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Old 02-02-2014, 01:02 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Is there any doubt? This will make your blood boil:


The TSA is the second greatest waster of the public's time - second only to the IRS.

Virtually everything they do is mere theater. They provide no real protection from a determined terrorist. But they provide plenty of violations of our civil liberties - not to mention our dignity.

The TSA is nothing but a federal government job program - the primary purpose of which is to provide more unionized government workers to contribute to the Democratic party - willingly or unwillingly - through their union dues.

“I thought the First Amendment applied here.”
She leaned back in her chair, hands up, palms outfaced. Now she was on the defensive.
“I’m not trying to tread upon your First Amendment rights,” she said. “All I’m saying is: Couldn’t you have run those First Amendment rights past the legal department first?”

Really? since when does Legal trump the Constitution?

Let's also consider that the bulk of TSA workers come from the lowest economic strata of the work force.

And that many major airports can .. and have .. opted out of TSA, using private contractors.

The TSA should not exist today. at all. it's a knee jerk action by jerks. the FBI should have taken this role, and would do damn bit more professional job of it too.

The NSA should not exist. for obvious reasons. mainly it's a waste of Government resources that should be handled by the CIA.

but that's the mantra of Big Government isn't it? Let's create yet another overlapping and wasteful Department! it's the Big Government way!?!

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Old 02-02-2014, 01:25 AM   #17
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Ok...I agree.

Let's just get rid of the TSA and all aboard!!!!!! woo wooo!

Let's do what Archie Bunker suggested....

Pass out guns to all of the passengers when they get on and collected them when they get off.

No drink limit either.
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Old 02-02-2014, 01:40 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
Let's do what Archie Bunker suggested....

Pass out guns to all of the passengers when they get on and collected them when they get off.

No drink limit either.
they could hardly do worse, could they ?

it's all about the card's, people!!!

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Old 02-02-2014, 09:45 AM   #19
JD Barleycorn
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We had our own story in Kansas City in 2001. KCI airport had the top rated screener in the country. She was the top rated and it made the paper. Numeral uno right here in the heartland. When the TSA went into effect she didn't qualify and lost her job. Does that seem right?

I think an important part of the story is that the author says that many TSA employees have never been vetted. That if Al Queada wants to infiltrate security the best way would be to just get a job as a screener.
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Old 02-02-2014, 10:08 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Missed it.

But then again, when I see the name JDBarleycorn, I frequently move to the next thread without reading the thread title. Same thing I do with Whirlaway threads.
Yes, the only bigger timewasters than the TSA and the IRS are the retard brothers' ravings on this board.....
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Old 02-02-2014, 10:43 PM   #21
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The TSA is protecting us from the boogeymen living in the caves of Afghanistan.
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Old 02-03-2014, 01:31 AM   #22
JD Barleycorn
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You know, today gave me pause. The security for the Super Bowl was over the top. Not to say it may not be necessary (as some idiots will say) but it was more this time than ever before. Okay, why? I heard from someone that terrorism was down and Al Queada was on the run. So why so much security? Couldn't they have had the same security from say 2009? So what is so bad that they thought they needed more?
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Old 02-03-2014, 01:45 AM   #23
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Default SCREW TSA!

Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Is there any doubt? This will make your blood boil:


The TSA is the second greatest waster of the public's time - second only to the IRS.

Virtually everything they do is mere theater. They provide no real protection from a determined terrorist. But they provide plenty of violations of our civil liberties - not to mention our dignity.

The TSA is nothing but a federal government job program - the primary purpose of which is to provide more unionized government workers to contribute to the Democratic party - willingly or unwillingly - through their union dues.
ROUND OF APPLAUSE! I grew up with BOTH parents working for the airlines, I would fly all the time, anywhere, it was so fun, I used to want to be a flight attendant!
I have literally gone through the security with a see through dress & flip flops, that's how bad it is now.
Once, they took my vibrator out of my bag & said it had to be checked. HOW would I cause harm with a vibrator? Death by orgas:thr ob:um? LOL WTF!?
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Old 02-03-2014, 06:34 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
Yes, the only bigger timewasters than the TSA and the IRS are the retard brothers' ravings on this board.....

hard to believe stupid shits of that depth are running around on the loose ... HIGH QUALITY DUMBASSES abound. Must be a national contest going on.
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Old 02-03-2014, 06:55 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Porcelaindarling View Post
ROUND OF APPLAUSE! I grew up with BOTH parents working for the airlines, I would fly all the time, anywhere, it was so fun, I used to want to be a flight attendant!
I have literally gone through the security with a see through dress & flip flops, that's how bad it is now.
Once, they took my vibrator out of my bag & said it had to be checked. HOW would I cause harm with a vibrator? Death by orgas:thr ob:um? LOL WTF!?

