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Old 01-24-2014, 11:11 PM   #16
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
It's going to be all lies, so why bother? I'm going to a hockey game.
They can always use another puck. You will fit right in.
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Old 01-24-2014, 11:12 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
We're all better off reading Peggy Noonan's column in the WSJ called "The Sleepiness of a Hollow Legend" than listening to Odumbo. Here is an excerpt:

"... The bigger problem is that the president stands up there Tuesday night with ObamaCare not a hazy promise but a fact. People now know it was badly thought, badly written and disastrously executed. It was supposed to make life better by expanding coverage. It has made it worse, by throwing people off coverage. And—as we all know now but did not last year—the program was passed only with the aid of a giant lie. Now everyone knows if you liked your plan, your doctor, your deductible, you can't keep them.

When the central domestic fact of your presidency was a fraud, people won't listen to you anymore."

Another good excerpt:

"... Americans aren't impressed anymore by congressmen taking to their feet and cheering. They look as if they have electric buzzers on their butts that shoot them into the air when the applause line comes. 'Now I have to get up and enact enthusiasm' is what they look like they're thinking. While the other party thinks 'Now we have to get up too, because what he said was anodyne and patriotic and we can't not stand up for that.' And they applaud, diffidently, because they don't want the folks back home—the few who are watching—to say they looked a little too enthusiastic about the guy who just cost them their insurance."

She nailed it.
oh yay baby...fuckem

The State of the Union is a grand tradition—but only if people are listening.


Updated Jan. 24, 2014 6:44 p.m. ET
So the president's State of the Union address is Tuesday night, and it's always such a promising moment, a chance to wake everyone up and say "This I believe" and "Here we stand." The networks are focused and alert, waiting to be filled with a president's excellence and depth. It's a chance for the American president to say whatever the storm, however high the seas, the union stands "rock-bottomed and copper-sheathed, one and indivisible." That's how Stephen Vincent Benet had Daniel Webster put it, in a play.

In a State of the Union a president tries to put his stamp on things. Here we are, here's where we're going, all roads lead forward. We can face whatever test, meet whatever challenge, united in the desire that we be the greatest nation in the history of man . . .

What great moments this tradition has given us. JFK's father thought his son's first State of the Union was better than his Inaugural Address. It had a warmth. "Mr. Speaker . . . it is a pleasure to return from whence I came. You are among my oldest friends in Washington—and this House is my oldest home." Friends, home—another era. LBJ taking the reins in 1964: "Let this session of Congress be known as the session which did more for civil rights than the last hundred sessions combined." And you know, that's what it became. Nixon enjoyed dilating on history, and was interesting when he did.

Reagan dazzled, though he told his diary he never got used to it: "I've made a mil. speeches in every kind of place to every kind of audience. Somehow there's a thing about entering that chamber—goose bumps & a quiver." There was his speech after he'd recovered from being shot—brio and gallantry. And of course Lenny Skutnik. Just before Reagan's 1982 speech Mr. Skutnik, a government worker, saw Air Florida Flight 90 go into the Potomac. As others watched from the banks of the frozen river, Mr. Skutnik threw off his coat, dived in and swam like a golden retriever to save passengers. The night of the speech he was up there in the gallery next to the first lady, and when Reagan pointed him out the chamber exploded. This nice, quiet man who'd gone uncelebrated all his professional life, and then one day circumstances came together and he showed that beneath the bureaucrat's clothing was the beating heart of a hero.

Well. History still beckons, waiting to be made. The great unstated question of today: Can America come back, reclaim her old spirit, confidence and joy, can we make things again, build them, grow, create, push out into the new?

And here I think: Oh dear.

Because when I imagine Barack Obama's State of the Union, I see a handsome, dignified man standing at the podium and behind him Joe Biden, sleeping. And next to him John Boehner, snoring. And arrayed before the president the members, napping.

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Martin Kozlowski

No one's really listening to the president now. He has been for five years a nonstop windup talk machine. Most of it has been facile, bland, the same rounded words and rounded sentiments, the same soft accusations and excuses. I see him enjoying the sound of his voice as the network newsman leans forward eagerly, intently, nodding at the pearls, enacting interest, for this is the president and he is the anchorman and surely something important is being said with two such important men engaged.

