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View Poll Results: Prostitution notwithstanding, is the word whore – in any way - a pejorative or is it not?
No, it is not pejorative. 10 18.52%
No, it is not & I do not mind my female loved called whores. 3 5.56%
Yes, it is pejorative. 41 75.93%
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Old 01-04-2014, 11:26 AM   #136
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Originally Posted by TGBeldin View Post
Just don't ask me to play the piano. That might get us both arrested for cruel and unusual punishment.
Tom, I've never heard you at the piano, but if it's anything like your singing you won't get arrested. In Texas they carry guns--someone will just shoot you to stop the suffering!
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Old 01-04-2014, 11:29 AM   #137
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No worse than yours old pal!
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Old 01-04-2014, 11:31 AM   #138
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I never voluntarily subject humanity--or myself--to my singing. Only under extreme duress.
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Old 01-04-2014, 03:31 PM   #139
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Originally Posted by LilMynx69 View Post

The thing I have the most issue with is that you think I'm unkind to the other ladies here. I don't agree. I know many of these ladies in person. We socialize and share advice and stories. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a lady here who will say she's come to me for any reason and been treated with anything but care and respect.
There is your problem right there.

It is no different than caring about somebody calling another a whore. Who gives a fluck. Oh you have a few people acting like they care about other ladies but their actions speak otherwise.

Do you care wtf the green river killer thinks about you. Why do you care what OH thinks about you?

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Old 01-04-2014, 04:18 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Who gives a fluck.
She does. This is her way of marketing, and it's working as we've seen in this thread. Which is fine. However, I think there are a few more points. One, I think it's turned into either an argument for arguments sake or a way to keep her name in the forefront with the tantalizing promise of naughty whore behavior. Two, it's a bit of mental masturbation as no one really here thinks the word whore is praise - like at all. So don't bother to tell you disagree, we already know because you said you don't call your mama or your neighbor whores. Three, it suits her secondary need to attempt to create hostility between women working here to make herself look better. It's quite common.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Oh you have a few people acting like they care about other ladies but their actions speak otherwise.
You know quite well I do. So if you would kindly point out in these four threads where I was uncaring. That is aside for the Jelly Belly comment. I already said it wasn't terribly nice.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Do you care wtf the green river killer thinks about you. Why do you care what OH thinks about you?
She doesn't. It's just bid'ness. I know the story is there is no business "there", but we'll see when Tom hits town.
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Old 01-04-2014, 09:09 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post

You know quite well I do. So if you would kindly point out in these four threads where I was uncaring. That is aside for the Jelly Belly comment. I already said it wasn't terribly nice.
funny, you say you care, but I've never, ever seen you offer advice/help without strings attached to any provider here...

but I've seen you talk shit to a bunch of people.

so please show us where in there you 'care'.

I think you're doing this for a whole 'nother reason, but that's for another thread.

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Old 01-05-2014, 01:35 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne View Post
funny, you say you care, but I've never, ever seen you offer advice/help without strings attached to any provider here...

but I've seen you talk shit to a bunch of people.

so please show us where in there you 'care'.

I think you're doing this for a whole 'nother reason, but that's for another thread.

Really? I just posted on a thread about screening through employment. I've posted on how to look for an incall. I've posted on budgets. I've sent out many an email for ladies in markets that I have a client list for when they are traveling. Not only did I not take a dime, I included their email and told the clients to contact the ladies directly. Several ladies have had photo shoots in my house. What more would you have me do for them? And where have you ever heard me taking anything from anyone. What strings are you talking about.

Look girlie, get your shit and stories straight, as in do your research, before you run your mouth. At least pick something that can't be searched to show you are just grasping at straws at the very least and more accurately lying. I'll post the links when I get back to my computer.
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Old 01-05-2014, 05:21 PM   #143
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Exclamation To be or not To be that is the question.

[QUOTE=OliviaHoward;1054753140]In other words, recognizing the existence of prostitutes and prostitution, do you feel the word whore is in any way offensive. And if not, do you find it an appropriate and inoffensive word to call your female – not your male – loved ones?

I guess if they are not a prostitute or a whore it could be interrupted as an insult, but if they are a prostitute or a whore then no foul no harm.

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Old 01-06-2014, 12:16 PM   #144
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Still waiting on lincks that do not exist.
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Old 01-06-2014, 01:12 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
She does.

She doesn't. .
Make up your mind Olivia. Either she cares or she doesn't.

Personally, I think women that attempt to out clients personal info do not give a shit about other women's safety in the business. That type of behavior prevents guys from wanting to give out their personal information and can put ladies that are maybe not in as good a monetary position,n having to see clients that have not been screened.

That is a general observation but if any lady thinks I'm personally talking about them....they probably would be correct.
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Old 01-06-2014, 01:24 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne View Post
Still waiting on lincks that do not exist.
These are just the ones I remember.

