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Old 01-31-2014, 11:24 AM   #1
veronica rose
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Default Any Real Estate Agents out there?

Hey everybody,

I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask; are there any real estate agents or anyone who knows of any in our little community here? I'm asking about the New Orleans Metro area. I am apartment hunting and it is Hell just Hell! It sure would be nice to have a friend in the business! Or at least wish me luck y'all....I'm not feeling a lot of love out here

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Old 01-31-2014, 12:21 PM   #2
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Depends on what you're looking for.

I see several people have had issues with your current residence, so I imagine you're looking to upgrade the "curbside appeal" element while maintaining affordability and a reasonable location. Unfortunately, so is everyone else.

The real estate market has gotten seriously out of whack. Formerly cheap, safe, cool spots like Bywater are now absurdly expensive. Something around the Riverbend/JP line area might still be affordable. Or consider Gentilly--lots of housing there and fairly close to the Quarter.
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Old 01-31-2014, 01:09 PM   #3
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drive around my area in the uptown/irish channel area....lots of nice plces with for rent signs in the yard

too bad you did not ask earlier this week as the house next to me was empty

good luck sugar
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Old 01-31-2014, 04:11 PM   #4
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Actually Raindog115 I am no longer doing incall and will not be doing incall at my new residence. I've decided my privacy is more important. I'm just looking for a better place for me and my dogs for me and my dogs alone.

The real estate market is horrible indeed! I'm about to move to Detroit where they're giving houses away and start over! Seriously, I'm considering it. But until that happens I'm looking in the Treme,7th Ward,Lower 9 Area it's just where I want to live. I have to be somewhat close to the Quarter if I'm going to live in this city. I like being near people ,and the dog park, I felt isolated when I lived in Mid City and thats just right there.

Thanks for the responses though. I'm trying to keep it positive as the search continues....
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Old 01-31-2014, 04:18 PM   #5
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there is a great dog park on camp street in lower garden district....and alot of nice property for rent in that area at reasonable prices.....near bus & trolly

good luck sugar!
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Old 01-31-2014, 06:47 PM   #6
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I'm sorry you felt isolated in mid-City--that's where I live & I really like it & feel like I'm close to everything: CBD/Le Quartier, Lakeview, Bayou St. John... I was about to say "you should live in mid-City!" when I saw your post that you had already tried that.

The only thing that isn't really convenient is the Garden District, but I only go there to grocery shop @ Fresh Mkt. anyway.
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Old 02-01-2014, 02:16 AM   #7
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Default Mid-city rocks!!

Lost my 2nd house in katrina there still cant drive by...makes me sad. TREME? LOWER 9 ? (girl i hope ya brought your GIANT DOGS and an UZI... xoxo annie
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Old 02-01-2014, 08:45 AM   #8
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I dont know how you guys live in the city.I have to be able to breathe--clean air and plenty of green space,a low crime rate sleepy town for me. I had a friend that lived uptown, and every house had bars on the windows. She said she was in the good area. Wow, I saw less of a threat in a 3rd world country I lived in once.

I guess Im still a country girl, but good luck to you. Hope you pack heat LOL
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Old 02-01-2014, 11:51 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by chellachella View Post
I dont know how you guys live in the city.I have to be able to breathe--clean air and plenty of green space,a low crime rate sleepy town for me. I had a friend that lived uptown, and every house had bars on the windows. She said she was in the good area. Wow, I saw less of a threat in a 3rd world country I lived in once.

I guess Im still a country girl, but good luck to you. Hope you pack heat LOL
I don't feel squinched-in at all--and I'm walking distance to City Park. I've got decorative wrought-iron bars on the front French Windows, which is great: when the weather is nice, I don't worry about leaving the french doors open w/their screens, locking my front door & going to work for the day. No one would be able to get through the bars before a neighbor would notice since my TV & computer are right there in the front room for anyone walking by to see--but I did that all the time last year & nary a problem. Bars on windows are very much a Caribbean-Hispanic-Gallic architectural feature, whether you live in a city w/high-crime or not. All those places uptown w/bars on the windows? They weren't added on as an after-thought. They were built like that 80-100 yrs. ago. Of course, the counter-argument is NOLA may have had a horrific property-crime rate for that length of time...

