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Old 05-27-2014, 02:42 PM   #361
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Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio View Post
I remember when Whispers was on a mission as he is here. It had to do with a provider that ya'll defended just as heavily. Guess how that panned out? He was DEAD ON and RIGHT! indeed in this case the provider had a pimp at the controls of her account or I should say Husband, and MANY of you looked very foolish after all the defending. I see this one going in that same direction FOR SURE. Only difference will be there is no pimp, there Is just a lady completely out of touch with how all of this is supposed to work. One day she will learn to quit sharing info. with Providers and Hobbyists. She thinks everyone worships her and would NEVER say something to someone else that was told to them by Slave G. WAKE UP SLAVE! THIS ISNT ABOUT FRIENDS! (or perceived friends) ITS ABOUT BUSINESS! From both ends!! those of you that pollute the waters with friends and feelings, are DESTROYING our hobby world. Very few feelings should be involved here. A feeling of safety, TRUST, relaxation, horniness and ORGASM. That's about all the feelings I put into this when with a provider.

It's funny you bring this up again because I think we have a similar situation going on again except in reverse. I mean it wouldn't be the first time a someone has controlled someone Else's account or that a provider had a hobbyist account we just proved that recently with Tracy didn't we (and no I don't think it is tracy). I do have a couple of theories on who I think it is but since I can't prove it (YET!!) I will keep them to my self but I do have it narrowed down to about two or three different girls (and the ones on my list will shock you if it ever does comes out because they definitely shocked me). And my claim is this:

1). Either a provider is leaking powder room info. Which I am sure really shocks no one.


2.) That one of our sweet providers has an SO who she is helping slander SG or the provider herself has a hobbyist account and is posting this bile herself to try and damage SG and has enlisted whispers and a couple of others to help her. Why? Jealousy maybe? Looking to push someone out of business herself who knows . But something is not right. But for now I will leave it at that and continue my research.

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Old 05-27-2014, 02:45 PM   #362
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Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere View Post
[SIZE="3"]Isn't it funny when a HYPOCRITE post others personal business without their knowledge or permission?


Not only once does this HYPOCRITE do it, he does it all the time!


SIR HYPOCRITE, do you remember admonishing ME about THIS?

For I repeated with permission of the two members who said it to ME?



And furthermore you ask this one minute, and yet, while I was on ban you ran your mouth all 14 days THAT I WAS BANNED!



It is AMAZING what OLD AGE does to your MEMORY…


Slave Guinevere



I only quote you here to continue your spam. If I have sent you a threatening PM please report to MOD. Why do you not do that? BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER SENT YOU A PM! EVER. NEVER. You are a liar. Plain and Simple. As far as you being "run off" nobody is trying to run you off. You are doing a FANTASTIC job of that yourself. Don't confuse me trying to bring to light your indiscretions as trying to "RUN YOU OFF" I am simply sharing valuable information as I have always done and will continue to do. You have created much more today, that VERY SOON we will be addressing.

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Old 05-27-2014, 02:45 PM   #363
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Default troll patrolololol

hey whispers,

i think youre finally getting to her.

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Old 05-27-2014, 03:06 PM   #364
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
It's funny you bring this up again because I think we have a similar situation going on again except in reverse. I mean it wouldn't be the first time a someone has controlled someone Else's account or that a provider had a hobbyist account we just proved that recently with Tracy didn't we (and no I don't think it is tracy). I do have a couple of theories on who I think it is but since I can't prove it (YET!!) I will keep them to my self but I do have it narrowed down to about two or three different girls (and the ones on my list will shock you if it ever does comes out because they definitely shocked me). And my claim is this:

If you have "theories" then please enlighten us.

1). Either a provider is leaking powder room info. Which I am sure really shocks no one.


2.) That one of our sweet providers has an SO who she is helping slander SG or the provider herself has a hobbyist account and is posting this bile herself to try and damage SG and has enlisted whispers and a couple of others to help her. Why? Jealousy maybe? Looking to push someone out of business herself who knows . But something is not right. But for now I will leave it at that and continue my research.

Providers leaking PowderRoom info? Oh wow. 24/7 buddy. No shocker there. Are you saying you never have shared ML info? COME ON!! As much as you stay up Slave's ass, you are going to tell me you have NEVER shared ML info with her?

