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Old 06-01-2014, 09:46 PM   #61
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"Race" sure makes people uncomfortable. I don't know why...but BOY!!!!

Honestly, it's just fucking skin tone. Who really cares? There are fuckin dumbass people in EVERY "race". People are just fucking stupid. That's part of the human experience.

And, since I'm pretty a-political, why all the Obama bashing? He's carried on every Bush policy that I can think of. I can't name 3 Bush-era policies that Obama has changed. So isn't he just "Bush Part 3"?
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Old 06-01-2014, 10:09 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by thechocolatebanana View Post
I pulled up at country store outside of Dallas and a lady - Caucasian - had just gotten out of her car to go inside ahead of me leaving her little girl about 5 or 6 years old in the car. When I opened my door to get out, the little girl looked over at me and the hatred in her eyes was so intense that it caught me by surprise. She hit the door locks and mumbled something at me, scowling the whole time I walked away to the store. I was actually shaken and hurt that a child could have that much hate inside them. Children don't have and carry that kind of hatred in them.
Very sincerely thank you for sharing. As your stereotypical middle-aged white guy this statement really said something to me. I'm adamant that we're all just people and my upbringing had blacks, gays, and drunks (my uncles covered it all) and my mother really brought us up to not see color.

Reading what you've endured helps people like me understand the emotion in a thread like this and why it keeps coming up.

Thank you again.

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Old 06-01-2014, 11:03 PM   #63
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I just can't understand why this is such a big issue with everyone. I am one who believes all are created equal. But, this isn't Taco Bell and providers aren't serving up dishes to a generic public. It is sex and it is personal.

Even if providers are marketing their services in a public forum, it doesn't mean that their own personal requisites for attraction aren't important. It is sex for goodness sake and it is personal - personal likes and dislikes - personal attractions and personal repulsions.

If a provider isn't attracted to a client, she may still "perform" but where is the magic in that? For those providers who limit who they see based on their personal attractions, the sessions are better, the passion is greater, the level of comfort is increased and the attraction is lingering and looked forward to next time.

Why in the world should a provider be expected to be a "one size fits all sex zombie"? It's asinine to assume that. If a client has an expectation that "anything goes" whether it be race, color, creed, size, shape, etc, etc, then get a blow up doll. This is a human hobby, with human likes and dislikes, human preferences, and human passions. Why ask why? Why not just do your own thing and do it with people who have similar attractions as you, and just let others be who they are.

Sex. It's a personal preference activity.

Now go have fun. :-)
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Old 06-01-2014, 11:25 PM   #64
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Being in the Navy and stationed in Norfolk, Va. I have seen the worst in people related to race relations. Seen some very very sorry individuals of each race where they would screw one over just to get the next piece of crack or to please their pimp or be noticed to their peers.

In the military my hat was off to the individuals that I severed with and got to meet and know. When fighting a fire on a ship one sure as hell was not worried about the color of a persons skin yet was thinking about just making it home alive. Going on search and rescue missions it was not based on the color of the man that you were going to save or put yourself and the crew in danger.

Being on deployments were you were sent out as the communications liaison where the hair stood up in the back of you neck one sure as hell was not judging the others he was with on the color of their skin.

The simple fact is that there are some sorry individuals of every race in America, here in Dallas I do not nearly see this as being stationed in Hampton Roads.....People are people there are good and bad of every race and at times every race tries to create niches where they can get the most out of the government and others. Personally I like woman of all races and ethnic backgrounds for they are just like anyone else...
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Old 06-01-2014, 11:35 PM   #65
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Ditto that man as an ex Air Force guy. Thank God for our Skittles humanity if we could just appreciate it. Never had a problem with the ladies either: BBW, thin, short, tall, curvy, young, old - all good with something unique to offer.
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Old 06-01-2014, 11:39 PM   #66
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@str8.2.bbbj. obama sure disagrees with your statement. As far as racism is concerned, that's the only argument most black people know how to make when they don't get what they want. It's pathetic. As soon as that's said, no one takes you seriously any more. And by the way, most black people are extremely racist towards other races.
Many black people are their own worst enemy.
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Old 06-02-2014, 12:00 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by UpForFun View Post
@str8.2.bbbj. obama sure disagrees with your statement. As far as racism is concerned, that's the only argument most black people know how to make when they don't get what they want. It's pathetic. As soon as that's said, no one takes you seriously any more. And by the way, most black people are extremely racist towards other races.
Many black people are their own worst enemy.
Hmmm. Why would you think that about black people (being the most racist)? They catch the most hell, at least of any race in America, and didn't get a payout that others got to 'get right'. They're still owed that.
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Old 06-02-2014, 12:50 AM   #68
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Old 06-02-2014, 04:20 AM   #69
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+1 With Glen
1/2 Italian 1/2 Cheyenne Indian
Felt the drama
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Old 06-02-2014, 06:27 AM   #70
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if you sit here and just read some of the things people say, yo can see the sarcasm that a realistic underbite

