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Old 09-08-2014, 01:41 AM   #1
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Default cracked articles I liked

I like cracked.com

here I'll make a few of their links I like

5 Scientific Explanations for Your Sexual Perversions


5 Facts Everyone Gets Wrong About Depression


5 Unexpected Things I Learned from Having an Addiction

Read more
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Old 09-08-2014, 05:32 PM   #2
Dr. Vanity
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Lol. Seems like to me... This cracked. Com... Is a website that has a unique way to offer sarcastic ass common sense to those who have in common of not making sense of the things that just makes sense.. But may not be so common.... Make sense? Blah haha hahaha
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Old 09-12-2014, 09:52 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Dr. Vanity View Post
Lol. Seems like to me... This cracked. Com... Is a website that has a unique way to offer sarcastic ass common sense to those who have in common of not making sense of the things that just makes sense.. But may not be so common.... Make sense? Blah haha hahaha
Cracked tells you facts about things that you may believe are not so and then backs it up with facts
and some of the cracked articles are just funny or to stun you with facts



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Old 10-08-2014, 05:33 PM   #4
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#1. Schedule Sex

If there's anything that soap operas (RIP All My Children) have taught us -- besides the fact that there's a 75 percent chance that everyone in the world has an evil twin somewhere -- it's that spontaneous sex is the true mark of a couple in love. If you're a woman and you're not grabbing your lover by the collar and thrusting him into the pantry to whet his penis whistle every now and then, you might as well divvy up the Blu-rays and call it a day.

"I'll take Die Hard and you can have the one where the woman uses sex as a weapon."
Unfortunately, this is far from the reality for most couples. There are hundreds of reasons an otherwise happy couple might find themselves going longer and longer without sex. And studies show that a good, active sex life is important for the overall happiness of a relationship. So what do you do when you are in love but just can't seem to find the right moment?
You make like a secretary and pencil it into your schedule.
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Old 10-09-2014, 06:02 AM   #5
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#67. Change the Reality of a Situation by Changing How It's Phrased

You're probably already aware that minor changes to the wording of a survey can alter people's opinions. During the health care debate in 2010, for example, four separate organizations conducted polls to see what percentage of Americans supported a so-called "public option." Their results ranged from a measly 44 percent to 66 percent support, due in large part to differences in wording. Calling it a "government administered health insurance plan -- something like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and older get" garnered 66 percent support. And calling it "a government-run health insurance plan" plummeted support to 44 percent. Calling it "Just what Mussolini would have wanted" reduced the number to 2 percent.
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Old 10-09-2014, 11:16 AM   #6
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. Drink a Cup of Coffee Before a Nap -- You'll Feel Better

Imagine you're pulling an all-nighter trying to meet a deadline, or driving all night trying to figure out which warehouse the Joker stashed Harvey Dent in -- whatever the case, you're incredibly tired and sleep is not an option. Traditionally you'd either take a nap or have some coffee (or a urine-staining energy drink), but it's one or the other -- either try to get a quick nap, or power through on a chemical high.

Or "highs."
But science, true to form, took these two seemingly contradictory options and decided to merge them together, like when WCW invaded the World Wrestling Federation. And it worked, and not in the order you'd expect.
Researchers found that a cup of coffee followed by an immediate 15-minute nap is a notably more effective method of staying awake and alert for longer than either coffee or a nap alone. Which is a bit odd when you think about it, since you'd expect the caffeine to keep you awake, leaving you teetering on the edge of falling asleep but not quite going over (this is known in the scientific community as the Edward Norton-Brad Pitt boundary). But the trick to the "caffeine nap" is that caffeine doesn't act immediately -- it takes about 45 minutes to be completely ingested, but the effect of the drug kicks in after only 15 minutes.

Which is why we recommend injecting grizzly bear adrenaline into your first cup of the morning.
See, what caffeine actually does is block your brain's ability to respond to adenosine, a chemical that builds up in your bloodstream the longer you're awake. The more adenosine you have in your body, the more your brain tries to get you to sleep. So by drinking coffee (or soda or a nice can of BAWLS) and then diving directly into bed, you can sleep for 15 minutes and get the regular restorative effects of a nap. By the time you wake up, the caffeine you've ingested is swimming in your bloodstream and dulling the effects of adenosine, stabbing your tiredness in the face.
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