This was posted on SipSap early this morning. I've not posted the supposed real names:
Today - 1 hours 46 minutes ago
sammi5209 and mich**** p****s got cops loking for them stay away guys they stsying at **** *** on west o st room ++++ sammi5209 is ******* * ******** and/or %****** R===a %****** and mich**** P***ps is &**** S****. they work together so FYI guys stay aw
That's just fucked up though. This poster doesn't indicate much of anything as to why. And what is the point of outing them? I can't help but suspect this is someone who didn't get their way? And is vindictive enough to try and out them.
Stupid crazy shit by some hobbyist.
Sorry if the posting doesn't make much sense with everything I've redacted. I hope I've redacted enough to not cause any problems. That is the complete posting, too, even though it looks cut off.