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Old 08-24-2014, 08:57 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Consider this, A-Hole, here you are with your raving, hypocritical vituperations while your lame-ass has yet to produce one bit of factual evidence to back up your earlier jackass accusation, A-Hole.

And for your future reference, A-Hole, none of your raving makes you one iota less of a dupe for Old-Twerp.

And here's another FYI for you, A-Hole, Old-Twerp has more than demonstrated that he is pretty damn fast and loose with the insults, you hypocritical jackass.

In conclusion, let's reiterate: since you have so impotently failed to back up your earlier lame-ass accusation with substantive proof, all that you've demonstrated, A-Hole, is that you are a stupid and pathetic little dupe.

Look, Old-Twerp's lap dog bitch is yelping. Gaping wide open like the ass-hole you are, A-Hole.

But everybody knows that when it comes to you making "choices", BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, you always miss the real objective and end up all wet.
Hey Parrot Dick, you’re real good at repeating insults you hear. I call you an A-hole so you regurgitate it a handful of times, trying to make it seem like you knows what it means. I call your laddog bitch a lapdog bitch and now you parrot that one too. What a dirtbag.

Hey Becco, Why would I attack T? He didn’t attack me. Is wittle baby Hankering crying because someone hurt your wittle feelings? You throw shit my way I’ll shovel it right back at you. But I won’t start it, A-hole. You have a problem with T’s language, you take that up with him like a real man would, not Polly Hankering. Don’t attack me as a surrogate and don’t send your lapdog bitch to do your dirty work just because you don’t have the balls to do it yourself. I stand corrected, Parrot Dick isn’t right, it’s Polly Parrot, the ballless, dickless parrot.

I’ve had my bit of fun with your sorry ass for a while. I’m sure you’ll get the last word in. I’m sure it will be as stupid as your words so far.

I’ll drop in later when I need a good laugh, Polly Parrot.
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Old 08-24-2014, 09:05 PM   #122
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by A.Reader View Post
Hey Parrot Dick, you’re real good at repeating insults you hear. I call you an A-hole so you regurgitate it a handful of times, trying to make it seem like you knows what it means. I call your laddog bitch a lapdog bitch and now you parrot that one too. What a dirtbag.

Why would I attack T? He didn’t attack me. Is wittle baby Hankering crying because someone hurt your wittle feelings? You throw shit my way I’ll shovel it right back at you. But I won’t start it, A-hole. You have a problem with T’s language, you take that up with him like a real man would, not Polly Hankering. Don’t attack me as a surrogate and don’t send your lapdog bitch to do your dirty work just because you don’t have the balls to do it yourself. I stand corrected, Parrot Dick isn’t right, it’s Polly Parrot, the ballless, dickless parrot.

I’ve had my bit of fun with your sorry ass for a while. I’m sure you’ll get the last word in. I’m sure it will be as stupid as your words so far.

I’ll drop in later when I need a good laugh, Polly Parrot.
Where's your fuckin' proof to back up your first jackass accusation, A-Hole? That's right, A-Hole, you don't have anything to back up your jackass accusation except that you're Old-Twerp's dupe parroting what the fuck Old-Twerp said, A-Hole.
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Old 08-24-2014, 09:17 PM   #123
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Are you breaking in a new "pet name" for a fellow poster, IBIdiot? Huh, IBIdiot? Are you really IBIdiot trying IBIdiot to IBIdiot brand IBIdiot a IBIDiot new IBIdiot poster IBIdiot an IBIdiot A-Hole IBIdiot?

You calling someone an A-Hole is like the pot calling the kettle the N word.
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Old 08-25-2014, 06:08 AM   #124
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
No, you're the one who doesn't get it. What the Nazis did in the Holocaust was morally wrong by contemporary, 20th century European (Western) standards. It was never acceptable.

Conversely, what the South was doing in 1860 was still accepted as the moral norm by both Southerners and many if not most Yankees. Mr. Lincoln was a minority president, almost no one in the South voted for him. While he disliked slavery, he wasn't an radical abolitionist when he took office. Furthermore, Mr. Lincoln was a racist by today's PC standards.

Contemporary, Britain and France didn't end slavery in their respective empires until about the 1840s and 1850s, and slave owners were, for the most part, somewhat compensated for the economic costs of emancipation.