But nothing interesting was being said! Looking back on this presidency, it has from the beginning been a 17,000 word New Yorker piece in which, calmly, sonorously, with his lovely intelligent voice, the president says nothing, or little that is helpful, insightful or believable. "I'm not a particularly ideological person." "It's hard to anticipate events over the next three years." "I don't really even need George Kennan right now." "I am comfortable with complexity." "Our capacity to do some good . . . is unsurpassed, even if nobody is paying attention."

Nobody is!

He gave a speech on the National Security Agency, that bitterly contested issue, the other day. Pew Research found half of those polled didn't notice. National Journal's Dustin Volz wrote that Americans greeted the speech with "collective indifference and broad skepticism." Of the 1 in 10 who'd followed it, more than 70% doubted his proposals would help protect privacy.

The bigger problem is that the president stands up there Tuesday night with ObamaCare not a hazy promise but a fact. People now know it was badly thought, badly written and disastrously executed. It was supposed to make life better by expanding coverage. It has made it worse, by throwing people off coverage. And—as we all know now but did not last year—the program was passed only with the aid of a giant lie. Now everyone knows if you liked your plan, your doctor, your deductible, you can't keep them.

When the central domestic fact of your presidency was a fraud, people won't listen to you anymore.

The poor speechwriters. They are always just a little more in touch with public sentiment than a president can be—they get to move around in the world, they know what people are saying. They have to imitate the optimism of the speeches of yore, they have to rouse. They are the ones who know what a heavy freaking lift it is, what an impossible chore. And they have to do it with idiots in the staffing process scrawling on the margins of the draft: "More applause lines!" The speechwriters know the answer is fewer applause lines, more thought, more humility and candor. Americans aren't impressed anymore by congressmen taking to their feet and cheering. They look as if they have electric buzzers on their butts that shoot them into the air when the applause line comes. "Now I have to get up and enact enthusiasm" is what they look like they're thinking. While the other party thinks "Now we have to get up too, because what he said was anodyne and patriotic and we can't not stand up for that." And they applaud, diffidently, because they don't want the folks back home—the few who are watching—to say they looked a little too enthusiastic about the guy who just cost them their insurance.

They are all enacting. They are all replicating. They're all imitating the past.

You know when we will know America is starting to come back? When some day the sergeant at arms bellows: "Mr. Speaker, the president of the United States" and the camera shows a bubble of suits and one person emerges from the pack and walks into the chamber and you're watching at home and you find yourself—against everything you know, against all the accumulated knowledge of the past—interested. It'll take you aback when you realize you're interested in what he'll say! And the members won't just be enacting, they'll be leaning forward to hear.

And the president will speak, and what he says will be pertinent to the problems of the United States of America. And thoughtful. And he'll offer ideas, and you'll think: "Hey, that sounds right."

That is when you'll know America just might come back.
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Old 01-24-2014, 11:21 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
They can always use another puck. You will fit right in.

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Old 01-25-2014, 04:10 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
why watch it? all the simpletons will be here tomorrow crying about it
That's not whimpering ... that's low chuckles for the jokes who voted for him.

Some, MIA, as the number of supporters and believers grow smaller and smaller ....

.. the bumper stickers were gone long ago...... if you have one. Keep it. Collector's item.
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Old 01-25-2014, 05:03 AM   #20
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
I'll have to watch some paint dry... sorry
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Old 01-25-2014, 07:08 AM   #21
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Drudge says its about "global warming"

at least he has a headline as such

I imagine at this stage of obama's reign of terror, his handlers are running out of ideas
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Old 01-25-2014, 08:56 AM   #22
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Justified is on at 10pm, a new episode. From 9-10 there should be some hockey or ball on, AMC is playing The Bourne Identity, or I could actually watch Hogan's Heros. There's work to be done around the house, or a workout would be in order. It never hurts to read a book.

