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Old 03-17-2014, 11:19 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by happyhunter View Post
Had a noon apt. With miss Alison ...
And I thought it was just me.....so what day was your appt Happy?
Because she's been all over the place lately, just look at her recent ads:

FYI, she was supposed to be in Amarillo today and had agreed to see me but she's in Tulsa instead:

She told me by text that she would be back in Ama on the 17th and we could get together....this was after I almost got to see her a couple weeks ago but parked in the wrong spot due to odd/even number scheme at the notel and then she got paranoid and refused to let me in.

Also, when she said she would be back up to Ama on the 17th it must have been before she realized that spring break was here and the 17th is st. patties day and all....so she went home to Dallas and then to Oklahoma.

Bottom line: she's young and very paranoid of being busted so she changes her plans a lot and behaves as if she's a fugitive on the run LOL.

I'm sure she's a good fuck, but you can't count on anything this girl tells you unless you happen to be in the same city, at the same time, and park exactly in the right spot, ....and she likes the way you look

Even though she's on eccie, her TCB skills are more in line with the CL and BP girls I've known. There's nothing wrong with providers being on tour and changing their plans on a daily basis either, but the trouble is that she attempts to establish a schedule of cities she will visit far in advance, and then makes appts and then probably forgets about them when she changes her tour plans. So just treat her like a BP girl and don't expect anything more out of her than "same-day service" and everyone will be Happy.

So you might as well just get back to ur "happy place" there Happy Hunter, cause this dog won't hunt.

my .02
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Old 03-17-2014, 12:52 PM   #17
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To BBQ......my apt. Was 3-14 in midland sir ....as far as the this dog don't hunt ....I fully agree ...there are just to many top notch girls ..that have there ducks in a row ...that I would rather poke my arrow in ....I will never dangle my worm in front of this little fishy again on to the next adventure
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Old 03-17-2014, 06:06 PM   #18
Kylee Ray
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For all of y'all I hid my phone cause this crazy wife GPS searched me through the Internet. If you pay enough you can find anyone as I've been told. Honestly as a hobbyist if your married, delete your messages to&from providers. Being a lot younger than the other people in my area and a lot newer to Eccie I know that there is still a lot to learn. At least I called, apologized and explained my situation to the person I had stood up due to circumstances. There are some of you on this board I haven't seen;I know your input shouldn't apply. If you've had an appointment with me you know I do the best. I know how to please everyone I see. I'm a college student who takes a full load of classes, dances and does this to pay for school so I can at least say my life doesn't revolve around doing this until I become too old. I have a head on my shoulders and I'd appreciate it if you would understand that SHIT DOES ACTUALLY HAPPEN NO JUST EXUSES! Seriously I know this thread is open to anyone and everyone has their share of experiences with providers. The only reason I will not work is because of being a women, ohhh and a crazy wife that by far that tops the list. If you can't keep your shit under wraps as a hobbyist, I'd appreciate it if I didn't have to deal with your crazy wife. I'm here to provide and I enjoy what I do and I'm glad this opportunity presented itself to me, to give me a way to pay for college. I enjoy my time with everyone I meet. I apologize happyhunter again so that everyone else who likes to be immature and put their two cents in; that just makes them sound uneducated : HAPPYHUNTER I APOLOGIZE, A CRAZY WIFE YELLED AT ME AFTER TRACKING ME DOWN TO MY PLACE OF RESIDENCY,SO I DID PUT MY PHONE AWAY, YES AS SHE YELLED AT ME AND HAD HER KID WITH HER(uncalled for on her part kids should never be in the middle of anything like this) SO I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE I DIDN'T PULL MY PHONE OUT TO CALL AND APOLOGIZE RIGHT AWAY BUT AS SOON AS I HAD HER ESCORTED AWAY I CALLED YOU TO APOLOGIZE AND EXPLAIN MY SITUATION.


Thank you
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Old 03-17-2014, 06:48 PM   #19
Natalie Rose
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Default to bbq guy

You're the redheaded guy who drew attention to yourself by making a huge scene in the empty parking lot. Alison has all the text messages to prove that you drew wayy too much attention to yourself and you were extremely rude. We care about safety first, it's not all about you, we have a future unlike most of the women on here.
And fyi she had references from girls warning about you. she took the chance on you, and you of course black balled her.
She is not a fugitive either. If she was one she wouldn't be able to work in Dallas' strip club. They do background checks.
You are generally unsafe and yes it's Alison's fault for agreeing to see you. I will help her post the text messages unedited on here just to prove that you are lying. GROW UP.
We don't have time to be arguing with such uneducated people like you. Our plans are not set in stone, since we travel so much.And its spring break what makes you think we want to spend it in Amarillo?
And it's nice to see that you keep an eye on everything she does when in fact its none of your business.
If you have anything to say about me you can't since you haven't seen me. And you won't since I have no plans to meet you.
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Old 03-17-2014, 09:03 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Sky Lawrence View Post
we have a future unlike most of the women on here.
Your opinion is important also sugar, but please don't DISparage your sister providers like that
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Old 03-17-2014, 09:19 PM   #21
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Default the most unedumicated (slept wrong on purpose so you will understand it )

Originally Posted by Sky Lawrence View Post
we have a future unlike most of the women on here..
Miss sky you just BLASTED!!!!! every provider on this board !!!! please read my statements above about......GOOD providers !!!!
why stop there , i think you should throw out some racial statements , and stomp a bag of puppy's to death!!! WOWW !!! you just made darn sure this thread will be quit popular for some time !!!
as thy say any press is good press!!!
3.....2.....1 ENJOY!!!!!!
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Old 03-17-2014, 10:47 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Sky Lawrence View Post
You are generally unsafe and yes it's Alison's fault for agreeing to see you. I will help her post the text messages unedited on here just to prove that you are lying. GROW UP.
Sky- I would strongly suggest you do not do that:

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Old 03-17-2014, 10:48 PM   #23
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Everyone that is pertinent to this conversation has had their say. We are done her.
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