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Old 09-04-2014, 12:29 AM   #16
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Old 09-04-2014, 11:50 AM   #17
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Miss Shayla,

I want to thank you for accepting my apology and for the lovely conversation last night!! Thank you for being so understanding and sweet!!

You and I were both having a bad week and it is good to know that at the end of the day... two people can have a disagreement... say a few unkind words... apologize and then meet up to hopefully become good friends...

Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help while you are touring in San Antonio...

Your appreciative slave,

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Old 09-04-2014, 11:59 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Simon Riley View Post
[Staff edit. M]

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Old 09-04-2014, 12:38 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere View Post
[Staff edit. M]


But thanks for playing!
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Old 09-04-2014, 01:00 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
You devote profile space and your signature line to mentions of me and the fundraiser canceled because your boyfriend threatened to out people that participated in it and I am stalking and harrassing you?

Whispers, it amazes me that you fail to see that creating over THIRTY FIVE NASTY/OBSESSIVE/HATE FILLED THREADS about ME is STALKING...

Because of YOU and your CRONIES I was OUTED ON JUNE 13th, 2014 and I had to move my in call and my home so, that I would be SAFE...


Now, while I was very UPSET & HURT by all of that I have NOT DONE ANYTHING to YOU or any of the other people who has stalked and harassed me for 8 months...

I have hit the rtm button, I have written letters to St. Chris and to administration and APPARENTLY it IS OK FOR YOU TO PUBLICLY THREATEN & STALK ME...

You have compromised the safety of my family and the ONLY THING I EVER DID TO YOU was sign up for YOUR CHRISTMAS FUNDRAISER so, that I could in some small way give back to the community...

I love and adore children and I refused to even allow you to put me in the lottery for the prizes... You never ONCE HAD TO ASK ME TO FULFILL MY PART OF THE BARGAIN... I GLADLY contacted the gentleman that won me and within 30 days of the auction I had fulfilled my obligation...

it was a pure and selfless gesture on my part and in return you have stalked, harassed and slandered my name for almost a year...

You are at the center of discussion in regards to all the outings of ladies in san antonio that do not agree with you and you threaten a lady bringing her kids in it and it's MY fault?

Shayla and I were both having a bad week and we BOTH have admitted that we took our anger and frustration about life on each other... We have both apologized... we have chatted and she is doing me the honor of allowing me to buy her lunch so, that we can meet and enjoy some fellowship...

In the REAL WORLD people DO GET UPSET and SAY things that they do not mean... and those people are allowed to MAKE UP & MOVE ON... However, this is not something that you can comprehend...

I should have never mentioned OLD THREADS THAT YOU HAD CREATED ABOUT HER... I have no idea who Shayla is in real life and nor do I need to ... All I need to know is that she is a woman working VERY HARD to support herself and her children and I didn't need to make her day any harder by taking my frustration out on her...

So, I did the stand up thing and I apologized PUBLICLY because she DESERVED THAT RESPECT from me... Something YOU do not...

WOW...... Zero responsibility shown even in her apology.....

I have no problem owning up to my responsibilities but I refuse to allow your bullying, your lies and your hidden agenda's to change WHO I AM...

I made a mistake... I said some very unkind words and I have APOLOGIZED for them...

I have not CREATED 35 THREADS & POLLS about SHAYLA and nor will I...

How many MORE THREADS & POLLS will YOU create about ME? When will the stalking stop? OUTING was not enough was it? You publicly THREATENED ME IN SAN ANTONIO... You are having me watched at CK1942's Socials... You monitor everyone of my posts and you have for 8 MONTHS...

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Old 09-04-2014, 01:08 PM   #21
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And you've garnered some 80 reviews in that time frame. I would consider that a testament to you and a colossal failure on others!
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Old 09-04-2014, 01:34 PM   #22
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SG, I believe a lot of what you're seeing stems from Ricky's actions (and others). Do I agree with the attention being directed towards you? Not fully.

Is it fair that you're dragged into this because of Ricky? Have you played no part in anything that Ricky has done?