you can see some people who want to justify anything to satisfy ego

personal vs tacobell what even not the point

facts or still very real and there, pimps or not, most people assume what they see is true. hell the first time i saw a real black person, i was so excited, then jelious ... beause i got sunburned

back of the matter is, people judge and assume with out knowing anything about a person, i say this proudly, i will not judge a person based on their skin
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Old 06-02-2014, 06:33 AM   #71
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I agree Kaylee,
A provider has the right to choose with whom she allows access to her body.

Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick View Post
A woman is free to make a choice to see and sleep with who she wants to and if she doesn't want to share herself with a certain type of man, she is free to do so.

I don't see really obese men for my own personal reasons. Does it make me a bitch? It might in some peoples eyes but I'm NOT going to be SHAMED into doing something I don't want to do.

I'm MORE than sure most AA men would NEVER want to see a woman who didn't want to see him.

Beside, is this now turned into the hobby shaming police? Don't you have something better to do?
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Old 06-02-2014, 06:37 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by UpForFun View Post
@str8.2.bbbj. obama sure disagrees with your statement. As far as racism is concerned, that's the only argument most black people know how to make when they don't get what they want. It's pathetic. As soon as that's said, no one takes you seriously any more. And by the way, most black people are extremely racist towards other races.
Many black people are their own worst enemy.
Obama, is just the president. The CEO's of Phizer (sp?), Exxon-Mobile, and GE have waaaaaaaaay more power than he does. Like I said, I'm a-political. It think the government's all a sham anyway.

And on the ship, we were too busy fighting Jarines! Haahahahahaaaaaaaa

But, for my last point on race. The biggest problem in America is that we can't seem to talk about it. A 16-17 year old kid gets murdered by some asshole, and we can't even have a legitimate conversation about it, because the talking heads are spinning shit to fit their own political agendas. And ppl buy it.

Are we all Americans? Yes. Do we all have some kind of beef? Yes. But do we need to turn off Fox, Msnbc, Cnn, and talk radio and really start thinking like Americans? Abso-motherfuckin-lutely.
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Old 06-02-2014, 06:40 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess View Post
hell the first time i saw a real black person, i was so excited
I only get excited when I see the fake ones.
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Old 06-02-2014, 06:53 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat View Post
I only get excited when I see the fake ones.
Hahahhagagaahagaaaaaaaaa...tha t shit made me spit coffee.

But really, when I was in boot camp, I met 2 guys from Maine that had never seen black people before except on TV. They were cool as fuck, but the questions they used to ask were too funny.
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Old 06-02-2014, 07:03 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess View Post
personal vs tacobell what even not the point
I was addressing your OP, which basically railed against providers publicly stating their personal policy of not seeing black men. My whole point was, why not? Just like KHC's refusal to see obese men, why impose a "see anyone" policy on any individual with personal preferences?

It seems to me, again following the thought line if your OP, that providers are basically pussy machines and as such should not discriminate, that personal preference should somehow be out the window in this business.

Deciding whether or not to engage in an intimate and personal activity, such as sex, with a particular race is NOT racism, it is an issue of personal attraction. Providers should be able to make that personal choice, and that choice not limited to race, but other personal attractions or repulsions as well.
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