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Old 05-23-2014, 01:58 PM   #61
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
I thought with WTF and CBJ7 out the quality of posting would go up but you and eva biggen have made up for their stupidity.
Why don't you go read #34 then go fuck yourself simple Simon.
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Old 05-23-2014, 03:40 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by ramblinman69 View Post
That about sums it up right here folks. Amazing.
Let me take a guess here simpleton, you were for the Iraq war and the resulting strain it has put on the VA. Not that you understand the correlation. . You want to cut government services such as the VA and then bitch about the resulting lack of proper care. Let me take another guess, you're a Tea Whisperer. You are for wars, tax cuts and smaller government all the while bitching about big government. I'm amazed folks like you even know how to wipe your own ass. Gnadfly can only lick his clean....so you have that to look forward to!
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Old 05-23-2014, 05:32 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Oh Doove, how embarassing. Busted and your comments aren't even 24 hours old yet.

VA Has Already Admitted 23 Veteran Deaths Linked to Delays in Care
And according to your article, most occurred in 2010 and 2011. Which fits right in with this:

  • Under the Obama administration, the patient load of the VHA has increased by over a million. Partly this is because of the large number of combat vets returning from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and partly it's because Obama kept his promise to expand access to the VHA.
  • It was inevitable that this would increase wait times, and the VHA's claims backlog did indeed increase during the first three years of Obama's presidency. Over the past couple of years, however, wait times have shrunk dramatically. A digital claims system has finally been put in place, and the claims backlog today is less than half what it was at the beginning of 2013.
Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
And VA 100% GOVERNMENT RUN Healthcare, start to finish, is what you Obamabots are creaming in your jeans for.. "SINGLE PAYER"... and this is the kind of result we get? Yeah.. doing a "heckuvajob" there Obama

We know what part of this...

you don't like, but what part of it don't you get?
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Old 05-23-2014, 05:35 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Let me take a guess here simpleton, you were for the Iraq war and the resulting strain it has put on the VA. Not that you understand the correlation. . You want to cut government services such as the VA and then bitch about the resulting lack of proper care.
They get what they want, and blame the Democrats for the inevitable results.

And they preach personal responsibility.

Frankly, it's all rather brilliant.
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Old 05-23-2014, 08:28 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
led to the huge surge in ... Afgan vets needing to use the VA? About time you admitted so.
Remind me WTF? WHICH President was it that ordered the SURGE IN TROOPS into Afgan and got MORE casualties than any other President in that country leading to an increase in VA clients? Remind us all which President said there was a problem with the VA back in 2007, before he ordered that surge, but apparently now is "surprised" by all of this?

Which President was that again WTF? Hmmm?
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Old 05-23-2014, 08:32 PM   #66
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And that's why you can say "Heckuvajob Brownie.. er.. Obama" right Doove? Real wonderful system where they LIE about meeting the appointment standards and Vets DIE.. I can see how everyone would be extremely satisfied with that, hmmm Doove?

So... when can we expect the same to happen to Civilian hospitals now that Obamacare is such a "smashing success"? What's the over/under on the additional new deaths from that program do you suppose Doove? Nice to see Obama "spread it around" and not just horde such delays and death to the Vets, but let the civilians in on all the fun and games.
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Old 05-23-2014, 09:08 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
And that's why you can say "Heckuvajob Brownie.. er.. Obama" right Doove? Real wonderful system where they LIE about meeting the appointment standards and Vets DIE.. I can see how everyone would be extremely satisfied with that, hmmm Doove?