We know you have a huge sway over Ricky's actions. The only time I've actually seen Ricky sincerely apologize was right after you chastised him for flooding the Coed forum with multiple threads, attacking PDid (if I recall correctly). Prior to that, Ricky had unapologetically cussed out everyone, to the extent of bragging about breaking rules and doing whatever he wanted to.....antagonizing many members....

Seeing that Ricky continues the hostility that goes on outside the boards, are we to believe that you do not condone his actions? If you'd willed it, would he not stop? Whose behalf is he acting on?

I don't believe you to be the malicious character W is painting you to be, but I do believe you have the power to change the wrongdoings of others acting on your behalf, and not doing so makes me wonder if you support their actions. Do you?

PS. Your apology towards Shayla is commendable.....honest and sincere. Would be nice to see you honestly sort out the feuds that's gone on with other providers with the same level of classiness....
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Old 09-04-2014, 01:54 PM   #23
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None of this bs name calling/threatening/outing would happen if everyone who had issues with each other would just meet and talk it out. That would be something wouldn't it?
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Old 09-04-2014, 02:04 PM   #24
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I think this is where SG and Shayla have a muff diving competition on video and post it here for us to see...........
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Old 09-04-2014, 02:20 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by newcumerz View Post
None of this bs name calling/threatening/outing would happen if everyone who had issues with each other would just meet and talk it out. That would be something wouldn't it?
Amen, bruther! Both camps have made mistakes. Eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.
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Old 09-04-2014, 02:45 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by BoomShakaLaka View Post
I think this is where SG and Shayla have a muff diving competition on video and post it here for us to see...........
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Old 09-04-2014, 02:49 PM   #27
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So Whispers started yet ANOTHER thread to respond to SG. It will be informative if there's no responses.
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Old 09-04-2014, 02:52 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Beagle View Post
SG, I believe a lot of what you're seeing stems from Ricky's actions (and others). Do I agree with the attention being directed towards you? Not fully.

Is it fair that you're dragged into this because of Ricky? Have you played no part in anything that Ricky has done?

We know you have a huge sway over Ricky's actions. The only time I've actually seen Ricky sincerely apologize was right after you chastised him for flooding the Coed forum with multiple threads, attacking PDid (if I recall correctly). Prior to that, Ricky had unapologetically cussed out everyone, to the extent of bragging about breaking rules and doing whatever he wanted to..... antagonizing many members....

Seeing that Ricky continues the hostility that goes on outside the boards, are we to believe that you do not condone his actions? If you'd willed it, would he not stop? Whose behalf is he acting on?

I don't believe you to be the malicious character W is painting you to be, but I do believe you have the power to change the wrongdoings of others acting on your behalf, and not doing so makes me wonder if you support their actions. Do you?

PS. Your apology towards Shayla is commendable.....honest and sincere. Would be nice to see you honestly sort out the feuds that's gone on with other providers with the same level of classiness....
Very well said and someday in the future I would not be surprised if it is proved out that Ricky was playing all sides against each other...... creating controversy that drove her to need him..... then solving it to improve his standing with her....

There is no acceptable excuse for threatening to out someone..... for dragging their issues with their kids into an argument on a SHMB..... That is something she owns....

Whether or not he is manipulating things for the best possible outcome for him there is no shortage of those that seem to believe her involvement is clear.
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Old 09-04-2014, 02:53 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Louigi View Post
So Whispers started yet ANOTHER thread to respond to SG. It will be informative if there's no responses.
Yes. It will.....
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Old 09-04-2014, 03:16 PM   #30
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I've been watching the current conflict in the coed section of this board and I am just very surprised that supposed adults can run around acting like children on the school grounds. Damn,I think you all need some time in detention with each other and some nun with a ruler to keep you in line….LOL..

I always thought this place was about information sharing but in a fun way since the hobby is supposed to be FUN,and I am all about HAVING FUN and SHARING…..

So,all you guys and gals that are mixed up in this fray,hurry up,kiss and make up already so the coed discussions can get back to the FUN INFORMATIONAL side of Hobbying versus all this Dark,Drama laden crap….Just my $0.02…
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