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Old 08-18-2014, 10:29 PM   #16
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Default Clever, but wrong....again....

Oh, I got the point and the search filter you wish for will never be available. Because of that, you should probably move on to a different complaint.

Have fun. Play safe.
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Old 08-18-2014, 10:36 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by goud2geaux View Post
Looks like somebody needs to put his bifocals on and actually read the post since he totally missed the point. I don't care about their reasons nor what you did "back in the day." I'm getting along just fine. I know how to present myself, that incident is the only time it's gone that far. I don't have a problem with her preference, just her professionality, or lack thereof. I'm simply presenting a topic for discussion. If you can't keep up then go read something else.

You are the one with preference issues and you question a lady professionalism due to her preferences. You should find ladies you wish to see and look at their showcases and ads. Your requested information will probably be present. Or just continue downloading porn.
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Old 08-18-2014, 11:05 PM   #18
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Not every woman posts her bias just like not every woman discriminates at all. It truly is a snipe hunt these days, especially if you are going through backpage to find a companion. To be quite honest, it is part of the reason I've not posted in quite some time.

Lately, when I do see a provider, it has typically been one I've seen previously, enjoyed my time well enough to see them again and again. Every 3 out of 4 BP ad's have some sort of NBA policy these days. Some days I ignore the text and just call directly--some ladies only care that your money is green, you're not trying to undersell them and you "don't sound [black/thugish/rapey]."

Some only see black men over a certain age... fortunately I've finally gotten past the point where my age isn't an issue (that is not to say that someday it will become an issue again). P411 is one of the best places to find ladies who are more open minded.

I've met a couple of ladies who were very cool, however, asked that I not write a review so it would not tarnish their reputation for seeing men who could pass for anything but white. However, those types usually aren't worth the repeat visit.

Happy hunting for what you're looking for. There is always someone out there for you--even if they aren't exactly what you really wanted.
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Old 08-18-2014, 11:21 PM   #19
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Like I said, I have no problem with her preference. Her preference was not noted in her ad, nor her screening. I found it annoying at most, not gonna hang her for it. I don't know her story. This is not a big deal. I actually ended the night with a very nice young lady on my side of town. I am not complaining. I guess you guys with your thousands of posts have to do something to keep things interesting. Well have at it, I'm cool on all this mess.
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Old 08-19-2014, 11:31 AM   #20
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Default Play Safe Everyone

Originally Posted by AllThisMeat View Post
Not every woman posts her bias just like not every woman discriminates at all. It truly is a snipe hunt these days, especially if you are going through backpage to find a companion. To be quite honest, it is part of the reason I've not posted in quite some time.

Lately, when I do see a provider, it has typically been one I've seen previously, enjoyed my time well enough to see them again and again. Every 3 out of 4 BP ad's have some sort of NBA policy these days. Some days I ignore the text and just call directly--some ladies only care that your money is green, you're not trying to undersell them and you "don't sound [black/thugish/rapey]."

Some only see black men over a certain age... fortunately I've finally gotten past the point where my age isn't an issue (that is not to say that someday it will become an issue again). P411 is one of the best places to find ladies who are more open minded.

I've met a couple of ladies who were very cool, however, asked that I not write a review so it would not tarnish their reputation for seeing men who could pass for anything but white. However, those types usually aren't worth the repeat visit.

Happy hunting for what you're looking for. There is always someone out there for you--even if they aren't exactly what you really wanted.
This seems to distill down to the fact that the ladies want to look after their own safety. The following sometimes are unsafe for the ladies, sometimes, but not always:

younger guys
their reputation
The ladies do not need to be abused, and that includes rudeness.

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Old 08-19-2014, 12:26 PM   #21
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G2G I have seen. He is one sweet guys ladys.
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Old 08-19-2014, 01:08 PM   #22
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Default Stereotype

I will apologize before I even say this because I know I am going to get shit for it, but I just can't help it. Those who are easily offended please look away.

