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Old 06-18-2014, 05:32 AM   #1
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Default Do as I say NOT as I do...Clintons just amaze me sometimes..


Not bad for a couple of “dead broke” people.
Penny-pinching probable presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her former leader-of-the-free-world husband, Bill Clinton, have apparently grown quite attached to their money.
Despite being self-described paupers on their way out of the White House, the Clintons managed to sock away so much that they now want to shield their wealth from the dreaded estate tax they enthusiastically supported before striking it rich.
“The estate tax has been historically part of our very fundamental belief that we should have a meritocracy,” Hillary Clinton said at a December 2007 appearance with billionaire investor Warren Buffett.
But according to Bloomberg News, the Clintons have employed a variety of financial strategies designed to help shield multimillionaires from the estate tax, a levy paid by a person who inherits money or property.
The tax can top out at 40 percent of assets.
Bill and Hillary Clinton have long supported an estate tax to prevent the US from being dominated by inherited wealth.
As long as the tax is for other people, it appears.
According to federal financial disclosures and local property records, the Clintons created residence trusts in 2010 and shifted ownership of their Westchester house into them in 2011, a strategy popular among the nation’s 1 percent.
Modal TriggerFederal financial disclosures show the Clintons have shielded their wealth by shifting ownership of their Westchester house into a residence trust.Photo: AP

The move could save the Clintons hundreds of thousands of dollars in estate taxes, financial experts say.
News of the money move comes as Hillary Clinton promotes her new book, “Hard Choices.”
Last week, in an interview with ABC, she told anchor Diane Sawyer that she and Bill were “dead broke” and in debt when they left the White House after 2000.
She backtracked a day later on “Good Morning America,” saying she understood the struggles of Americans.
At the end of 2012, the Clintons were worth from $5.2 million to $25.5 million, according to financial disclosures that Hillary Clinton filed in 2013 as she was leaving her position as secretary of state.
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Old 06-18-2014, 09:18 PM   #2
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C'mon. Every since they "fooled" the public with the "I smoked but I didn't inhale" did one not think this couple was phonier than a 3 dollar bill?

I can hardly wait until until Hillary goes into full "victim" mode again.
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Old 06-19-2014, 06:02 AM   #3
Jackie S
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Hillary Clinton, AKA Mrs Bill Clinton, is a pathological lier. Right now she is on her "revision of history" tour, convincing a whole new audience that she is more than she actually is.

I loved the Sawyer interview. "I take full responsibility for Benghazi." Which means everybody skates, because a willing lap dog press and media elite worship her Husband.

She is Mrs Bill Clinton. Nothing more, nothing less.

There is one good thing about her whole interview and book tour thing. She can't help but embellish things, and make up more lies. The fact checkers are out in full swing, the more she talks, the more she lies.

The real shame is that to those that think the Clintons are Royalty, nothing, and I mean nothing, will persuade them to see these two film flam artist for exactly what they are.
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Old 06-19-2014, 09:11 AM   #4
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where are all you Dem lovers?? why all they crickets..???? cant defend a liar can you?
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Old 06-19-2014, 02:12 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY View Post
Bill and Hillary Clinton have long supported an estate tax to prevent the US from being dominated by inherited wealth.

Holy shit...I support a hike in the gasoline tax to pay for improved highways and bridges.....does not mean I'm going to pay extra until there is a law stating so for all.

Hot damn you are stretching on this one.
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