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Old 05-13-2014, 10:46 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
...and possibly had gas thrown on it when a certain party didn't agree to swapping partners.
What lie?
You both posted on the same subject.
Or are both of you in cahoots about the swap? If so, than you are lying.

A he said/she said thing.

I said *possibly*

I *assume* you mentioned me because of THAT post I quoted above.

If not, tell me which direction you are going now?
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Old 05-13-2014, 11:50 AM   #92
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The White Knights are out in full force in that last review of hers
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Old 05-13-2014, 02:34 PM   #93
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Whispers, you need to get a life. You could eliminate the National Debt if you got paid a penny for every character you wrote against Slave. This latest is simply ridiculous - that someone is outed by knowing when a provider provided a reference. Some of us plan - I have two dates already confirmed for October. If I'd need a ref, do you think it could be tied to these dates?

Haters gonna hate, but damn, dude - go screw your SBs instead of devoting hours to each slimy thread you start! Your Slave obsession is really getting old (even older than Slave ;-)))

IF you want to be the great Provider Disciplinarian, look at the really dangerous stuff. I'm far more concerned about who is a crack addict or does bbfs.
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Old 05-13-2014, 04:28 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by OldYeller View Post
IF you want to be the great Provider Disciplinarian, look at the really dangerous stuff. I'm far more concerned about who is a crack addict or does bbfs.

Oh, that is a fucking laugh!!
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Old 05-13-2014, 06:27 PM   #95
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Old broad. Fake tits. Pass. To the WKs out there... Do you think any of these "ladies" would be friends with you if you weren't paying? Don't answer that... Live in your delusions...
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Old 05-13-2014, 08:22 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Izman2014 View Post
I don't usually comment on useless banter and drama filled statements or threads posted. I like staying low key and keep my opinions to myself. However, whispers, this thread you started has no backbone, and seemingly is coming from a person that has issues with handling rejection. It's time to put on the big boy pants, high school is over. So man up and move on...

I am one of the few, yes few especially coming from a providers standpoint, that has spent time with Slave. She and I have had countless amounts of conversations and it only begins when I text. She is always mindful of the 9-5 perimeters I have given her and at times has reminded me of them, simply because I got lost in conversations with her. Never once has she failed at discretion with me and I guarantee her other men as well. I think it humorous to see a thread start from someone whom has never been with the provider they are ousting. Grow up!
As far as references go with slave, and forgive me if I am going of topic, Slave is the best. She is thorough and quick. Hell, she even set a date up for me with Paris when I couldn't get a hold of her. That to me is by far above and beyond.

So look homie, put in the big britches and get over it. She will never put you on the to do list...
I believe that you're missing the point with all of the other things whispers is throwing out there.

It's great that she's exercised discretion in your regard. I have no doubt she's done so countless other times with countless other clients.

This issue has to do with the fact that she failed to exercise that same discretion with a client who came to her, asking for her to vouch for him (a reference), to a fellow provider. She very carelessly threw this client under the bus in trying to defend her reputation.


While this may not seem like a big deal to you, because it's not your handle casually being thrown out there, but it damned well could be a HUGE issue for the guy she named. (No, I'm not going to repost his handle. Follow the link)
If you can't see the potential problems it could create for this individual, then I don't know what to tell you. It could range from a pissed-off provider he was supposed to be visiting with during the time that touring provider was visiting here...to a pissed-off ATF who's a sworn enemy of the gal he was asking her to vouch for ...to any number of things.

This poor guy probably doesn't even know that she dropped him into the grease, yet. Imagine him getting blind-sided with it in one of the examples I just mentioned.. Not Cool!

Point is:
ANY and ALL correspondence is supposed to be privileged information and it should be guarded jealously. Period.

If I contact a provider and ask her to vouch for me with a different provider, I absolutely would NOT be comfortable with her posting my handle NOR with whom I was planning on scheduling an appointment, for ANY reason, would you??

Discretion is supposed to be paramount in this thing of ours.

It might not cause this guy any grief, sure. But the fact that his shit was put out in the public eye, through no fault of his own, other than expecting a confidential vouch, is absolutely inexcusable.

THAT'S the issue here.


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Old 05-13-2014, 09:45 PM   #97
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All I gotta say is this! If you THINK you MIGHT have a problem with your fucking ECCIE handle coming up in a discussion - don't fucking use it! Use P411, don't hobby, don't use references. Stupid fucktards making a big fucking shit about NOTHING because a hoe told them to fuck off because she wouldn't touch them with 10 foot pole.

Imagine having a hoe reject you! That's got to be the ultimate insult! But if you're an idiot that's what you will get. I'm laughing my ass off at the stupidity of 3 or 4 guys that really should know better.
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Old 05-14-2014, 12:01 AM   #98
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And there he is, folks, just like clockwork. Slowdown there ol' man, you'll slip and throw out a fucking hip or something.

