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Old 06-28-2014, 02:16 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Ansley View Post
Wow, Thanks so much for letting us in on all the secrets to being a high end escort. I definitely see some ways that I could improve.

ATL why didn't you tell me about this list?
Sarcasm and all, I have always liked your posts.

Originally Posted by Reese Foster View Post
The big question is.....Can you fuck? None of that matters if you can't... Just saying.
Touché Miss Reese.

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Old 06-28-2014, 07:28 PM   #62
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Hmm. Lemme see if I can find a happy medium between these ladies' posts here.

Bravo to Miss Bella for working out that body and making it look tastier than a warm apple pie. In fact, that body is like an apple pie that's a little on the hot side. Not too hot that it's too hot, but 'just right' hot, where you can eat it without burning your mouth. Yeah, that kind of hot.

The body is BANGING. Let's just go ahead and establish that. Keep up the good work on that. This is one of my monster pet peeves with providers in general. Not enough ladies do enough to keep that showroom appearance, you know. It's great to have nice photography done with appealing angles, but when I walk in that door and you're WAY OFF from that (gained 20lbs, photoshop, etc), I'm disappointed whether I show it on my face or not. I'll smile and hug you, but in my mind I'm thinking, 'Man, damn'. Well, what if I showed up about $40 short with 2 handwritten $20 bills that say, 'I owe you'? You're going to be like, MF'er...WTH is this?!

I know it's not easy to maintain a high level of fitness and firmness (life gets in the way for all of us), but keep it in the 90% percentile of hotness, at least. Being hot is great, but it's better when the service matches. Nothing is more disappointing than a hot chick who sucks in bed.

A bit long-winded there, but, in short, hot body is rule #1 to me. Bravo for that.

Your rate. Yes, it's a bit high for MY budget, but honestly, it's not so high that people making more $$ than me wouldn't be getting a fair deal. If my salary went up, I'm damn sure I'd go see her. She IS fucking fine, let me reiterate. Rates aren't too bad, IMO.

Moving along.

Ummmmm, it's not necessary to tell us how you spend your money. $600 wigs. $500 shoes, and no repeats on the lingerie. Uhhhh, that's cool, but it just seems like excessive spending to me, and only for the sake of spending. Most importantly, your money is your money, to spend as you will. To me, spending excessively, I equate to....leaving a faucet of running water on.

Spending money is cool, but if you do that a lot, I think it means that you have room to do something else in life, like a hobby (this is a general statement, aimed at America...not just a provider). I wish this country would grow out of its consumeristic mindset. I have hobbies that can take up an entire afternoon, and it only cost me a soda and a sandwich.

I'm sure Miss Bella's saving money. If not, you probably should. I hate to sound like an old dad or something. Forgive me if I do. Saving is contagious, and once you start it doing it well, the fun becomes HOW MUCH can you actually save. You start seeing that savings account number rise and rise. You start to really NOT MISS the stuff you used to waste money on. This is coming from a guy who wasn't good at saving money, but I'm turning the corner, and the payoff feels good.

From a hobby sense, for us guys it's no big deal how much your bras cost, and if I saw you twice and you wear the same lingerie both times, I won't even be mad. Hell, I probably won't even notice. I'll probably only notice how fine you are and how sweet you smell, and why is it taking me SO DAMN LONG to get undressed

I've been in a 5-star hotel once or twice on a date. After dreadfully getting through the lobby when I'm underdressed and actually getting TO the room, it does feel good to have toiletries available, even when I come freshly showered. I'll take one afterwards, just to take one. Fresh towels? A monster sized bathroom? Fucking wow!

I'm going to wrap this up by saying, it's clear that Miss Bella more suited for the next level of spenders. That's perfectly fine. If I start balling more, she's definitely on my list. My only knock on her would be the spending (again, completely her prerogative). A fat bank account is hot. Maybe you're saving money already. If not, then give what I'm saying some thought. I'm merely an older guy (north of 40) that is outgrowing consumerism. So my opinion's a bit jaded after going through life wasting money.

Your post did kinda read as a 'rub in the face' kinda thing, admittedly. Not necessarily the best way to get people to like you. Maybe you don't need that or worry about it. That's cool, but it could create bad karma. Karma's weird sometimes.

Good luck. Hope to see you some time.
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Old 06-28-2014, 09:42 PM   #63
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Bella, Valentines, why do I suspect this isn't the first time you two have been on the opposite sides of"discussion". Both from Houston? A lot of pretty blatant shots tossed back and forth. I don't know either of you, and this thread doesn't really make me want to race down there to see either of you.
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Old 06-29-2014, 12:15 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by Lucky LaRue View Post
?..Right on Bella. We could use a lot more providers who offer the caliber of service that you describe.
We HAVE a lot more providers who offer what she's describing. They just don't come on here and boast about it. Thank God.
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Old 06-29-2014, 12:34 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by JustCause View Post
We HAVE a lot more providers who offer what she's describing. They just don't come on here and boast about it. Thank God.
I guess there is a back story here. Maybe not though. I really did not take it that way (boasting) but that may be my misconception. I have never seen this provider much less talked with her but I would. Thank you all for your input and it flatters me that my posts have been quoted and dissected with very good rebuttals. That's what it"s all about.
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Old 06-29-2014, 09:43 AM   #66
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Old-T, I am not from Houston, and Bella and I have never sparred before and in fact we're not sparring now. That would allude to an actual dialog between us, which you will notice there isn't one. The truth is that she gets to do whatever she wants to do, act how she wishes, and spend what she wishes on whatever she wants.

