but if everything avoids setting off any sort of alarm for me .. here is one of my favorites - she has some stretch marks and a slight mommy tummy but it's not noticeable ... well YOU saw it and wrote about it so YOU must have noticed it - unless I LIKE stretch marks and a mommy tummy I might say no.

economics plays a slight factor but I personally would rather have one excellent encounter rather than 2 encounters where one might even be slightly disappointing.
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Old 10-06-2014, 12:47 PM   #13
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Here is my list of redflag items.

An add that looks like it came straight off backpage.
Attitude she has when contacted.
Different pricing on different sites.
Not MSOG friendly.
Drama....I will pass on an entire group of ladies that are in a clique. Just because.
A string of bad reviews (hey occasionally they happen) but not in a string of say, five in a row.
Pricing has nothing to do with it. As long as I am attracted physically first.
If I have to save a little to see her. Then I will, if she can peak my curiosity.

And I must say. There is one right now,that has my curiosity raised.

Disclaimer. ......there is nothing wrong with backpage. If thats a venue you wish to pursue. But sites like this should be a little more professional. IMO
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Old 10-06-2014, 01:00 PM   #14
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I've not seen too many ladies who were a big turn off, they carry themselves pretty well. But if they seem like a deer in the headlights while I'm there like a big truck is going to hit them and they have a blank stare, or text while screwing, I'm not going to be impressed by their multi-tasking skills. Not making me feel relaxed by setting the clock, or turning over the hour glass as soon as I walk in doesn't help. Wanting to make me wait while they eat lunch is another.
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Old 10-06-2014, 01:11 PM   #15
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I can't really rely on her on-line attitude cuss mostly everyone this days acts like a big ass or know it all online behind a pc and in person there totally different ..Mostly go by reviews of her attitude in her sessions and i like selifes none of this so called fancy photoshopped pics ..nothing more disappointing when you get there and you see stretch marks, mommy scars , blemishes or all tatted up !
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