Despite this mid-century shift in Western morality, pseudo-slave conditions in the Belgian Congo up through the beginning of the 20th century were notoriously atrocious. Plus, the ivory trade in East Africa, which was subsidized by some New England businesses, helped perpetuate the slave trade and misery in East Africa into the late 19th century.

Hindsight now shows that slavery as a socially accepted institution was on its way out in Western society by 1860. Nevertheless, at that particular time, it was still widely tolerated and practiced around the world, and contemporary 19th century men and women knew that.

Slavery preexisted the Confederate States of America by thousands of years, and 150 years after the end of the American Civil War and ratification of the 13th Amendment in the USA, slavery continues to exists. It is still widely practiced in Africa and other regions despite being totally abhorred by the rest of the civilized world.
Even with almost 13,000 posts you remain as clueless as ever IBMassa.

“No, you're the one who doesn't get it. What the Nazis did in the Holocaust was morally wrong by contemporary, 20th century European (Western) standards. It was never acceptable.”

Really? Now you backtrack and say “European” standards are your norm. You imply Asian, African, and South American standards don’t count. Nice of you to be so open minded. Let’s see: in the 20th century we saw gulags (complements of a European). Ethnic cleansing (wasn’t that somewhere in Europe?). The Great Leap Forward. Pol Pot. Uganda. Rwanda. Bataan. Sadly, seems butchery and mass murders WERE “accepted” in lots of places around the world.

But in your sick world view all that is ignored to try and make your pitiful point that “What the Nazis did in the Holocaust was morally wrong by contemporary, 20th century European (Western) standards” while spinning things differently when it comes to your beloved slave owning Dixie.

No, the Nazis were completely wrong even though similar atrocities were widely practiced elsewhere in the world in that century. AND IN THE SAME WAY, SLAVERY IN THE SOUTH WAS COMPLETELY WRONG EVEN THOUGH SIMILAR ATROCITIES WERE PRACTICED ELSEWHERE IN THE WORLD IN THAT CENTURY. Just as they were wrong whether slavery had existed for a year or 10,000 years before the confederacy tried to separate so they could continue their evil ways. If you think someone needs “proof” to say that slavery is wrong, was wrong, or will be wrong, then you are beyond hope. What are you looking for? A videotaped interview of a black man as he is being whipped?

Just admit it—you just don’t see slavery as wrong. That is why you continue to put out this trash trying to defend it, deflect it, and say "it really wasn't that bad". Certainly not if it is the backbone of a free Dixie. Certainly not when you daydream about sitting there on the veranda of the plantation with a couple nubile slave women who are supposed to attend to your every sick perversion.

Most people do a better job of hiding their sickness. You are so far gone you revel in it.
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Old 08-25-2014, 09:25 AM   #125
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Massa Overseer be waving that gay flag one mo time!
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Old 08-25-2014, 10:21 AM   #126
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Even with almost 13,000 posts you remain as clueless as ever IBMassa.

“No, you're the one who doesn't get it. What the Nazis did in the Holocaust was morally wrong by contemporary, 20th century European (Western) standards. It was never acceptable.”

Really? Now you backtrack and say “European” standards are your norm. You imply Asian, African, and South American standards don’t count. Nice of you to be so open minded. Let’s see: in the 20th century we saw gulags (complements of a European). Ethnic cleansing (wasn’t that somewhere in Europe?). The Great Leap Forward. Pol Pot. Uganda. Rwanda. Bataan. Sadly, seems butchery and mass murders WERE “accepted” in lots of places around the world.

But in your sick world view all that is ignored to try and make your pitiful point that “What the Nazis did in the Holocaust was morally wrong by contemporary, 20th century European (Western) standards” while spinning things differently when it comes to your beloved slave owning Dixie.

No, the Nazis were completely wrong even though similar atrocities were widely practiced elsewhere in the world in that century. AND IN THE SAME WAY, SLAVERY IN THE SOUTH WAS COMPLETELY WRONG EVEN THOUGH SIMILAR ATROCITIES WERE PRACTICED ELSEWHERE IN THE WORLD IN THAT CENTURY. Just as they were wrong whether slavery had existed for a year or 10,000 years before the confederacy tried to separate so they could continue their evil ways. If you think someone needs “proof” to say that slavery is wrong, was wrong, or will be wrong, then you are beyond hope. What are you looking for? A videotaped interview of a black man as he is being whipped?

