Originally Posted by LilMynx69
It's easier to protect someone's privacy with some limited info. Additionally, the motivations of a single guy who hobbies are many times different from a married hobbyist.
Other silly things like asking if you can keep his usual soap etc only apply if the guy is attached...
Sorry, I'm not following your logic.
The expectation is that my privacy will be protected under any circumstances, so what you know about me has nothing to do with whether or not you divulge my personal information. Actually, the less you know about me, the more secure I am that my information cannot be divulged. And, just who would you be protecting my privacy from?
Really, all a provider needs to know about me is my first name (real or whatever fake name I may use), my e-mail or telephone number (again, no RL info in either) and my references. And, if I use P411, she can check that on her own.
So, at the end of the day, all that any provider I see knows about me is a Fake first name, a handle on P411, a hobby e-mail address that does not have my RL name in it and a hobby telephone number that I pay for with cash.
My motivations for seeing any particular provider is first and foremost, that I want to fuck her. Pretty simple, really. Now, if I see her as a regular client, if simply means that I enjoying fucking her and that she has a nice personality.
Unless your motivations are other than stress relief and the pleasure of fucking a hot woman that fits some kind of physical ideal for you, but that you are not likely to meet in RL ... well, you got problems.