The review forums are:
Independent Provider Reviews - South Texas
Agency Reviews - South Texas
Spa/Studio/MP Reviews/Discussions - South Texas
Strip Club Reviews/Discussions - South Texas
Other Reviews/Discussions - South Texas
Pick the one that is the most appropriate for your session, click on it and at the top of each you will see two buttons:
Click the
button and you will see a template to fill out. Fill it out as best you can, then when finished, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page.
You may want to use a word type program for the ROS of the review and have that ready first, then C&P that portion into the review to save time.
Also, please take a few minutes to read through the thread at the following link first:
Please read if you want premium access for your review
It contains a lot of great info on how reviews should be done in order to get PA.
Hope this helps and will be looking forward to your first review!
The Colonel