This is an online forum where one gets to post their opinions and others get to laugh, ignore, agree or disagree and ultimately take responsibility for their conduct on content here. If she wants to present herself as a materialistic, vacuous woman and expose it for all here she is more than welcome to do so. I am also welcome to have a view not in favor of materialistic vacuous women. You apparently find women who have it within our abilities to state our opinions unattractive. You're welcome to think so as well, and to not frequent the ladies with whom you do not find an appeal. I'm certain their are hundreds of ladies here who will not insult your sensibilities by voicing opposing opinions.

Great country this one, you know, with our freedom of speech and all.
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Old 06-29-2014, 10:18 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by Miss Valentina View Post
... I'm certain their (sic) are hundreds of ladies here who will not insult your sensibilities by voicing opposing opinions ...
I'm guessing thousands. Which is why rare is the bird that intrigues by word alone. Congratulations.
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Old 06-29-2014, 10:54 AM   #68
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Thank you Mr. Yanks. Much appreciated!
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Old 06-29-2014, 11:52 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks View Post
Which is why rare is the bird that intrigues by word alone. Congratulations.
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Old 06-29-2014, 11:58 AM   #70
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Mr. Yanks and Mr. DickEms. Thank you for serving to remind me (not that I've ever forgotten for a second) how much I love and adore men of reason.

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Old 06-29-2014, 02:58 PM   #71
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But also true VIP providers are in that hourly range and never offer any type of special as they will never degrade themselves by saying a 3 hour "special" is 2,400 vs 3,000. The word "special" when dealing with rates is not in a true VIP providers vocabulary. Only is in their vocabulary when "treating" the client. Nor will they ever offer less than an hour.QUOTE]

I completely disagree. Even Prada or Mercedes offers a special from time to time.
Though I concur with the fact they are unlikely to offer less than an hours tryst. I do not see specials as degrading at all. Of course negotiating ones donations or attempting to draw the price down is rude and thoughtless. Still if the lady has had a bad month, or perhaps she has an itch that is not quite scratched, momentarily allowing her donation to lower so that gentlemen who do not normally have the means to see her can afford a rendezvous, does not diminish her or her services. Class is not made by it's price range but rather the person's actions, intelligence, and deeds. One can remain upscale and high class while being generous or thoughtful to those that work twice as hard for their finances, even if it is only once in awhile.

The price does not brand the woman as classy or elegant. I have met and seen many women who priced themselves high and labeled themselves as a VIP Companion but the truth of the matter was they were no more than a generic escort whom had the body or face to price that high.

There are many factors that intertwine to create a high class, elite, companion. From intelligence, articulacy, personality, and presentation to location of incall, low traffic standards, selectivity and services.

A HDH (high dollar hottie) may charge 1000 for the hour and engage in intimacy the moment you walk in the door to the moment that last button is re-buttoned and you are swiftly shown the way back out.

A companion or high class escort will take the time to seduce you both in mind and body. she is less likely to rush you out the door. Just as she is less likely to jump on you the moment you walk in.
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Old 06-29-2014, 03:32 PM   #72
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My sig line describes my approach to the hobby and the type of woman I enjoy spending time with.
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Old 06-29-2014, 07:04 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Ansley View Post
Wow, Thanks so much for letting us in on all the secrets to being a high end escort. I definitely see some ways that I could improve.

ATL why didn't you tell me about this list?
Bella, I'm sorry for the sarcasm and being snippy. You are young and still learning about life.

Let your photos, your posts and the text in your ads tell your story. I promise you these these things will attract compatible men to your business. Bragging about your personal grooming doesn't help you. Save that for the ladies area.

Good luck and be safe out there.
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Old 06-29-2014, 09:57 PM   #74
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Miss Valentina shut this thread down
Thats all folks!
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Old 06-30-2014, 02:50 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Miss Valentina View Post
You apparently find women who have it within our abilities to state our opinions unattractive. You're welcome to think so as well, and to not frequent the ladies with whom you do not find an appeal. I'm certain their are hundreds of ladies here who will not insult your sensibilities by voicing opposing opinions.

Great country this one, you know, with our freedom of speech and all.
You clearly don’t read much of what I post. If you had you would notice that I am a very big fan of intelligent ladies who DO have things to say—especially when they make me think and stretch my brain. Sensual seduction and mental intellectual stimulation are the most erotic things I can imagine, and who I see is driven far more by what they have to say than by how they look.

However what I don’t find personally appealing is the type of voluminous attacking post, as much of your post #58 was. I also do not find gross over-generalizations—especially when wrong—to be appealing either. Your posts may have been music to you, but it was noise to me. You have free speech, but as you say, I don't have to agree with you, and in this case I do not.

Most people on this thread tried to tell Bella in one way or another that she was focusing too much on the materiel trappings, but compare how you did it vs how others did it—the medium certainly is at leas part of the message.
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