
Lemme see if I can find a happy medium between these ladies' posts here.
Bravo to Miss Bella for working out that body and making it look tastier than a warm apple pie. In fact, that body is like an apple pie that's a little on the hot side. Not too hot that it's too hot, but 'just right' hot, where you can eat it without burning your mouth.

Yeah, that kind of hot.
The body is BANGING. Let's just go ahead and establish that.

Keep up the good work on that. This is one of my monster pet peeves with providers in general. Not enough ladies do enough to keep that showroom appearance, you know. It's great to have nice photography done with appealing angles, but when I walk in that door and you're WAY OFF from that (gained 20lbs, photoshop, etc), I'm disappointed whether I show it on my face or not. I'll smile and hug you, but in my mind I'm thinking, 'Man, damn'.

Well, what if I showed up about $40 short with 2 handwritten $20 bills that say, 'I owe you'? You're going to be like, MF'er...WTH is this?!
I know it's not easy to maintain a high level of fitness and firmness (life gets in the way for all of us), but keep it in the 90% percentile of hotness, at least. Being hot is great, but it's better when the service matches. Nothing is more disappointing than a hot chick who sucks in bed.
A bit long-winded there, but, in short, hot body is rule #1 to me. Bravo for that.
Your rate. Yes, it's a bit high for MY budget, but honestly, it's not so high that people making more $$ than me wouldn't be getting a fair deal. If my salary went up, I'm damn sure I'd go see her. She IS fucking fine, let me reiterate. Rates aren't too bad, IMO.
Moving along.
Ummmmm, it's not necessary to tell us how you spend your money.

$600 wigs. $500 shoes, and no repeats on the lingerie. Uhhhh, that's cool, but it just seems like excessive spending to me, and only for the sake of spending. Most importantly, your money is your money, to spend as you will. To me, spending excessively, I equate to....leaving a faucet of running water on.
Spending money is cool, but if you do that a lot, I think it means that you have room to do something else in life, like a hobby (this is a general statement, aimed at America...not just a provider). I wish this country would grow out of its consumeristic mindset. I have hobbies that can take up an entire afternoon, and it only cost me a soda and a sandwich.
I'm sure Miss Bella's saving money. If not, you probably should. I hate to sound like an old dad or something. Forgive me if I do. Saving is contagious, and once you start it doing it well, the fun becomes HOW MUCH can you actually save. You start seeing that savings account number rise and rise. You start to really NOT MISS the stuff you used to waste money on. This is coming from a guy who wasn't good at saving money, but I'm turning the corner, and the payoff feels good.
From a hobby sense, for us guys it's no big deal how much your bras cost, and if I saw you twice and you wear the same lingerie both times, I won't even be mad. Hell, I probably won't even notice. I'll probably only notice how fine you are and how sweet you smell, and why is it taking me SO DAMN LONG to get undressed
I've been in a 5-star hotel once or twice on a date. After dreadfully getting through the lobby when I'm underdressed and actually getting TO the room, it does feel good to have toiletries available, even when I come freshly showered. I'll take one afterwards, just to take one. Fresh towels? A monster sized bathroom? Fucking wow!
I'm going to wrap this up by saying, it's clear that Miss Bella more suited for the next level of spenders. That's perfectly fine. If I start balling more, she's definitely on my list. My only knock on her would be the spending (again, completely her prerogative). A fat bank account is hot. Maybe you're saving money already. If not, then give what I'm saying some thought. I'm merely an older guy (north of 40) that is outgrowing consumerism. So my opinion's a bit jaded after going through life wasting money.
Your post did kinda read as a 'rub in the face' kinda thing, admittedly. Not necessarily the best way to get people to like you. Maybe you don't need that or worry about it. That's cool, but it could create bad karma. Karma's weird sometimes.
Good luck. Hope to see you some time.