So G2G, you are obviously a black man and I am assuming AllThisMeat is a black man also and he chose an extremely white guy for his Avatar, now that's funny, (he's Sherlock Holmes for god sake). You, on the other hand, chose an avatar of a shiny rim. You couldn't be more stereotypical unless you had a bucket of chicken, a watermelon or grape Cool Aid. What were you thinking?

Alright, bring it on. I will take it with no complaints.
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Old 08-19-2014, 01:33 PM   #23
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It's Kool-Aid...and it's not called grape it's 'purple'.
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Old 08-19-2014, 01:40 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA View Post
It's Kool-Aid...and it's not called grape it's 'purple'.
What is juice? Lol!
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Old 08-19-2014, 02:19 PM   #25
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Default Damn Phone

Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA View Post
It's Kool-Aid...and it's not called grape it's 'purple'.
I typed Kool, but my phone most have corrected it and I think you are getting your Kool-Aid confused. I used to love Grape Kool-Aid as a kid. The "Purple" Kool-Aid is the stuff they drank in Guyana.
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Old 08-19-2014, 02:26 PM   #26
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I would love to put something in place on P411 that would allow providers to check off which races they are comfortable visiting with, and for the clients to be able to say to themselves "ok, I'm X race, so she will see me" or "I'm Y race, she will NOT see me". The problem is, it's not so cut and dried, on both sides of the equation.

There are some providers who will see light complexion AA, but not dark. There are providers who will see AA "professionals", but not those that they perceive to be "gangsta" (oh, he drives a Cadillac, he must be a "gangsta"). There are providers who will see Asians, but who won't see East Indians, having no clue that East Indian IS Asian. Then there is the issue with mixed races. So it's not so cut and dried, and some providers are often not particularly educated in the field of race. So to expect them to be able to fill out their preference in a way that is straightforward is just a dream.

Then on the client side, there are many AA (Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Brasilian, etc) who identify themselves as Hispanic.... BUT the providers identify them as AA. Or there are Middle Eastern guys, who truly are Middle Eastern, but some providers identify them as East Indian. I've even seen a Greek gent turned away by a provider who doesn't see Middle Eastern clients, because he LOOKED Middle Eastern to her.

There is also the issue where a provider doesn't want to advertise which races she will see, because some of her other (white?) clients might get freaked out (in her mind) or she doesn't want to appear "racist". So those providers prefer to say nothing.

So, trust me when I say this issue is not so cut and dried.... and if it were possible to get providers to put some real thought into it, to educate themselves about race, decide their preferences, and then be willing to make those preferences public, that would be fantastic... but not realistic.

I would suggest, when contacting providers, that you make it clear that you are AA (or whatever race you are) along with your general age and a little bit about you. No, you shouldn't have to do that, and it would be better to just be able to weed them out prior to contacting them, but that’s not the reality. However, if you are clear about it up front, you should be able to avoid having your time wasted by having the appointment set up, and then being turned away at the door.

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Old 08-19-2014, 05:57 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeHead View Post
I typed Kool, but my phone most have corrected it and I think you are getting your Kool-Aid confused. I used to love Grape Kool-Aid as a kid. The "Purple" Kool-Aid is the stuff they drank in Guyana.
No I'm not confused.
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Old 08-19-2014, 06:00 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by goud2geaux View Post
What is juice? Lol!
Hell if I know ... I'll have some orange drink or purple drink please.
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Old 08-20-2014, 05:58 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA View Post
Hell if I know ... I'll have some orange drink or purple drink please.
Ingredients: sugar, water, and PURPLE.
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Old 08-20-2014, 11:19 PM   #30
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Default I can give you 3 reasons why AA men are sexy...

1. The aforementioned purple...thank you, Dave Chappell, for the clarification on that.

2. Shemar Moore (I've been a bad, bad girl. Cuff me, Derek Morgan)

3. Pharrell Williams (Come on, young hottie, make me Happy)

4. LL Cool J (I Need Love too, baby...)

Oh wait...that was 4...

C'mon, people. We're all peanut M&Ms. Different colors on the outside, delicious and nutty on the inside!
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