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Old 06-04-2014, 11:33 AM   #1
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Default How to Give a Proper ROS?

My self-esteem has been crushed. My reviews were deemed not "Premium" worthy. I'm scraping my sorry ass off the floor. But damnit, I'm determined to make this right.

Got a mod PM willing to give me another shot (God Bless). I was told to visit the "Time Capsule" forum in the General Interest section" for help. But, I can't find any forum named, "Time Capsule." It may be there, but it's hard to read due to my tears of shame.

So, who wants to help a brotha' out? What kind of word count should I be shooting for in my ROS? What do they want? A blow-by-blow-by-woah-I-just-blew rundown from the moment our eyes met? A sensual Penthouse forum read? Or an illustrative storyboard worthy of a Brazzers porn shoot?

Thanks for you help. Gotta' go. Just called in an emergency session with my therapist. I need to sit in the big chair with my box of tissues and receive some validation that one day my ROS game can become "Premium" worthy.

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Old 06-04-2014, 11:48 AM   #2
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You have to provide some way to contact the ho and you have to discuss to some degree at least the activities that took place in ROS. Other than that contact BSer for approval, he needs mod practice
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Old 06-04-2014, 02:12 PM   #3
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Think a penthouse forum letter, but, not every guy has a 8" or bigger dick.
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Old 06-04-2014, 04:22 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Devo View Post
Think a penthouse forum letter, but, not every guy has a 8" or bigger dick.
Thanks, Devo. That's where I fucked up. I thought I only needed to give 62.5% of a normal ROS because of my 5" dick. Well, 8" of filth they shall get.

Originally Posted by amishgangster View Post
...you have to discuss to some degree at least the activities that took place in ROS.
What do you think, AG...Can these ROS Premium fucktards handle an 8" recitation of one of my sessions? If I get all Alexandra Min & Amsterdam6969 in my ROS, I'm afraid they'll give up and leave the game after I drop the mic.
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Old 06-04-2014, 06:08 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Gates123 View Post

What do you think, AG...Can these ROS Premium fucktards handle an 8" recitation of one of my sessions? If I get all Alexandra Min & Amsterdam6969 in my ROS, I'm afraid they'll give up and leave the game after I drop the mic.
These fucktards have heard way more than that story...just not with 2 ho's that hot. That story was pure BSer...if he would get off the hoodrats
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Old 06-04-2014, 06:14 PM   #6
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One of your reviews has no contact info. TOS ? How does a visitor or new guy know how to contact her????????????

There is a list of activities required to be filled out. That is for everyones benefit who reads the review.

There is a ROS section which is for the benefit of those with PA access.

Those are two separate entries. Filling out only one leaves the other empty. If you filled the ROS with empty verbiage without giving BCD activities which were indulged in, then the ROS is not complete.

The ROS does not have to be a penthouse letter. But it does have to give at least a little detail and especially has to mention specific activities.

Try this link : http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=20014
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Old 06-04-2014, 06:38 PM   #7
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Thanks for the link, P-Money. That helps. On ChloeLesle, I did't put contact info because it was an Indys profile link and I hadn't seen Indys links in other reviews. So, I just figured it wasn't kosher. Now, I know. Peace and thanks.
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Old 06-04-2014, 07:18 PM   #8
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Put "bareback Greek" into a review for lifetime premium access
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Old 06-04-2014, 07:20 PM   #9
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Just a link to her INDYS account does not met the requirements for contact info..... I don't agree with that policy but thats how it has been explained to me. I see no difference between an Indys link and a P411 link.
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Old 06-04-2014, 09:54 PM   #10
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As OMGH said, an Indys link does not qualify for PA credit. Indys is a closed site, wherin you have to register before you can read any contact info. No lurkers allowed. Why would we give credit for a review when a reader has to join a competing site to be able to contact a provider.

