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Old 05-15-2014, 03:12 PM   #16
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Do you call your massage therapist and ask for an appt in 10 mins? Do you call your chiropractor and ask for an appt in 10 mins. Probably not...
Pre booking is def more for the traveler...not speaking to much for locals or regulars...but when you say on your ad...'PRE BOOKING'.....It should speak pretty clear...lol!

I have been a provider for a few years now....starting in Manhattan NY. I have def. seen and dealt with multiple avenues in this industry and what I can say about Texas so far...is that you need to learn to pre book if you want good providers in your area. Its frustrating when you get msg after msg to come visit...come see me...blah blah blah....And when you listen to the general census, decide to take a trip, and NO ONE wants to PRE BOOK...

Seems like the gentlemen should listen to the providers a little more and understand that we prefer pre booked appts.

PS...I still love everyone here and thanks for the responses to this subject. Its nice to hear the perspectives for each.
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Old 05-15-2014, 05:02 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by DBella View Post
Do you call your massage therapist and ask for an appt in 10 mins? Do you call your chiropractor and ask for an appt in 10 mins. Probably not...
I do. and I do. and if they have an opening they fit me in. That is what is nice about this board, finding openings to fit in...
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Old 05-15-2014, 05:24 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by DBella View Post
I have been a provider for a few years now....starting in Manhattan NY. I have def. seen and dealt with multiple avenues in this industry and what I can say about Texas so far...is that you need to learn to pre book if you want good providers in your area. Its frustrating when you get msg after msg to come visit...come see me...blah blah blah....And when you listen to the general census, decide to take a trip, and NO ONE wants to PRE BOOK...

Seems like the gentlemen should listen to the providers a little more and understand that we prefer pre booked appts
And I will have to respectfully disagree with you. Pre booking does not guarantee and is not a prerequisite to having a good provider come to an area or stay in an area. Those ladies that take the time to understand the uniqueness of the area that they are providing in are the ones that are successful. When you put too many hoops and ladders in front of these guys out here they will look elsewhere.
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Old 05-15-2014, 05:59 PM   #19
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DBella, the prebooking idea has been discussed for many years on the West Texas boards. And there has always been a consensus reached.

I have heard for years about how providers came to WT with a solid lineup of prebookings. Then, most cancel because of work concerns. The provider is pissed off and decides to not ever come out here again. This happens time and again. Over the last 13 years on the boards , it really gets to be an old subject.

Then, there are providers who gets people who say they want to see her, but will not prebook. She comes anyway and advertises when she will be here. And does very well. This is another old situation on the WT boards.

A third instance is the provider who gets here with 2 or 3 prebookings in a town. She gets a cancellation or two and leaves town early. And in the next 2 days has numerous call from guys who have been able to clear their schedule. But she is gone. Yet another old story.

Bottom line from my years on the boards out here. If you have a lot of prebookings, you will end up with a lot of cancellations. If you come with some, you will get more bookings after you are here. And if you leave early, you will be covered over with appt requests where you left.

Those are my observations.
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Old 05-16-2014, 06:50 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Pistolero View Post
DBella, the prebooking idea has been discussed for many years on the West Texas boards. And there has always been a consensus reached.

I have heard for years about how providers came to WT with a solid lineup of prebookings. Then, most cancel because of work concerns. The provider is pissed off and decides to not ever come out here again. This happens time and again. Over the last 13 years on the boards , it really gets to be an old subject.

Then, there are providers who gets people who say they want to see her, but will not prebook. She comes anyway and advertises when she will be here. And does very well. This is another old situation on the WT boards.

A third instance is the provider who gets here with 2 or 3 prebookings in a town. She gets a cancellation or two and leaves town early. And in the next 2 days has numerous call from guys who have been able to clear their schedule. But she is gone. Yet another old story.

Bottom line from my years on the boards out here. If you have a lot of prebookings, you will end up with a lot of cancellations. If you come with some, you will get more bookings after you are here. And if you leave early, you will be covered over with appt requests where you left.

Those are my observations.
So true. Well said. Maybe the provider should listen to the overwhelming consensus of the clientele in this case.
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Old 05-16-2014, 09:55 PM   #21
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I can't budge especially being from D.C. without some kind of pre-books.
I've been to a lot of places where most or none supposedly don't pre-book and I still get a few/enough pre-books to get me there (and they stuck/came through lol).
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Old 05-25-2014, 12:35 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by JHurt1968 View Post
When I used to hobby I pretty much gave up on pre-booking. Every single time the provider cancelled or blew me off. I understand that shit happens but the straw that broke the camel's back was when a lady I was dying to see came through town. Pre-booked like she requested, then 20 minutes after our start time she texts me that she fell ill and was cancelling. The next day I read a review on here from some other monger and the time that he saw her was a 1/2 hour after I was scheduled to see her and he donated the same amount I was quoted. So yeah, I'm done with that shit.
She probably saw your Creepy Posts and that it why she probably Cancelled
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Old 05-25-2014, 01:04 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by smilesmany View Post
She probably saw your Creepy Posts and that it why she probably Cancelled
I sincerely doubt that was the reason sir. No reason to get personal here. It's just a discussion about pre-booking.
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Old 05-27-2014, 01:35 PM   #24
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Time to stir this one up a little.

Hey Bella, I had another cancellation this afternoon. You available?
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Old 05-28-2014, 11:17 AM   #25
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Prebooks are nice, but generally mean precisely dick in Texas.

Hell, for a few years, if a lady traveled to Austin, it was not unheard of for a local "clique" to get their regulars to prebook, then cancel last minute.

Prebooks make me decide to visit-- but I know in West Texas, once I'm on the ground I'll fill in the rest of my schedule.
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Old 05-28-2014, 11:49 AM   #26
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Default Prebooking

I am not an every day type of guy. I most often schedule a month ahead with my limited funds. If lady X says she will be in my area on the 15th of June I work my schedule and money to go see her. I most often will send her a message through P-411 asking for her to schedule me for a time that will be convenient for us to have some time and dinner after. I can't remember the time that I have canceled a session. I answer to no one and I am retired so I don't face the obstacles that some must.
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Old 05-28-2014, 01:14 PM   #27
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Prebook is what I would normally prefer; however, my schedule can be crazy now days. I might be running all day long taking care of different business or none at all. I greatly appreciate those that help accommodate my schedule and I understand those that would prefer not too.

With that being said, I would consider it rude of me to require or expect someone to meet with me without screening information and hopefully a hour or two notice. If I can't be scheduled I understand and I consider it no harm, no foul. Hopefully, we will get to try for another time.
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Old 05-28-2014, 01:40 PM   #28
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I am curious about how the ladies feel about pre-screening guys that feel they may want to see them when in the area. I have on occasion asked for screening in hopes we can get together when all of the stars line up. Nicolet and I have tried to get together for a couple of years so I know if I get to NOLA there won't be a wait while she checks me out. I use P-411 for all of my booking so screening is pretty much painless.
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