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
I recommend just off of 288 near downtown and the med center or the Galleria. Both have multiple business centers around and freeways for access. One thing to consider is drive to it from all different directions. You don't want your friends getting lost getting to you or to get caught in a swarm of traffic. Some places in the Galleria will make rush hour appointments impossible.

Look for places that don't have front windows. Some place that has a hallway to access the unit something like a high or mid rise.

If there is security, make sure you can activate all the security (elevator an gate) remotely from your cell.

If you have an incall mate remember you have to have a fall back location. Missing out on two engagements is more than the rent you split.

If you have an incall mate, use Google calendar. It really helps and can be seen on your smart phone. Texting back and forth will sooner or later cause a conflict.

Sign a six month lease. You never know.

Obviously laundry in the unit.

Covered parking where you and your visitors are always under cover and not stuck running through the rain.

Keep your rent and expenses to 10% of your gross.

Just some thoughts.

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
To me it's like this. If you aren't making that kind of money, then what you have to sell off to be a working girl is too much; the price is too high. If you are making at least $10,000 cash a month, then suddenly the balance is more reasonable, and of course more is better. Just remember, and this is what I tell all ladies getting into the business that come to me for help, from your very first post, website, showcase, transaction, whatever, you need to be planning your exit strategy. Like it or not, the demimonde, is socially frowned upon.

With no incall at $300 / 90 minutes (per your website) that's $200 / hour. A PI is what? $25 an hour? Two hours is $35 (I'm just guessing.), that's over 10% right there. If you Priceline a good room in the Galleria, that's $100. You need to book two engagements to justify that or have a few fall back friends that you discount.

Alternatively, that's what an incall mate is for. If you are making $5,000 a month then you can easily afford $500 a month a rent in some other lady's incall. However, it is always best to have the lease and utilities in your name. You could always get an incall (A nice one is about $1,400 all in.) and let ladies pay you rent either on a by use or flat rate. I've done that before too. I let the money stack up $50 at a time until I had a month's rent. (It covered about 1.5 months rent every 6 months.) Sharing an incall works out well if you have 1 1/2 incalls. That is, you have an alternate place.

Remember, you have other fixed expenses too for travel and advertising. For instance, a base ad and advanced placement on EROS is $300 a month. P411 is $250 for advanced placement. If you post frequently on ECCIE, that's sufficient advertisement as far as I'm concerned, but other ladies clearly don't agree. Houston is too big of a market to not advertise effectively. Go Google escort and Houston and see what comes up.

Make a budget.

Advertising: $350 (P411 advanced placement and EROS base ad)
Incall: $500
Travel: I suggest it. You'll be gone 36 - 48 hours and come back with a net anywhere from $2,800 - $3,500 or there abouts. Not bad.
Expense Items: $100
Don't forget to amortize photography too.

That puts you at $950.

If you eliminate the advertising it's $650, but you're cutting your own throat.

If you eliminate the incall, you're still at 10% with a PI.

Follow the math.

And always have a plausible back story. I have another business that is legitimate, will withstand scrutiny and easily explains the money. Sounds like you have one.

Feel free to contact me if any of this makes sense or you have any more questions.

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
Exactly! If you are going to screen through employment ALONE:

  • Do not trust the number he gives you. Google the number for XYZ Company.
  • You absolutely must, must speak to them on the land line from work. If you don’t them on the first try and they call you back, hang up and call them back. Because if he’s LE, and just security for a facility, chances are he won’t have a specific phone extension.
  • He must also be Googlable as Mr. So-in-So affiliated with XYZ Company.
  • Ask him if he can talk on the land line or to call you back on his cell and ask him a few questions about the company whilst you’re looking at the webpage.
  • Or from the Google search you’ll know what department he’s in. If he’s the Engineering Department’s manager, call up and ask for the Engineering Department’s admin. Get her name, and then when you talk to him ask him what he name is or something similar.
  • To be truly safe, it must be a large employer with a large presence on the web and in the community though I had some pretty trade craft procedures so I was comfortable with smaller employers.

That said, if I was a guy, I'd never let anyone call my employer. I'd see someone newbie friendly and move forward like that.
Then there's always my blog Hooker Incorporated or High Heels and White Envelopes (http://www.hookerincorporated.com/) Feel free to browse the How To Category.
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Old 01-09-2014, 02:15 PM   #147
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Seems the majority of those voting (76%) view the word whore as a pejorative. Not surprising.

What I find more interesting is that of the 24% that voted that do not find the word derogatory, 19% of those free thinkers do not call their female loved ones whores. To my way of thinking that’s a bit hypocritical.

To the 6% who do call their female loved ones whores and embrace the word, I’ll just bet family get-togethers are exciting and action packed, because, I’ll bet the women you call whores don’t agree. Perhaps I’m wrong. There may be a small sampling of women that glow brightly when their male loved ones call them whores, but I’m not betting the farm.
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Old 01-14-2014, 07:12 AM   #148
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Sh*t the fan when people use wh*res/Johns. Escorts gotta eat!
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