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Old 01-26-2014, 07:46 AM   #16
Dorian Gray
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When was the last time you got some strange, OoB?
I'm not saying a lack of strange caused your infirmity, but you need more strange. IJS
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Old 01-26-2014, 07:51 AM   #17
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Watch it on the cardio start slow like walking but first consult your doctor on what exactly you can do .
Stay away from the caffeine also smoking , these two things can and will harden your
arteries .
If you start a high protein diet with fruits , salads and nuts and grains included make sure you drink lots of water so your kidneys can process the extra protein .
Jason Deli is always a great place to get you heart healthy food also MY FIT FOOD is good .
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Old 01-26-2014, 08:12 AM   #18
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Prevention is always better than the cure.
Lifestyle change is up to you depending on how soon you want to check out o this world.
You are lucky you did not die.
Sounds like it may have been your warning shot.
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Old 01-26-2014, 08:42 AM   #19
Don T. Lukbak
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Do like Dick! "HEART: An American Medical Odyssey"

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Old 01-26-2014, 08:48 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by eros1970 View Post
Glad you are still here mate. I haven't had one but several years ago my total cholesterol was 280. It's now at 202 and I don't take any statins. I spend two hours a day 3X/week lifting weights in the gym, and on the other days I run 4 to 6 miles/day. Exercise every day. I also radically changed my diet. I eat high protein, lots of fish and chicken and turkey, salads, and whole grain breads. I rarely eat fast food. I do drink tequila daily (pretty sure that doesn't help).

Exercise and nutrition are what made a huge impact on my cholesterol. BTW genetics are a big part of the problem in my family - all my brothers and sisters have high cholesterol and my older brother died of a heart attack at age 52.
Best advice......get into a gym routine and take care of yourself dude. Fail to do it now and you'll be paying for it along the way. If you have a problem running start with the elliptical or stair master then build your way up. You can lift weights all you want but cardio and diet is going to be a big key player for you.
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Old 01-26-2014, 08:54 AM   #21
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Glad you are okay. Thats scary, I'm right behind you. At one point I might had been in the very same spot if I didn't change. Hope you are feeling better, and live life to the fullest the healthy way
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Old 01-26-2014, 09:26 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Dorian Gray View Post
When was the last time you got some strange, OoB?
I'm not saying a lack of strange caused your infirmity, but you need more strange. IJS
It's been a long while. Lol
Besides Dr.'s orders are no intercourse for two weeks. Gotta let the ticker recover.
Well unless you count the nurse holding my piece while I tried to pee in a plastic container lying on my back in a bed.
The one time in my life I did my best not to get an erection while a hottie was handling my junk.
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Old 01-26-2014, 09:30 AM   #23
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You are scaring yourself man. IMO there is nothing you can do to increase your life span. I know some will say the the "tried and true" methods of exercise and eating "right" whatever that really means. The truth is 100% genetics. If you hit the genetic jackpot you can smoke all day, in between drinks and eat cheeseburgers everyday, twice on Sunday and you will be fine.

On the other hand if your genetics suck you will have to do everything right and still need good luck. As far as exercise goes there is the the Neil Armstrong quote "I believe that the Good Lord gave us a finite number of heartbeats and I'm damned if I'm going to use up mine running up and down a street." or the Honore De Balzac quote " Strolling is the gastronomy of the eye. To walk is to vegetate, to stroll is to live."
Which ever one of those quotes is agreeable with you follow it.

I believe it is natural to sit back and believe we can eat or exercise our way into longer life, but I don't think so. But hey what do I know? Best of luck to you no matter what.
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Old 01-26-2014, 09:38 AM   #24
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I say do what the Dr says, in time you will be able to increase your activity. That's some scary shit! It definately has me thinking! I'm screwed from genetics from both sides of my family. Please keep us informed on your health. Wishing you the best!!!
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Old 01-26-2014, 09:39 AM   #25
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Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't just help your health.....
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Old 01-26-2014, 09:59 AM   #26
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At the risk of sounding like a dumbass, here is my story. I've worked out since my mid teens. I've always been very lean, yet somewhat muscular. Had my first heart attack at age 39. It was mild, and I never changed my ways. I have a family tree littered with heart disease, and since I've always had a raging fast metabolism, I lived on red meat. Fast forward seven years, this time I had the widow maker, which is the left anterior descending artery, and it most often associated with sudden death from a heart attack. I was airlifted to St. Luke's and spent 9 days in ICU on life support. This time, I lost about 40 percent of my heart muscle. For the most part, 40 percent sounds pretty bad, but it doesn't have much of an effect on me. Although, another heart attack would be disastrous.
Genetics do play a big hand, but so can statins and a good diet. For the few people above that don't believe statins and a good diet can help, my sister works for a major pharmaceutical company. Over the years, cardiologists have taken a beating with regard to the number of stints they place in arteries. The statins and good diets are keeping the arteries clean.
Hopefully, you will take this first heart attack seriously. I wish I had. Clean up your diet, but don't make yourself miserable. I still enjoy a good cheat meal on the weekends. Everything in moderation. Exercise, drop a few pounds if you need to. Stay on top of your meds, and statistically speaking, you should be able to buy yourself a number of healthy years.
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Old 01-26-2014, 10:39 AM   #27
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Default Without saying too much....

Didn't you have a slim down, get healthy challenge that was suppose to last a year against Sanaa? See where eating healthy, slowing down, smelling the roses, & a chicken shit suburban lifestyle got ya. That shit damn near killed you. Time to burn what's left of your wrecked body from both ends of the wick.

As Rico in Starship Troopers said:
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Old 01-26-2014, 11:01 AM   #28
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If you're single, get married.

Studies have shown that never married men are 3 times as likely to die from cardiovascular disease than married men.
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Old 01-26-2014, 11:46 AM   #29
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Smile Moderation is key...

Originally Posted by eros1970 View Post
Glad you are still here mate. I haven't had one but several years ago my total cholesterol was 280. It's now at 202 and I don't take any statins. I spend two hours a day 3X/week lifting weights in the gym, and on the other days I run 4 to 6 miles/day. Exercise every day. I also radically changed my diet. I eat high protein, lots of fish and chicken and turkey, salads, and whole grain breads. I rarely eat fast food. I do drink tequila daily (pretty sure that doesn't help).

Exercise and nutrition are what made a huge impact on my cholesterol. BTW genetics are a big part of the problem in my family - all my brothers and sisters have high cholesterol and my older brother died of a heart attack at age 52.
This bloke has some good advice. But before you jump in, obviously see your cardiologist and start slowly with a reasonable pace you can maintain. I had a lot of these same issues...completely changed my diet(NO RED MEAT, plenty of fish and veggies) and moderate exercise, but the key is consistency...I've been able to control without statins etc...

Good luck sir, you are still a kid to me after all, hope you're around for a good long while.
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Old 01-26-2014, 01:02 PM   #30
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Well I'm 34, do it hits close to home for me. I'm interested in prevention, I'm mostly healthy and hope to stay that way. Diet, exercise, sleep 8-10 hours per night, what else? Any supplements, vitamins, certain fruits better for the heart?
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