Imagine some fucktatrd like you puts enough C4 in a 10 inch vibrator to level an entire airplane hanger and puts the timer on a cell phone ... now imagine the vibrator gets a call between DFW and LAX, now imagine you're on the plane ... now imagine you're not an idiot.
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Old 02-03-2014, 10:32 AM   #26
JD Barleycorn
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You'll have to forgive CJ. His mother refused to breast feed him so he has developed an attitude towards all women. That is when he involves himself with women which isn't too often.
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Old 02-03-2014, 11:03 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
Imagine some fucktatrd like you puts enough C4 in a 10 inch vibrator to level an entire airplane hanger and puts the timer on a cell phone ... now imagine the vibrator gets a call between DFW and LAX, now imagine you're on the plane ... now imagine you're not an idiot.
WOW. Someone's defending TSA, for real? I grew up flying every 6 weeks, I've never felt unsafe. The point is that while they are taking apart my vibrator, they are not paying attention to the video that is scanning the luggage. The "war on terror" was a bunch of bullshit & it was OUR fault. THE US put a military base on Muslim HOLY LAND! Have you even read the Koran, the Torah, or the Bible? It's all the same story, the main character is different, that's all.
In any case, overall TSA is looking at the small stuff, with average people, and not everyone wearing a Hijab is a terrorist.
OHHHH that's right, you're a TEXAN. If everyone was as intolerant as you, then the entire world would always be at war.
I believe in the right to own a gun & carry it on you, I also believe in abortion, sorry if I have learned to grow as a homosapien & I have traveled to 7 countries, to learn THEIR culture, THEIR look on life. There's more to the world then the rock you live under.
SPEAKING OF PLANES, today Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, & Richie Valens all died in a plane crash (hence American pie, written by: Don McLean
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Old 02-03-2014, 11:05 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
You'll have to forgive CJ. His mother refused to breast feed him so he has developed an attitude towards all women. That is when he involves himself with women which isn't too often.
Thanks Barley, at least you are sane.
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Old 02-03-2014, 12:00 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Porcelaindarling View Post
WOW. Someone's defending TSA, for real? I grew up flying every 6 weeks, I've never felt unsafe. The point is that while they are taking apart my vibrator, they are not paying attention to the video that is scanning the luggage. The "war on terror" was a bunch of bullshit & it was OUR fault. THE US put a military base on Muslim HOLY LAND! Have you even read the Koran, the Torah, or the Bible? It's all the same story, the main character is different, that's all.
In any case, overall TSA is looking at the small stuff, with average people, and not everyone wearing a Hijab is a terrorist.
OHHHH that's right, you're a TEXAN. If everyone was as intolerant as you, then the entire world would always be at war.
I believe in the right to own a gun & carry it on you, I also believe in abortion, sorry if I have learned to grow as a homosapien & I have traveled to 7 countries, to learn THEIR culture, THEIR look on life. There's more to the world then the rock you live under.
SPEAKING OF PLANES, today Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, & Richie Valens all died in a plane crash (hence American pie, written by: Don McLean

fuck TSA, and fuck you ... I own more guns than your silly ass has IQ points ...some women make a living with their brains, you're not one of them ... neither are you JD

complex thought never bothers either one of you girls.... stfu
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Old 02-03-2014, 01:52 PM   #30
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Darling, JD is right. Please forgive CBJ7. He's our Political Forum Court Jester, you know, the guy we keep around because he says stupid things that make us laugh. I know it's bad form to make fun of the mentally handicapped, but with CBJ7, we can't help it. Besides, he won't go away.

BTW, you are HOT!

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