So now this is turning into a suspected slander campaign? What happened to accountability? Why don't we make this an accountability campaign? And why doesn't Slave G stand up and be accountable for her indiscretions instead of blaming others? From what I can gather you are insinuating that one of the providers is using a screen name to Slander Slave G.? And who would that be A10? I guess I couldn't rule that out considering how Slave shares information constantly and it is very likely she has angered many with her indiscretions. I know of three right off the top of my head.

So who exactly has a SO? I bet you are going to end up with a rather long list! If you live in a fantasy land that these girls are exclusive to you, or just us hobbyists, you are sadly mistaken!! Going as far to say someones SO is helping slander SG, I feel that is a bit of a stretch, but definitely not out of the question! We have seen stranger in the past year, haven't we?

I am eager to hear your "investigation results!" Maybe then we will have a whole new topic to confront.

Poor Slave she now has her WK's engaged in some pretty wild sounding conspiracy theories. Anything to take the heat off of her, that is clear as day.

I guess I am left with a bit of wonderment if you are actually insinuating that I am a provider or a SO? I read over it several times to try and determine that and I just can't. I do find it interesting you took my post to quote and bring all this VALUABLE information to light ! Well let me tell you buddy, or shall I call you "gumshoe" if your witch hunt is with me, you are wasting valuable time for your search on this theory.

Now if Whispers ended up being a Provider or SO of a provider, I think I may just die of a heart attack! That would be the shock of the century.


Forgot to add...... Ladies if you are reading this, watch out! Slave now has her detectives out to get you!!! (2 or 3 girls on the suspect list according to a10) I know, I know you are quaking in your heels. Like I said ANYTHING to deflect the negative attention off of Slave. A10 probably just got a MONTH FREE!! Yay Good Job buddy!!! Double Bag it.
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Old 05-27-2014, 03:28 PM   #365
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Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio View Post
A10 probably just got a MONTH FREE!! Yay Good Job buddy!!! Double Bag it.
Have never asked for anything free. Never will ask for anything for free. Have never ever negotiated rates for a session with a provider and never will. So before you accuse me of something directly DDSA get your facts straight .

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Old 05-27-2014, 03:44 PM   #366
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
Have never asked for anything free. Never will ask for anything for free. Have never ever negotiated rates for a session with a provider and never will. So before you accuse me of something directly DDSA get your facts straight .

Well that is very reassuring. Thanks for clearing that up. I said "Probably" which insinuates IT IS NOT A FACT.

Probably, means: Probably

But glad you cleared that up for us. Someone is really cranky today. Funny you just throw out all of these possible "accusations" then come attack me to "get my facts straight" when I never posted a fact....

I am however about ready to post some more Slave G facts. Hear that? FACTS.

Slave Guinivere..... .STILL WAITING for you to clear the air about your statement that I send you threatening PM's. I have NEVER sent you one PM, would you care to explain why you said that? If you lie about this, what else do you lie about?
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Old 05-27-2014, 03:53 PM   #367
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Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio View Post
Well that is very reassuring. Thanks for clearing that up. I said "Probably" which insinuates IT IS NOT A FACT.

Probably, means: Probably

But glad you cleared that up for us. Someone is really cranky today. Funny you just throw out all of these possible "accusations" then come attack me to "get my facts straight" when I never posted a fact....

I am however about ready to post some more Slave G facts. Hear that? FACTS.

Not cranky at all in fact I am in a really good mood today I just don't like when troll wannabe's "insinuate" falsehoods to try and... how do you put it deflect things.

Hey does anybody else think DDSA tap dances almost as well as Whispers

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Old 05-27-2014, 04:06 PM   #368
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Originally Posted by a10bomb View Post
Not cranky at all in fact I am in a really good mood today I just don't like when troll wannabe's "insinuate" falsehoods to try and... how do you put it deflect things.

Hey does anybody else think DDSA tap dances almost as well as Whispers

What am I tap dancing with? Why don't you try asking me questions, since it seems in order for me to tap dance, I would need a question to tap dance around.

You accuse me of everything I am accusing Slave G. of, NOT CONFRONTING DIRECT QUESTIONS TO HER.

You are deflecting and attempting to make it look like I am deflecting you.

Really bizarre behavior A10.

If you have a question be a man and ask!

Bravo on taking the attention off of slave, though. You are doing a great job! I don't need animated gifs and to make accusations in a pussy round about way, I MAKE THEM WHEN WARRANTED and STATE THEM IN PLAIN ENGLISH.