Crime rates by city still are localized to particular areas: I have lived, periodically, in at least three cities that were "the most dangerous in the US". Each time, I never felt un-safe. Why? Well: was I a drug-dealer in public housing? No. Therefore, statistically-speaking, my life insurance risk was still pretty good. Having said that, I would NOT voluntarily live in 7th or 9th Wards w/o a machine-gun, eyes in the back of my head & a Bengal Tiger named "Cuddles." But they aren't the whole city--they're two areas. The Treme is considered "transitional" which is real-estate-code-speak for "moderately shitty." However, there ARE blocks of the Treme that I would consider living in. There's even parts of the WB I would live in if I didn't love where I was now. Plus most of Metairie & Kenner are fine. The area along Gentilly is beautiful--don't know if it's good or not, but it sure is pretty.

The Garden Dist. was REALLY over-priced when I was looking--my apt. in the Garden Dist. would be about $500-700 more than it is in mid-City, plus I have better parking. I also didn't want to live downtown or in Le Quartier. Here's a thought: if you want a place that actually has parking & room for your dogs (or at least a decent neighborhood to walk them) have you looked @ a small-ish place in Navarre? Granted it's not on a streetcar line, but it's pleasant & there are some small 1-BR-looking places there. Yet your neighbors tend to be younger professionals--they also tend to be not-nosy. It IS however, even further away from CBD & Fr. Qtr. than mid-City, as it's one neighborhood north. Still if you found a place a block off of Navarre, it would be a quick run down Navarre to Orleans Ave. to get back to Qtr./CBD.
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Old 02-01-2014, 11:58 AM   #10
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HornDog sounds like a cool place!

I got lucky and got a nice clean/discrete single shotgun off magazine area not far from uptown...just like every neighborhood in Nola,there are some good with the bad.........but I am in a safe and clean area and got a steal of a deal on my rent...I am close to everything and can walk to magazine restaurants and bars/hop the bus or streetcar for the quarter areas.

You just gotta keep looking/know your areas and look for safe & discrete,and you will be fine. Good luck sugar!
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Old 02-01-2014, 04:59 PM   #11
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There's not a lot that's more stressful than hunting for a new place to live! I hope you find exactly what you're looking for at a great price!
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Old 02-01-2014, 09:07 PM   #12
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OMG, Thanks everyone. And....drumroll please >>>>I got an apartment in the Treme!!!! It's a cute little shotgun just for me and the price is right. A little birdie flew down from this post and told someone I needed it Really LOVING the Eccie community tonight!!!

Oh, and I take back what I said about not doing incall anymore. Now that I live on a street that isn't scary, good-buy 7th ward it's been grand, and I have a yard for the dogs, why not !! Veronica Rose has new digs and is about to be back in business!!! I am so flippin happy that is over! Apartment hunting is No Fun. I'm going t be in the new place by Mardi Gras & I will be letting all y'all know where to bring the king cake for the house warming party !!!!!

I'm sorry about your house Annie. I have the dogs, no bars on my windows but I'm going to get an ADT security system. And, about city life, I grew up in a small town, once again, feeling isolated and I just thrive being around people now, the more the merrier
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Old 02-01-2014, 09:16 PM   #13
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my ADT is called a shotgun...lol..thats how they do it in Texas!

congrats babe...cant wait to see it!!!!
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Old 02-01-2014, 11:16 PM   #14
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Exclamation LOL..

Well darlin..please be careful.. and take Dallas's advice.. Dogs get fed for entertainment round there.. Just saying. I am very uncomfortable with white chicks in that area.(not spouting out at the mouth..some wont like you..if not born and raised ya ARE gonna stand out like THE SORE THUMB.).watch your puppies and god bless. Bigger balls then me boo... been there ..and with very well known residents ...I go now for music and to fuck around..however i aint got Dogs..got kids.. I absolutely would have NEVER been allowed to live there .. aint looking that much for the nola experience...lmaof.. you seem like a nice girl. Let me know when your house party is.. id love to send ya a gift! xxoo Annie
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Old 02-04-2014, 06:32 PM   #15
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Fuck ADT. They constantly fuck me with their contracts.


Wireless system perfect for apartments that you can take with you when you move out...and home automation included for $30/mth. They have plans as cheap as $8/mth but with less features.

I get txts when the door opens, knows when I'm near the home and turns on A/C and lights when I'm in a certain radius to the system. Also have remote viewing via wireless camera.

It's definitely worth a look.
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