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A Question of Legality Post your legal questions here (general, nothing of a personal nature)

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Old 12-30-2013, 05:40 PM   #1
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Default Risk Analysis

I have a broad question about the risks associated with the hobby. Can anyone tell me if they've ever known someone who's been legally caught in a bind even if they're seeing reputable providers with reviews? What are the odds?

Here's how I look at it (and I'm uninformed, please correct me). Absent some kind of external, personal reason for an investigation (like the campaign finance issues that got Eliot Spitzer in trouble), the only routes I see are (1) a sting is set up by LE using an established girl as bait; or (2) LE goes through a back-breaking amount of investigation and stalking, like putting bugs and cameras in a room without anyone's knowledge. (2) seems totally outlandish and the effort would be disproportionate to the objective unless LE knew the target's identity and it was politically high-profile. (1) seems like it's at least possible if a girl wanted to reduce or eliminate a sentence and the police were really interested in Johns for some reason. BP stings seem to be common, anyway, but that's a different animal due to the lack of screening.
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Old 12-31-2013, 01:39 PM   #2
Charlie Angel
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That's pretty much it, aside from wrong place/wrong time scenarios (drug bust involving provider or supplier, pulled over for minor traffic infraction after being seen exiting known establishment, etc.

Also, the bug/camera route isn't necessarily all that rare. Years ago in Florida cops were using "sneak and peek" warrants to enter "massage" establishments after hours and install cameras. Resources will get directed to solve issues that generate enough complaints.

Bottom line...stick to established providers, try to keep abreast of any busts in your area and avoid those who have been arrested until you are certain they are not cooperating. Avoid high-traffic hotels frequently used by escorts if at all possible, especially late at night LOL, and "massage" establishments in busy strip malls that attract a steady stream of oddly all-male clientele. Basically anything anywhere that looks like something unsavory is going on there, and has neighbors that would care.
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Old 01-02-2014, 02:55 AM   #3
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How can you tell when a girl has been recently arrested? How would you ever know?
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Old 01-04-2014, 09:55 AM   #4
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This world is a lot like high school, in that news travels faster than the speed of sound.

You just have to keep you ears open on your local forum.

And a lot of areas of the country have websites that list/show information on persons arrested.

And a lot of jails have websites that will provide basic information, of course you would have to know a persons real name to do a search.

Originally Posted by DigitalBobby View Post
How can you tell when a girl has been recently arrested? How would you ever know?
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Old 01-04-2014, 04:11 PM   #5
Charlie Angel
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Originally Posted by DigitalBobby View Post
How can you tell when a girl has been recently arrested? How would you ever know?
Which makes me realize something I missed...use a cheap cash-only tracfone for hobbying, and if anyone you have ever called or texted gets busted...toss it and get a new one.
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Old 01-04-2014, 05:53 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by jframe2 View Post
This world is a lot like high school, in that news travels faster than the speed of sound.

You just have to keep you ears open on your local forum.

And a lot of areas of the country have websites that list/show information on persons arrested.

And a lot of jails have websites that will provide basic information, of course you would have to know a persons real name to do a search.
Yep, jframe is correct. In some counties, you can search over a date range without a name. Sometimes you can even search or sort by offense which makes it easier to track prostitution related arrests in your area.

But usually, you'll never know.

Most stings in Texas involve streetwalkers and ads posted on BP. It wouldn't be impossible for a lady or hobbyist to come here and gain verified or premium access. It would be hard to have or post several reviews and not be authentic, so take that as you will.

Overall, the best thing to do is not to engage in graphic discussions that involve money.

Also, be very careful to not use your a cellphone or email that is linked t on you in real life. Look in the security area for horror stories about the shakedown sites that have fake profiles online in order to bust guys contacting would be escorts.
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