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Old 04-06-2014, 05:19 PM   #286
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hay, girl yes I like you, despite a few flaws.
But taint no one going to make me a white knight

I would say, check my reviews. then when in my profile check posts to see if I ever acted as for the one I review the most ahhh as her white knight. 18,768 and counting errr ok forget that LOL

but this title Review: Just when I think we both said the stupidest thing ever, we keep talking! for a review should rest my case. Along with a few other review of her titles LOL

but ya welcome to try and make me a white knight.
you want to read a few of my ROS's
pick a title and will pm it to ya
dear mods
one can out self ijs
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Old 04-06-2014, 08:04 PM   #287
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All I know is that I have had two sessions with Ginger and both were excellent. Case closed as far as I'm concerned.
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Old 04-06-2014, 10:45 PM   #288
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What case was open? o.O
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Old 04-07-2014, 09:28 AM   #289
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Originally Posted by skyfarmer View Post
Ok Mr. Blad man, but I do sense some frustration on your part.
Not at all. Yet your response does come across as a little white knightish.. And for a hooker. Which always invokes laughs

Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire View Post
"stating facts"? maybe. Stalking her around the board to continually paint her in a bad light? yep.

Too many threads around here read like this:. Ginger posts, Blad comes in and focuses on her and not really on topic. Lord Reign chimes in to support him.

That's the facts. Ultimatums were issued, but they seem to be empty threats; I could be wrong, but whatever is being done is not working.

Ginger may be a prolific poster and and some of her posts may serve multiple agendas keeping her name in the spotlight. It what happens when you let women post. Deal with it.

Why is the Arkansas staff letting this go on? I don't know what they are afraid of. But the guidelines are clearly being broken by these two. They are disruptive and not adhering to the terms of use they agreed to when they signed up, and they should be gone.

So what your saying here is it is gingers board and I have no right to post on it? Sure comes across as that mr white knight.. For a fucking hooker..

Originally Posted by Rockydoc View Post
If I was new, I would, but this fight has been going on for 6 months or a year with no sign of letting up. Everything has been said, opinions are not being changed as everyone's minds are made up. What is the point? Apparently no one is getting banned, no one is changing, so perhaps we coul just drop the whole thing. That is why I do not care. I have no interest is someone from elsewhere being invited Ito AR to save us. I mean, really?
Might want to re-think your muddled facts there as I was not here for 4 of those six months. So who was doing what ever for those 4 months?

And I find it utterly hilarious someone claims she cannot keep up with the business yet since my last post here posted enough times to give one the idea she is fucking lying. But then again she is a hooker and they tend to fake things for money.
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Old 04-07-2014, 06:50 PM   #290
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Originally Posted by bladtinzu View Post

So what your saying here is it is gingers board and I have no right to post on it? Sure comes across as that mr white knight.. For a fucking hooker..
nope. I am saying you are a bully; a keyboard warrior who continually attacks her enjoying the anonymity the Internet provides.
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Old 04-07-2014, 08:40 PM   #291
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Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire View Post
nope. I am saying you are a bully; a keyboard warrior who continually attacks her enjoying the anonymity the Internet provides.
Attacks my ass. I just state the proven factual information. If your too white knight to understand that is your problem not mine. Did I make up that she has has well over 200 reviews? No.. And if I am not mistaken that does seem as a high mileage hooker does it not? Well compared to one who maybe limited her reviews to 20 something so she did not come across like that.

And in case you failed to notice the hooker in question does the same goddamn thing and I do. But I guess your too captivated on that horse and do not see that. Either way ride on my boy ride on..
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Old 04-07-2014, 09:08 PM   #292
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First of all, let's do a little math. If a provider only saw 2 clients a week would that be high mileage? Ok now let's say a provider is in the business 5 years. Let's say half of the clients do reviews, that would be 260 reviews. Now factor in that maybe 25 percent of those reviews are recurring clients. Now I am just guessing at numbers here, but 200 reviews over a length of time just tells me that a provider has had some satisfied customers. Many of which come back on a regular basis. Factor in that this site gives premium access for legitimate reviews, and it's no wonder a well liked provider could have a lot of reviews.
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Old 04-07-2014, 09:24 PM   #293
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Originally Posted by Reznornin View Post
First of all, let's do a little math. If a provider only saw 2 clients a week would that be high mileage? Ok now let's say a provider is in the business 5 years. Let's say half of the clients do reviews, that would be 260 reviews. Now factor in that maybe 25 percent of those reviews are recurring clients. Now I am just guessing at numbers here, but 200 reviews over a length of time just tells me that a provider has had some satisfied customers. Many of which come back on a regular basis. Factor in that this site gives premium access for legitimate reviews, and it's no wonder a well liked provider could have a lot of reviews.
Or begged reviews for some reason or another. Either way....

And if your math is correct and as you say half the clients do reviews (aww hell lets just say 25% do reviews) then with over 200 reviews posted you are looking at what? 400 to 800(just to even things up numerically) (depending on which percentage does reviews vs which percentage does not). And over a 5 year term that would equate to 2.28 to 4.45 customers per day (based on working all 365 days in a year which we all know any hooker does not)..

And then that leaves one to wonder what or why the other 200 to 600 (depending on the percentages given above) guys did not leave a review if said hooker was so damn good?

And true reviews do send a message. Hell the last chick I reviewed was top reviewed two years in a row. And I now know why first hand. Granted she was a little old for what I usually see (34) but had some awesome fake tits and I can honestly say her reviews fit very well. But then again she avoids boards and drama so she has more time to hone her skills.
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Old 04-07-2014, 10:04 PM   #294
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blad 4.45/dayX365 days/year X 5 years is over 8000.