So... when can we expect the same to happen to Civilian hospitals now that Obamacare is such a "smashing success"? What's the over/under on the additional new deaths from that program do you suppose Doove? Nice to see Obama "spread it around" and not just horde such delays and death to the Vets, but let the civilians in on all the fun and games.
The VA had problems long before Obama came into office. You have a 4 star general that is a director who can't do his job. You would think that a 4 star general would not need to be micro managed. The republicans voted down approving funds to build additional medical facilities. The republicans only care about getting the soldiers deployed, they don't care about taking care of the soldiers when they come back. In the states that excepted the expanded Medicaid, the ACA is working fine. Look at Kentucky, why has Senator McConnell changed his position on Obamacare for Kentucky. He does not want to take away health insurance from all of those citizens who just got health insurance for the first time. Roomeycare and PART D had rollout problems. The only difference is the republicans did not make a big deal about it.
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Old 05-23-2014, 09:28 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Are you talking about the Iraq War? That you right wingers have forfeited the moral right to bitch about the VA when it was your gullibility in believing GWB that has led to the huge surge in Iraq and Afgan vets needing to use the VA? About time you admitted so.
Perhaps WTF's most short sighted post on SHMB history. A lot of those RWers you are so bitter about signed up for military duty in the GWOT and previous wars. They have not lost the moral right to bitch. Nor have those RWers who did not serve. We expect our American Veterans to be treated better than people who are in this country illegally that walk into the county hospital.
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Old 05-24-2014, 12:04 AM   #69
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I don't understand why Doove doesn't understand. You have hundreds of thousands of people in uniform returning from a war and you DON'T increase your staffing to take up the extra burden and that is someone else's fault. This is the shit that Obama is laying out and I can't see why someone like Doove eats it so readily and asks for more.

Obama KNEW that more healthcare professionals were needed (are we talking about Obamacare as well?) but he did not hire them. Someone screwed up badly. They should be fired but no one is being fired....so Obama owns this too. This is HIS failure until he holds the right person accountable.

I see the reflection of what that idiot WhatZup wrote about how veterans, combat veterans, don't have any right to bitch. You know you've earned yourself a bitch slapping don't you?
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Old 05-24-2014, 12:13 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
It is a fucking disgrace to fuck over our wounded Vet's or any Vet. Should be hung by their balls and loose their retirement if indited.
Well that's not going to happen because it's not important to this administration, nor was it important to the last.

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Old 05-24-2014, 01:22 AM   #71
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Old 05-24-2014, 08:00 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by RedLeg505 View Post
Remind me WTF? WHICH President was it that ordered the SURGE IN TROOPS into Afgan and got MORE casualties than any other President in that country leading to an increase in VA clients? Remind us all which President said there was a problem with the VA back in 2007, before he ordered that surge, but apparently now is "surprised" by all of this?

Which President was that again WTF? Hmmm?
You dumb fuck....quit distorting. Which President has had more deaths and casualties in total? GWB and it isn't even close. Now which fucking party called for a government shutdown and an across the board cut to all agencies? I have no reason to defend Obama and his stupid "surge". But ignorant fuckers like you that were screaming for the Iraq war and tax cuts now are crying about the VA basically not having the resources to clean up this mess you started. Are you really that ignorant. JD says you do not have the moral ground to be that stupid. You fucking own the Iraq war and its 4 trillion dollar price tag and counting. Are you too one of those Tea puckers that wants the government out of your Medicare?
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Old 05-24-2014, 08:06 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
I don't understand

Obama KNEW that more healthcare professionals were needed (are we talking about Obamacare as well?) but he did not hire them. Someone screwed up badly. They should be fired but no one is being fired....so Obama owns this too. This is HIS failure until he holds the right person accountable.

I see the reflection of what that idiot WhatZup wrote about how veterans, combat veterans, don't have any right to bitch. You know you've earned yourself a bitch slapping don't you?
You had us at "you don't understand". To help you understand, Obama does not cintrol the purse strings. You Tea wipes called for across the board government cuts less than a year ago you dumb fuck. You can't have it both ways. Lastly your gay sailor boy persona ain't bitch slapping anybody above thae Village People pay grade.
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Old 05-24-2014, 04:21 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by flghtr65 View Post
In the states that excepted the expanded Medicaid, the ACA is working fine. Look at Kentucky
You mean like that "redneck, conservative" Bastion of Oregon with its wonderful "Cover Oregon" plan??

That's what you call "working fine??" Then I guess by those standards, the VA is a model system and we should fashion a SINGLE PAYER program to work just like it for everyone, right flghtr65?? And don't worry about those that died, it was "only a small number" hmm?
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Old 05-24-2014, 04:29 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
You had us at "you don't understand". To help you understand, Obama does not cintrol the purse strings. You Tea wipes called for across the board government cuts less than a year ago you dumb fuck.
Well then you can point to ANY reduction in the money allocated to the VA, right?? Why don't you cite the line in ANY budget where the funds for the VA was reduced BY ANYONE WTF. Here's a suggestion, don't post again until you can offer PROOF that anyone, liberal, conservative, OWS, Tea Party, etc, cut the funds to the VA. BUT of course, you can't provide that proof because it doesn't exist, but you'll still post out and out lies here.
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