so gentlemen I getting really annoyed how you guys have all the say so, and I can never write my side of the story. I love what I do if you have not seen that in my reviews, and can tell you im always clean never had a complain until a client gets mad or you guys don't click. do you think that's fair?
I prefer not to see men who are aggressive that's me. it even says that im dominate in my reviews. so I don't know why you would see someone that's the aggressor, and so are you? that doesn't match.
well really what im getting at is im feed up with the providers not having there side said.
all I can say was you were down there way more then 10 mins hunny I know you loved it..
and any other providers have problems with this. I feel we should speak up

well to all my lovely respectful gents have a great Friday