Odinglebarry or not, this Tuesday's speech is an exercise in futility, the political equivalent of the Oscars, where a bunch of folks get together to blow themselves over how great their industry is. 80% of the people in that building that night do not perform yet sadly it will be the most secure building in the world. They don't deserve that protection.
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Old 01-25-2014, 09:14 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post

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Old 01-26-2014, 11:18 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
It's going to be all lies, so why bother? I'm going to a hockey game.
they setting up a glory hole in goal for you, Dipshit COG? Take shots from center ice at the breaks!
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Old 01-26-2014, 12:30 PM   #25
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READ the COMMENTS... WOW, the People are getting pissed. http://www.ijreview.com/2014/01/1099...ent-weve-ever/

Liberal Icon Urges Impeachment: Obama 'The Most Destructive, Dangerous President We've Ever Had'

Mike Miller
On January 21, 2014
A well-respected constitutional expert is blasting President Obama’s unprecedented abuse of powers, and has decribed him as worse than Richard Nixon. He even goes so far as to call him the most un-American president in the history of the nation.

The words of an arch-conservative? Hardly. The warnings of a liberal icon.

Nat Hentoff, historian, novelist and syndicated columnist, is not a fan of Barack Obama. In fact, Hentoff says it’s time to consider impeachment — citing Obama’s tendency to resort to executive orders or actions whenever his proposals are rejected by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

“Apparently he doesn’t give one damn about the separation of power. Never before in our history has a president done these things.”

The executive power abuse issue most recently made the headlines last week when Obama said: “I’ve got a pen … and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions.”

Among these executive actions are delaying the employer mandate of ObamaCare, enacting provisions of the DREAM act by fiat, and passing gun control regulations by decree.

“So, if this isn’t a reason for at least the start of an independent investigation that would lead to impeachment, what is?”

Here is a dictionary definition of “impeachment“: To make an accusation against; To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal. Or: To challenge the validity of; try to discredit. It does not necessarily mean to “throw out” of office.

Shortly after President Obama took office, Hentoff declared himself as an opponent of the administration’s swift power-grab. As reported by the Huffington Post:

Obama has little, if any, principles except to aggrandize and make himself more and more important. You see that in his foreign policy. Obama lacks a backbone — both a constitutional backbone and a personal backbone. This is a man who is causing us and will cause us a great deal of harm constitutionally and personally. This is the first administration that has scared me.

Hentoff is widely recognized as one of the country’s foremost authorities on both the Constitution and the Supreme Court. While he has historically leaned to the left on countless issues — he railed against George Bush and Dick Cheney, the prison at Guantanamo Bay and the National Defense Authorization Act — he has been leery of Barack Obama from the beginning.

“Within a few months after he was elected, I wrote a column saying he was going to be the most destructive, dangerous president we’ve ever had. He has no right to do these executive orders. He’s in a position now where he figures he’s going to do whatever he wants to do.”

Strong words. From a highly-regarded man knowledgeable in such things. Is he right? Does Barack Obama’s abuse of presidential power warrant consideration of impeachment? Tell us what you think.
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Old 01-26-2014, 12:57 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The state of the union was better than it was 5 years ago when the President you voted for damn near ran us off the cliff
You are finally correct on something. 5 years ago the President was Barack Obama...but I didn't vote for him.

"Hopefully" your Obamacare policy covers genetic counseling. If so, please take advantage of it.
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Old 01-26-2014, 01:04 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
Drudge says its about "global warming"

at least he has a headline as such

I imagine at this stage of obama's reign of terror, his handlers are running out of ideas
Global warming is so 2003. After the the Copenhagen conference fell apart I'm surprise the dog still hunts. Obama has been pressing "clean energy" even though nat gas production releases huge amounts of CO2. Its a laughable dogmatic hoax that few in the media will realistically address.
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Old 01-26-2014, 01:24 PM   #28
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This is a real American... and a real example of a lapdog media shill.

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Old 01-26-2014, 01:31 PM   #29
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Is the speech over yet?
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Old 01-26-2014, 04:05 PM   #30
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Obama should start his speech with an apology to the American public....much like he apoligized to the Arab world......

Apologize for lying to us about Obamacare (among other things) !!!!!
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