You do not have to join P411 to be able to get contact info on a provider. Plus, P411 is not a review site, like Eccie and Indys.
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Old 06-04-2014, 11:39 PM   #11
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On the plus side.... you did give a REAL number for the fee.
We have some trouble with that at times in Upset.
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Old 06-05-2014, 08:20 AM   #12
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Here is a sample of a fictional experience that I, as an accomplished review writer, would place in my review.

I contacted the provider through the most excellent ECCIE PM system to inquire about making an appointment for a nooner the next day. She responded quickly, excited that she would have the opportunity to spend an all to short hour with the famed The2Dogs of which most providers can only dream about. We set the date and time never discussing services or money. As I needed to have my encounter in an area close to my office, I told her I would get the room and to call me when she was on the way. I use a typical two call sytem letting her know what street and the name of the luxurious notel that I had rented for the hour. Upon arriving she called and I gave her the room number.

I waited by the door and opened it as she walked up dressed like she was there for an affair rather than for stripping at the local titty bar. I could see her eyes light up and spakle ass I opend the door and she saw me for the first time. I was hoping she would not fall for me like all the rest, but that is a different story. Entering we greeted with a hug and a kiss and she rubbed her body up against mine with the hot desire that had instantly flooded her body. We slowly undressed each other as we made our way to the bed.

Laying on the bed our hands roamed over each others body exploring, touching caressing, while we kissed like teenagers on a date. The passion increased as did the heat between our bodies, grindng on each other. she had me lay back while she kissed me from mouth to nipples to my throbbing cock engulfing it with one quick fluid motion as she stretched he lips over my shaft. This started a very intense blow job that had soem great technique like she was a pro at the task.

While I enjoyed her ministration on my cock it was my turn to play her body like a fine vilin as she was a nice little spinner and not the viola of a more mature woman or the cello of a voluptuous lady. Her erect nipples strained to find my lips as I played each note on her body nibbling my way down to a completely bald and slightly puffy sight of beauty between her legs. I inhaled the fresh fragrance that was emitted by her wetness as I began the art of bringing her to a mind blowing orgasm. My tongue deftly parting her lips sucking in hers while my tongue danced across her slit avoiding her erect clit until the time was right. Her hips bucked up to my mouth trying to get my mouth on her clit but the preparation was not yet complete. Her breathing was rapid as I moved my mouth over her sex and flipped my tongue across her clit causing her back to arch and pressing me harder to her dripping mound. Using the technique that I have found of focusing more on the base rather than the tip she started to really thrust grabbing the back of my head as she went into the throes of her first orgasm. She needed a moment to catch her breath.

After a few moments she wanted me to fuck her and produced a cover which she deftly put on before climbing aboard and impaling herfelf on the pinnacle of her desire. Her eyes opend wider as she felt the girth spreading her walls to accomodate its size. w"ith a sign she finally was able to take tit all before starting a rythmic ride miking me for all she was worth. Her eyes would look into mine and a huge smile would come over her face as she felt ne thrusting up to meet her downward motion. Moving forwad on my body she stated grinding her pelvis rubbing her clit against me as she came to another climax and her wetness flowed onto me. I flipped her over and went to town driving in and out of her now sopping pussy as she hooked her legs arond my hips pulling me deep inside her. I lost it, I could not hold out any longer and started cumming up against her crvix ass she squeeled with delight spurring me own with her feet.

We lay tghere spent and after a bit she untwined and went to the bathroom to get a warm washcoth. she removed the cover and began to lovingly clean me up. She returned and we lay there for a few minutes with her asking when she will be albe t see me again. I told her not knowing would keep her wanting an yearning for me but that I would contact her again one day. We dressed and as I finished I discretely left a gift on the table. I went to wash my face so that I did not smell of pussy when I returned to the office. We kissed for one last time and I escorted her out the door..

All in all I think she had a pretty good time with multiple Os and I am sure she will want a repeat visit so I am going to recommend her.