Just admit it—you just don’t see slavery as wrong. That is why you continue to put out this trash trying to defend it, deflect it, and say "it really wasn't that bad". Certainly not if it is the backbone of a free Dixie. Certainly not when you daydream about sitting there on the veranda of the plantation with a couple nubile slave women who are supposed to attend to your every sick perversion.

Most people do a better job of hiding their sickness. You are so far gone you revel in it.
You are obviously too stupid to comprehend, Old-Twerp, how slavery was widely practiced by 19th century Asians, Africans, South Americans and, until mid century, by many European nations (in Africa, in the Caribbean, etc.) and Americans in the U.S. So it was, in fact, a universal "norm", Old-Twerp.

Contrast that immutable fact with your current pathetically, stupid argument wherein you highlight exceptionally horrific instances of 20th century genocide that occurred at different times and in but a few places and claim they were the moral "norm", Old-Twerp, when these instances were, in fact, very evidently disparate in both time and place and never close to being "universal" as you so stupidly and desperately try to argue.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Are you breaking in a new "pet name" for a fellow poster, IBIdiot? Huh, IBIdiot? Are you really IBIdiot trying IBIdiot to IBIdiot brand IBIdiot a IBIDiot new IBIdiot poster IBIdiot an IBIdiot A-Hole IBIdiot?

You calling someone an A-Hole is like the pot calling the kettle the N word.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Massa Overseer be waving that gay flag one mo time!
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Old 08-25-2014, 11:51 AM   #127
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And YOU are so stupid that you equate "popular" with "moral", and you very selectively choose whose opinions you do or do not allow a vote.

Slavery was immoral whether the majority approved or not. As is genocide.
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Old 08-25-2014, 04:08 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
And YOU are so stupid that you equate "popular" with "moral", and you very selectively choose whose opinions you do or do not allow a vote.

Slavery was immoral whether the majority approved or not. As is genocide.
Don't tell IBMassa that. he thinks he's in the white, errrr, right!
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Old 08-25-2014, 09:54 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
And YOU are so stupid that you equate "popular" with "moral", and you very selectively choose whose opinions you do or do not allow a vote.

Slavery was immoral whether the majority approved or not. As is genocide
You're the one who stupidly imagines that "morality" is immutable and something other than "popular", Old-Twerp ... or is that Old-THUMPER, because you're beginning to sound like a 19th century evangelistic preacher, Old-THUMPER!

"What is morality in any given time or place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like and immorality is what they dislike." Alfred North Whitehead

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Don't tell IBMassa that. he thinks he's in the white, errrr, right!
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Old 08-25-2014, 10:55 PM   #130
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Why did you doctor your own quote, faggot?

Is it because HE got your panties to shrink?

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Old 08-26-2014, 09:51 AM   #131
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Why did you doctor your own quote, faggot?

Is it because HE got your panties to shrink?

Your kind of porn, eh Assup?
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Old 08-26-2014, 10:24 AM   #132
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Actually it's IBHomo's ... Wait a second. You're IBHomo. At least this week you are. I'm waiting for you to begin channeling Slobbrin. Wait, you've done that too.

Who WILL you be this week, BJerk?

Glenn Beck say he love you long time!
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Old 08-27-2014, 02:49 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Massa Overseer be waving that gay flag one mo time!
He is mocking your introduction of it.
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Old 08-27-2014, 03:41 PM   #134
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that's rich. You are not only the official WK for the Idiot Klan, errrr, Clan but also it's official interpreter.

we know, you're retired and can do it all day.

But with your bare fist?
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Old 08-27-2014, 04:30 PM   #135
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
You're the one who stupidly imagines that "morality" is immutable and something other than "popular", Old-Twerp ... or is that Old-THUMPER, because you're beginning to sound like a 19th century evangelistic preacher, Old-THUMPER!
Poor IB. Now you are arguing that what is right = what is popular.

That is a pretty sad moral philosophy to live by. A moral compass that spins in circles. A moral compass that can be bought and sold with large advertizing budgets and a few charismatic speakers.

If you weren't such a bigoted blowhard I would probably pity you.
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