Trolls seek out confrontation. It seems to me I state viable, truthful and thought provoking material and I get trolled by you the MOST. So if it makes you feel better to call me a Wannabe Troll, then have at it. Because you are right, I strive to be the all mighty Troll, kneeling to Slave G. and coming to her rescue on the board everytime her name comes up. Am I learning the ways? Am I bringing you to a confrontation yet? Please tell me, all mighty lord of trolls.
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Old 05-27-2014, 04:23 PM   #369
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Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio View Post
diggler, you're really very emotional about all this.

maybe you should take that break you promised everyone and run a hot bath for yourself. you're not making any sense.
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Old 05-27-2014, 04:29 PM   #370
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Originally Posted by john_deere View Post
diggler, you're really very emotional about all this.

maybe you should take that break you promised everyone and run a hot bath for yourself. you're not making any sense.
Very emotional?? Have you paid ANY attention to any of my posts till now? I am far from emotional. How do you tell emotion from text? And as far as you are saying I am making no sense, that is just hilarious after A10's ramblings of investigating providers and SO's and hijacked accounts. Really???? That sir would be MAKING NO SENSE. You have tunnel vision and obviously it was directed at Whispers and now at me. Do you read anything else posted?

A10 tells me I am tap dancing. What am I tap dancing with? I have yet to be asked a question or presented a single thing to tap dance around. At least I present logical and straight forward questions and statements. I don't hide behind only picking and choosing what I want to see or address. I will ask you once again..... DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY IN RELEVANCE TO THIS THREAD?

I will come and go as I please, don't need you to suggest a warm bath.
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Old 05-27-2014, 04:34 PM   #371
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Originally Posted by savak View Post
oh u just had to toss my name in didnt u?

tis all the excuse i needed
orly? come at me bro.

i've been hoping you'd show up because you really are a special case, and i do mean "special".

on the one hand i want to congratulate you for finding a way that a short, fat, zit-faced world of warcraft dork can actually get laid by a hot chick, but on the other hand, your failure to recognize that even that miracle doesn't make you a member of the boys club is just sad.

your level -9000 interweb geek schtick isn't bringing the lulz, bro, and your multi-color 14-page long "erotic" stories are easily the most annoying reviews in the history of eccie. and you're getting pwnt pretty much everywhere you team up with the whimpers army. the only reason he keeps you around is because it swells his ranks beyond, like, 3.

srsly. log off.
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Old 05-27-2014, 04:39 PM   #372
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Originally Posted by DirkDigglerSanAntonio View Post
I have yet to be asked a question or presented a single thing to tap dance around.
here's a direct question….why do you like to stalk real world hooker info and post it in the men's lounge?

does that buy you favors with your daddy?
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Old 05-27-2014, 04:41 PM   #373
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Originally Posted by savak View Post
hey whispers,

i think youre finally getting to her.

ya think?
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Old 05-27-2014, 04:41 PM   #374
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Originally Posted by john_deere View Post
orly? come at me bro.

i've been hoping you'd show up because you really are a special case, and i do mean "special".

on the one hand i want to congratulate you for finding a way that a short, fat, zit-faced world of warcraft dork can actually get laid by a hot chick, but on the other hand, your failure to recognize that even that miracle doesn't make you a member of the boys club is just sad.

your level -9000 interweb geek schtick isn't bringing the lulz, bro, and your multi-color 14-page long "erotic" stories are easily the most annoying reviews in the history of eccie. and you're getting pwnt pretty much everywhere you team up with the whimpers army. the only reason he keeps you around is because it swells his ranks beyond, like, 3.

srsly. log off.

I think you have him confused with someone else regarding the 14 page "stories". As a matter of fact I KNOW YOU HAVE. that is ABQ something, something.

And for someone attacking "geeks" you sure do have the lingo down.

Regardless your post here is an infraction. And very immature. There are ways to go about talking shit and insulting someone, you just lack the creativity to do it in a way where it is not a blatant infraction of the rules.

Wow slave has her "minions" out in force today, doesn't she?? She has been busy busy on that phone as well. NONE OF THEM WILL CONFRONT ANY OF THE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO THEM. But will gladly accuse others of tap dancing and not comprehending.

IMHO ya'll are the "special" ones.
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Old 05-27-2014, 04:48 PM   #375
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diggler, seriously, man….you have no idea what's going on around here. do you often feel that everyone around you is laughing at a joke you missed out on?

oh…bt-dubs, homie…how about answering my question?
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