Review: bouncing my balls on DavidFree's forehead, dick and chest
Date: 07/27/14
Provider: naughtynatalia
Phone: He can't aford one
Email Address: He only uses ECCIE
URL / Website:
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: 635 and Coit
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: punch in his face and an anal pounding.
Session Length: 30
Fee: $14/hr - way to much
Hair Length and color: bald for the most part and sorts patchy in areas. It's gross really but input u with it for now. The odor is hard to live with.
Age: 35
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: About 5ft 5" with a large fat belly and bad breath. He came in wearing dockers but they were at least two sizes too small. His stomach and side fat was very prominent. Gnarly teeth and in need of a workout.
The Rest of the Story
![Big Grin](
avid has been talking a lot of shit on me. I think this is his third or fourth handle. He seems to hate me because I have fun. He hates the hobby and has way too many problems getting YMMV to work in his favor.
Today I had the pig come to me. He showed up close to when he was ordered to be there. He was dirty. He needed a shower and a fucking toothbrush. I asked him to take a shower and brush his teeth. He complied.
After scrubbing all of the engine grease off of the dirty slob I asked him what he wanted. He saud Greek. Great. No problem. Take your pants off, Dave. Bend over and bite the sheets. I squeeze into his ass and he whines like a little bitch. I hold my hand over his mouth and punch him in the ribs. Finally he starts to like it. With a dick in his ass and bruises on his face neck and ribs he begins to smile with ecstasy. He loves being humiliated.
When it was time to call it quits. I dragged Dave over to the bathtub and sat him in it. I told him to close his eyes and open his mouth. I pissed for ten mi it's into his mouth and hair. No shower for Dave! Get uo bitvh! Get out pig. He did.
Anyway, Dave is good if nothing else is available. He may not be for everyone. He cries slot. He refuses to stop talking about YMMV and I think it's because he is ALWAYS on the short side of that equation. Go figure he's disgusting. See at your own risk.
Recommendation: No, hell fucking no. Fat ass nothing!
You should re-read the guidelines and get over your little drama. - Duke