In my best Steve Martin voice: "I remember my first beer too"

I know lame attempt at humor-- especially if the OP is as young as I think
Mistake #1-- you went to BP to bust your hobby cherry. Without research, picking a BP girl is the digital equivalent of picking up a hooker on the local street corner. In my best Tom Hanks/Forrest Gump voice: "Life is like a box of chocolate... you don't know what you're going to get." That quote needs to be stapled to the forehead of any monger that uses BP as their sole source of finding an escort.
Mistake #2-- failure to do research. Even a simple google search would have gotten you pages of valuable information about selecting an escort.
Mistake #3-- if you have a friend who is in the know about escorts and the hobby, why not talk to them first before striking out on your own.
You are damn lucky that you didn't run into a ROB (rip-off bitch), cash and dash, the dreaded "not the same girl in the pictures" problem, an LE sting, etc, etc, etc.
Yes, these are all rookie mistakes and most of us have been there or at least somewhere in the same ball park as you, so there is some sympathy.
As for performance issues, you will have to figure that one out on your own. Did you drink a lot before meeting the girl? I know I have the exact opposite problem. It took me nearly 6 encounters with an escort to finally hold my load before entering the promised land. Mind you, I started hobbying in the late 80s/early 90s. This was long before the notion of GFE, MSOG, etc. This was the days of one and done. You cum and then she goes. I would be with these girls. We'd get naked and be ready to start. I was already hard and ready to go. Even the simplest thing of putting on the cover was enough for me to blow my load. It got to the point where I stopped trying to see escorts. I'd just go to the strip club, get a lap dance, cream in my pants and go. Lots cheaper than getting a no-tell motel room and paying $100 or $150 for not much action. At least at the strip club, I could spend 2 hours of my time, selecting the right girl, dropping $20 or $30 for a VIP dance and be out the door fully satisfied for under $50. It wasn't until I actually talked to a provider about my problem. She took it slow with me and finally sealed the deal. Then I got bold and started asking for multiple pops and usually was accepted if I gave a little extra. Now for the most part, the good providers assume MSOG and it isn't about volume of customers.