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"Entertaining Discussions or just blatent attempts atBlackmailing, Bullying and Harassment
Coed Discussions - AustinBoth male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!
I also feel reviews should have a "MAYBE" vote...for those times when you think "Meh, not for me again, but you might want to hit it".
Interesting, that is basically how I always viewed the Recommendation tag. As a "Yes, you might like" or a "No, you should avoid". I've never interpreted it as a "will/won't see again". I glean that from reading the ROS.
But I have changed a recommendation in edit mode to maybe before, meaning I wouldn't normally recommend, but some else might like anyway.
I'll go you one better. I think they (NCNS) should be a part of their record like "YES" and "NO". If a provider has a frequent history of NCNS it will be very obvious. If she has 1-2, everyone can realize those are exceptions & not the norm. Also, a girl would be allowed to say "It was a NCNS and heres why"...or ignore it...and if she continually ignores responding, but continues to accrue a lot of NCNS, its obvious to the community she is a flake.
I also feel reviews should have a "MAYBE" vote...for those times when you think "Meh, not for me again, but you might want to hit it".
Anything that's not a "YES" will be considered a NO by most hobbyists. But as we "all" know you can post a "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND" No review and stiff legs will still get in line. I bet EFN PM box is full LOL Some guys just like bat shit crazy.
It's easy to try and ruin someone's reputation when you don't have to have any proof and when you're arguing about the time an illegal act was supposed to take place.
Until NCNS can be efficiently and accurately (and FAIRLY) documented on this info share, it's up to you to decide who you wont to believe.
A John who has nothing better to do than complain about their screening incompetence/error or a provider with all Yes reviews that doesn't have a history of trying to ruin reputations throughout the community whenever they have a tantrum? And who probably has a much better looking ass?
Based on the title of being a bully and harassment aren't you the pot calling the kettle black....
Not just a few weeks ago you took it upon yourself to be a bully and not only question others who reached out when a grieving mother needed help burying her child....I cant think of a bigger bully then the person who not only posted negatively in a thread about reaching out for a call of kindness but also took it upon herself to start a whole other thread with the intention of adding further heartache by belittling the mother and those who reached out... so I say this is all coming back at you in a not so bright light..its called karma ..suck it up get back what you put out....
Karma for asking about policies on the board? I think you are letting your personal issues get in the way of your rationality. I'm sorry you felt bullied because it was your behavior that was being questioned and that you interpreted my response as "negative," but that does not make me a bully.
You should just think about this situation from the outside view. Retell this ENTIRE story(your entire story) in your head and use another provider, and i bet you'd see something wrong.... and then jump to the hobbyists side and itll probally all be clear.
I'm not sure why this young lady is so upset. I read time and time again how little impact ECCIE has on providers' business. There are so many other sources, blah, blah, blah. Hobbyists are meh. Methinks she doth protest too much.
Yes and we all know that everything on a SHMB is true!
Of course ECCIE isn't the only ball game in town. I learned that in California for six weeks this summer!
I do believe that ECCIE can impact a provider's business more than some care to admit. There have been plenty of provider meltdowns on the board when "called out." There have also been many providers who said they are done with the board, never going to use it again, etc and they are still here.
I will address the OP later, just logged on for a few things before enjoying some pool time.
One must ask if the mods are being questioned several times throughout your posts in this thread, why not follow your own advice and do it privately? No big deal this is more fun, but just putting it out there.
Based on the title of being a bully and harassment aren't you the pot calling the kettle black....
Not just a few weeks ago you took it upon yourself to be a bully and not only question others who reached out when a grieving mother needed help burying her child....I cant think of a bigger bully then the person who not only posted negatively in a thread about reaching out for a call of kindness but also took it upon herself to start a whole other thread with the intention of adding further heartache by belittling the mother and those who reached out... so I say this is all coming back at you in a not so bright light..its called karma ..suck it up get back what you put out....
Karma for asking about policies on the board? I think you are letting your personal issues get in the way of your rationality. I'm sorry you felt bullied because it was your behavior that was being questioned.
True. But a pattern of many different people relating kindred experiences reflects more than the vagaries of individual hobbyists and/or providers.
Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow
It's easy to try and ruin someone's reputation when you don't have to have any proof and when you're arguing about the time an illegal act was supposed to take place.
A prudent hobbyist isn't going to make a decision whether or not to see a provider based solely on one NCNS report, one negative recommendation or even, in many cases, one alert. Hobbyists who are so foolish, one would think you'd be better off not seeing anyway. No one appreciates bad press, but it's hardly the death knell of one's reputation. Ultimately a reputation can only be ruined in the eyes of others since there is no platonic reputation independent of those who heed it. A bad review or NCNS report might ruin a provider's reputation in the eyes of credulous idiots, but savvy hobbyists look for patterns, just like any client shopping for a service.
Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow
Until NCNS can be efficiently and accurately (and FAIRLY) documented on this info share, it's up to you to decide who you wont to believe.
Belief isn't a matter of what one wants. One either does or does not believe something to be true, and no amount of wanting to believe otherwise will alter that. I cannot decide to believe in the tooth fairy no matter how much the prospect may appeal to me. But that said, yes, everyone should take NCNS reports on both sides of the aisle with a healthy grain of salt. That should be obvious.
Pardon me for just a moment please... I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone posting in this thread, and I certainly don't want to poke the bear. I'm processing the idea that NCNS is hearsay. If a fella or any client has my incall address, then all expectations are clear and we've agreed to meet at a specific date and time. I don't, and I'm certain other Ladies do not give out that information until my due diligence is complete and we've agreed to meet. Things do come up, absolutely, but for myself, I email....15 minutes later I text..... 15 minutes later I will call. I extend to them the same courtesy I would expect myself. If they have made it to your incall, you're not there or haven't you haven't called, then it's a NCNS. They have your address as proof, how is that hearsay?
It's easy to try and ruin someone's reputation when you don't have to have any proof and when you're arguing about the time an illegal act was supposed to take place.
Does agreeing to participate in a session that may or may not be considered an illegal act, completely excuse oneself from treating others with professionalism, respect, and courtesy? Hummm.....
A John who has nothing better to do than complain about their screening incompetence/error or a provider with all Yes reviews that doesn't have a history of trying to ruin reputations throughout the community whenever they have a tantrum?
I did read the post that started all of this back and forth. To me, it sounded like a very frustrated fella who had exasperated all other avenues available to him. He used the CO-ED section to vent his frustration and disappointment. His behavior was far from a tantrum; he didn't call anyone specifically, or any one in the community in general a name, he didn't start any additional new threads on the subject to keep the conversation going or to ridicule, he carried himself with decorum and restraint while respectful of the subject and community.
As for unsolicited advice- listen to Eryn. She's absolutely correct. More sucking and less typing. Right Fighters tend to go down in a massive ball of flames. A little contrition on your part, will go such a very long way.
How many people are in there with you? Did you not read that the thread that will be left open is the one with responses already posted? You fucked up own it! Hell then you even posted your bull shit in this thread but continue to bitch.
Well in my opinion if a provider is straight forward and honest and does not bull shit her clients. Then the clients will have nothing bad to write about her.