We have seen hooker math. Was this Blad math, or just bad math?

800 clients/5 years /52 weeks is less than 3.1 clients a week.

That post made our favorite Hooker math providers look like math whizzes.
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Old 04-07-2014, 10:36 PM   #295
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I will thanck you to leave my 1.3" of dangling death out of this discussion.
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Old 04-07-2014, 10:42 PM   #296
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Default Pot calling Kettle Black

According to you:

Originally Posted by bladtinzu View Post
Son I have paid more (for pussy)than you ever could.
Now you slam on a girl calling her "high mileage" for having 200 reviews.

You claim to be a rather prolific hobbyist... A claim I doubt, because you spend more time angry at the pussy on the board than fucking it; usually a sign that they are broke.

Or....Are you a pot calling the kettle black? Because previous statements of yours would put you in the high mileage category, too. At one time, there were few pro's in Dallas that I hadn't fucked and you claimed to have fucked more than me.

Originally Posted by bladtinzu View Post
Or begged reviews for some reason or another. Either way...
You have factual basis for that? You are blatantly insulting people on the board. Their is nothing civil about that statement.

Originally Posted by bladtinzu View Post
Attacks my ass. I just state the proven factual information.
I don't attack you. I may insult or attack the content of your posts, but not you directly. I don't even know you.
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Old 04-08-2014, 06:37 AM   #297
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Originally Posted by Rockydoc View Post
blad 4.45/dayX365 days/year X 5 years is over 8000.

We have seen hooker math. Was this Blad math, or just bad math?

800 clients/5 years /52 weeks is less than 3.1 clients a week.

That post made our favorite Hooker math providers look like math whizzes.
It was a prime example of hooker math. Just like stated age equates to 34 when in fact it is more like 52. Glad you got that joke finally.
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Old 04-08-2014, 06:50 AM   #298
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Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire View Post
According to you:

Now you slam on a girl calling her "high mileage" for having 200 reviews.

You claim to be a rather prolific hobbyist... A claim I doubt, because you spend more time angry at the pussy on the board than fucking it; usually a sign that they are broke.
Read my reviews son.. I get pussy you can never afford (proven fact). On a weekly basis. I just got to the point where I do very little reviews since some hookers take that as a point to where they can dig for information on you from other hookers. And it was so bad on another review site a few years ago I had my account deleted there. Reviews equate to hooker drama for guys. And by saying I have paid more does that mean I got more? Maybe, maybe not. That is not the topic so acknowledge and ride that white horse on.

Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire View Post
Or....Are you a pot calling the kettle black? Because previous statements of yours would put you in the high mileage category, too. At one time, there were few pro's in Dallas that I hadn't fucked and you claimed to have fucked more than me.
Never played much in the Dallas field so that is all on you son. And your opinion is just that. Yours. I don't go begging hookers to do reviews of me like it is a competition do I? And I learned to keep my reviews down to the bare minimum to avoid unwanted hooker drama. In fact 98% of the women I see prefer no reviews be written of them and their BCD activities. But when you get into that price point arena that is common. It isn't for the bargain basement price point arena.

Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire View Post
You have factual basis for that? You are blatantly insulting people on the board. Their is nothing civil about that statement.

Do you have factual basis for your attempts at insults boy or are you just letting you fingers over ride your brain on a white knight tangent?

Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire View Post
I don't attack you. I may insult or attack the content of your posts, but not you directly. I don't even know you.
And I do? I attack the principal of things. Which seems to rally the white knights (you in this case) in the circle the wagons formation. Which is utterly hilarious.
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Old 04-08-2014, 02:16 PM   #299
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Originally Posted by bladtinzu View Post
It was a prime example of hooker math. Just like stated age equates to 34 when in fact it is more like 52. Glad you got that joke finally.
Bald, you did not make a joke.

Either you wildly exaggerated the numbers in a smear attempt to make Ginger look bad, or you made a huge mistake in a simple calculation.

So which was it?

A prime example of the lack of truth in your just the facts campaign, or a really stupid mistake?

You know, it is not weakness when you admit a mistake, but rather a sign of confidence. If you know you are good, you know you are still good, even after screwing something up. Trying to pass off a mistake as a joke is a sign of insecurity. Other signs of insecurity....being a blowhard, a peacock bragging about your money, etc. No one I know that has lots of money brags about it. In fact, people with money almost never talk about money. There are a few exceptions, mainly the nouveau riche, that we all think are gauche.

If you have to tell us how great you are, then how great are you? IJS
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Old 04-08-2014, 02:26 PM   #300
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Originally Posted by Rockydoc View Post
Bald, you did not make a joke.

Either you wildly exaggerated the numbers in a smear attempt to make Ginger look bad, or you made a huge mistake in a simple calculation.

So which was it?

A prime example of the lack of truth in your just the facts campaign, or a really stupid mistake?

You know, it is not weakness when you admit a mistake, but rather a sign of confidence. If you know you are good, you know you are still good, even after screwing something up. Trying to pass off a mistake as a joke is a sign of insecurity. Other signs of insecurity....being a blowhard, a peacock bragging about your money, etc. No one I know that has lots of money brags about it. In fact, people with money almost never talk about money. There are a few exceptions, mainly the nouveau riche, that we all think are gauche.

If you have to tell us how great you are, then how great are you? IJS
A joke.. I tend to do that from time to time just to see who jumps on it thinking they caught something. Since (lol) I do this as amusement for myself I do not expect you to actually get the reasoning behind it. Your only a self proclaimed doctor after all.
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