Try something like that and you should be able tot get some review credit.
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Old 06-05-2014, 09:26 AM   #13
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The 2Dogs, so you were a former writer for Playboy or was it Hustler? Silver has just one comment; what's this babes phone number???
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Old 06-05-2014, 10:18 AM   #14
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You have to include your penis size and which flavor Dilly Bar you prefer.
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Old 06-05-2014, 01:09 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
Here is a sample of a fictional experience that I, as an accomplished review writer, would place in my review.

I contacted the provider through the most excellent ECCIE PM system to inquire about making an appointment for a nooner the next day. She responded quickly, excited that she would have the opportunity to spend an all to short hour with the famed The2Dogs of which most providers can only dream about. We set the date and time never discussing services or money. As I needed to have my encounter in an area close to my office, I told her I would get the room and to call me when she was on the way. I use a typical two call sytem letting her know what street and the name of the luxurious notel that I had rented for the hour. Upon arriving she called and I gave her the room number.

I waited by the door and opened it as she walked up dressed like she was there for an affair rather than for stripping at the local titty bar. I could see her eyes light up and spakle ass I opend the door and she saw me for the first time. I was hoping she would not fall for me like all the rest, but that is a different story. Entering we greeted with a hug and a kiss and she rubbed her body up against mine with the hot desire that had instantly flooded her body. We slowly undressed each other as we made our way to the bed.

Laying on the bed our hands roamed over each others body exploring, touching caressing, while we kissed like teenagers on a date. The passion increased as did the heat between our bodies, grindng on each other. she had me lay back while she kissed me from mouth to nipples to my throbbing cock engulfing it with one quick fluid motion as she stretched he lips over my shaft. This started a very intense blow job that had soem great technique like she was a pro at the task.

While I enjoyed her ministration on my cock it was my turn to play her body like a fine vilin as she was a nice little spinner and not the viola of a more mature woman or the cello of a voluptuous lady. Her erect nipples strained to find my lips as I played each note on her body nibbling my way down to a completely bald and slightly puffy sight of beauty between her legs. I inhaled the fresh fragrance that was emitted by her wetness as I began the art of bringing her to a mind blowing orgasm. My tongue deftly parting her lips sucking in hers while my tongue danced across her slit avoiding her erect clit until the time was right. Her hips bucked up to my mouth trying to get my mouth on her clit but the preparation was not yet complete. Her breathing was rapid as I moved my mouth over her sex and flipped my tongue across her clit causing her back to arch and pressing me harder to her dripping mound. Using the technique that I have found of focusing more on the base rather than the tip she started to really thrust grabbing the back of my head as she went into the throes of her first orgasm. She needed a moment to catch her breath.

After a few moments she wanted me to fuck her and produced a cover which she deftly put on before climbing aboard and impaling herfelf on the pinnacle of her desire. Her eyes opend wider as she felt the girth spreading her walls to accomodate its size. w"ith a sign she finally was able to take tit all before starting a rythmic ride miking me for all she was worth. Her eyes would look into mine and a huge smile would come over her face as she felt ne thrusting up to meet her downward motion. Moving forwad on my body she stated grinding her pelvis rubbing her clit against me as she came to another climax and her wetness flowed onto me. I flipped her over and went to town driving in and out of her now sopping pussy as she hooked her legs arond my hips pulling me deep inside her. I lost it, I could not hold out any longer and started cumming up against her crvix ass she squeeled with delight spurring me own with her feet.

We lay tghere spent and after a bit she untwined and went to the bathroom to get a warm washcoth. she removed the cover and began to lovingly clean me up. She returned and we lay there for a few minutes with her asking when she will be albe t see me again. I told her not knowing would keep her wanting an yearning for me but that I would contact her again one day. We dressed and as I finished I discretely left a gift on the table. I went to wash my face so that I did not smell of pussy when I returned to the office. We kissed for one last time and I escorted her out the door..

All in all I think she had a pretty good time with multiple Os and I am sure she will want a repeat visit so I am going to recommend her.

Try something like that and you should be able tot get some review credit.
See my above post again.... Think Penthouse forum letter.....with a hired girl, not your wifes friend, your boss, or your girlfriends mother.
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