Hiya' Louigi. Good to see your head is still right where it's always been. better hope she doesn't make any sudden stops...might snap your neck if she does.

First of all fuckturd, I've probably visited with her more often and spent more time with her than you, so get your facts straight before you come mouthing off looking even more like a half-wit infatuated fucking white knight with a remote-controlled SG dildo jammed up your ass and SG manning the controls, ya' fucking waterhead, loud-mouth dipshit dumbass!

Riddle me this, genius;

-Do you not expect the providers you visit with to exercise discretion?

-Are you trying to convince us that you have absolutely NO problem whatsoever with ANY of YOUR information making it out into the public eye?

-Can you not see the potential problem that this could create for someone who trusted their information would be closely guarded?

Look, we get it. You like her. That's no secret.

But PLEASE, try to convince us that you couldn't care less if ANY of the information you've trusted others to keep confidential made it to the public eye wouldn't bother you in the least. PLEASE, blowhard, it would be a testament to your powers of persuasion to convince me otherwise.

I say that you are absolutely full of shit. Prove me wrong.

Go ahead, hotrod, the floor is all yours.

Convince me that it wouldn't bother you...bring it and come correct or go back into your bitch-boi box and STFU!



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Old 05-14-2014, 12:09 AM   #99
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Watch your temper skf, before JJ calls you out for cyber stalking louigi.
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Old 05-14-2014, 01:28 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by SofaKingFun View Post
And there he is, folks, just like clockwork. Slowdown there ol' man, you'll slip and throw out a fucking hip or something.

Hiya' Louigi. Good to see your head is still right where it's always been. better hope she doesn't make any sudden stops...might snap your neck if she does.

First of all fuckturd, I've probably visited with her more often and spent more time with her than you, so get your facts straight before you come mouthing off looking even more like a half-wit infatuated fucking white knight with a remote-controlled SG dildo jammed up your ass and SG manning the controls, ya' fucking waterhead, loud-mouth dipshit dumbass!

Riddle me this, genius;

-Do you not expect the providers you visit with to exercise discretion?

-Are you trying to convince us that you have absolutely NO problem whatsoever with ANY of YOUR information making it out into the public eye?

-Can you not see the potential problem that this could create for someone who trusted their information would be closely guarded?

Look, we get it. You like her. That's no secret.

But PLEASE, try to convince us that you couldn't care less if ANY of the information you've trusted others to keep confidential made it to the public eye wouldn't bother you in the least. PLEASE, blowhard, it would be a testament to your powers of persuasion to convince me otherwise.

I say that you are absolutely full of shit. Prove me wrong.

Go ahead, hotrod, the floor is all yours.

Convince me that it wouldn't bother you...bring it and come correct or go back into your bitch-boi box and STFU!



Doing some White Knight slaying are ya??
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Old 05-14-2014, 05:52 AM   #101
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Yep - you're right! Ain't nothing any lady knows about me couldn't be posted in open forum - except my phone number, cause I get enough calls as it is!

SFK - you're going to strain a muscle you're reaching so far!

No WK - just disgusted with stupid fucktards!
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Old 05-14-2014, 06:17 AM   #102
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Well that whole Darwin thing didn't quite live up to the hype.


...and no worries. I'm not upset.

Just having a little fun pokin' a stick in the eye of a fuckturd.

It's almost as much fun as kickin' chickens!

No Louigi, not reaching far at all
.You are a White Knight you even have a dumbass way of admitting it. Read your signature line if you need proof.

"I don't care what you you think of me because I've got my head buried shoulders-deep up some hooker's ass" ...TFF! You're such a knob.

Could you please reword this so that it makes sense, please?

Ain't nothing any lady knows about me couldn't be posted in open forum - except my phone number, cause I get enough calls as it is!

Your intelligence is flying over my head...try dumbing it down a bit for this simpleton, if you don't mind..because I can't understant what in the fuck it is that you're trying to convey..



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Old 05-14-2014, 06:28 AM   #103
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Oh I tried so hard to word things so your pea brain would comprehend! Keep dreaming and read my signature line!
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Old 05-14-2014, 06:32 AM   #104
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Oh, come on now, gramps. Don't give up on me, yet. I'm trying here...


Just do a little editing on it so that I'll better have a better chance to grasp a hint of all of this wisdom you're hoarding...



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Old 05-14-2014, 06:46 AM   #105
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Must be time for the Geritol break....

or nappy time?

welp, I've gotta go make some cabbage. Have a good nap and be careful with those scissors when you're clipping your coupons after your nap, Louigi.

They're serving Rice Pudding for Lunch today, so that should make you happy.




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