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Old 12-24-2013, 09:54 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by RoamingTheMidwest View Post
Well, then, if she knows his name, what's to keep him from just naming her? So far, her identity is unknown, so her reputation has not been damaged. In the global environment, it's called mutually assured destruction. As long as she doesn't harm his reputation or his current family situation, there's no need for him to reveal her name - and vice-versa. But if she does do anything to harm him, then he would have every right to reveal her name and the consequences that result from that revelation.
Yeah, the OP never said anything about being concerned about backlash and even said he didn't want to harm her business, so I still don't get saintliests obsession with this whole ordeal..worried about the OP, suggesting writing a fake review...somehow, someway he has to be in the middle of this...otherwise why all the concern? It's like he is practicing damage control..

Got me wondering..
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Old 12-24-2013, 11:10 AM   #32
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I think the sole purpose of the OP when he posted this thread was to create drama, NOT to seek an honest bit of advice on his problem. This section is for questions to the Mods and yet he could (should) have asked this question of the mods via PM.

At least MAYbe this way when he eventually reveals the providers name he can claim it was peer pressure and not his plan all along.
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Old 12-24-2013, 11:45 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Saintliest View Post
Tough shit. What are your other options? The guy told the whole board that this lady was using him from the start, with enough detail for her to login and suspect it's her he's talking about...ESPECIALLY if she knows his screenname. DING DING DING! It's not hard to put puzzle pieces together here. If this lady used him for a period of time to meet family, friends, neighbors, co-workers...what's to stop her from making ONE and ONLY ONE phone call in the heat of anger to seriously fuck this guy's life up? Once the cats out of the bag, it may very well be extremely painful to put it back in...assuming you can.

So yeah, as opposed to all of that up above, in his best interest, thats what I would do. Because, lets face it, if your employer gets a phone call from some lady accusing you of something...real or not...given the current Job Market...the communities trust and guidelines mean about as much as Obama's word on keeping your health insurance. Unless, of course, there is a rule or guideline in the community for helping a fellow hobbyist out with lost wages for being 100% truthful and honest to the board. If not, fuck em.
So guys here tend to disrespect providers, except for you of course.

It's ok to write a fake review here if a provider does something nasty to you, and that would not be disrespecting a provider?

...and you don't give a shit about being honest in this community or complying with the guidelines in your posts.

Can I take from this that you have been a part of some fake posts, or posting under different handles... Or is that just advice you give to others?
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Old 12-24-2013, 02:04 PM   #34
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Oh....My...God Becky......tell me you guys aren't this dense?

Let's review here...you have a guy asking the forum what to do to tell the truth about a lady that's using him. This guy then goes into a bit of detail in regards to what he has done for her, in addition to stating that he has reviewed other providers as well...and she knows this.

My first response was, it's a little too late now, given that he's posted so much info already, for him really to make it easy on himself without risking harm to his personal life.

Next thing I know, I'm attacked for not being honest to the forum, about not being respectful to this lady, blah, blah blah, blah blah.... Mind you, I never said anything disrespectful about this lady, and I'm not even sure who it is with any definite certainty, so I'm not about to overstep my boundaries and say yay or nay about her. OLindsay said that, yes, some ladies will gain personal information and fuck with a guy...in or outside of the hobby...we all know women AND men that do that on a daily basis anyway. If that is this ladies Modus Operandi, which is what the OP is afraid of, is what I was, and am responding to. What I did say, if I were in this situation, this is what I would do. Take it or leave it.

Ok, you guys don't like the idea of a fake review or a dupe account. What are your options to help this guy? Frankly, all I hear is everyone attacking me, and the voice of Ben Stein asking, "Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?"
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Old 12-24-2013, 02:12 PM   #35
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BTW Johnny, no I have not posted fake reviews from dupe accounts...nor have I stirred up controversy under a dupe account....nor have I EVER had a dupe account on here.
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Old 12-24-2013, 02:24 PM   #36
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Another thing, there sure is a helluvalot of paranoia on this board you know. Rather than take a guys post at face value, I'm accused of all sorts of things. Guys, please stop watching reality TV and SoapNet. I'm one guy with one account.
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Old 12-24-2013, 04:13 PM   #37
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[QUOTE=Saintliest;1054749435]Another thing, there sure is a helluvalot of paranoia on this board you know. Rather than take a guys post at face value, I'm accused of all sorts of things. Guys, please stop watching reality TV and SoapNet. I'm one guy with one account.[/Q

Fake reviews and dupe accounts are okay by you, under certain circumstances. Plus in another post you suggested many other hobbyists were disrespecting providers. Not you, of course. Good luck to you on this board.
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Old 12-24-2013, 06:13 PM   #38
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Yeah, I do believe that and stand by it in certain circumstances. If a person needs to be more anonymous than the board already is, so be it. You know, theres a reason why there is a hotline called 474-TIPS to solve crimes based on anonymous tips here in the KC area. According to your logic, Nixon never would've been brought down because you don't value a guys right to privacy. I hope you don't ever cross a member of the local La Cosa Nostra..you might not be able to publicly testify because someone threatened your family.
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Old 12-26-2013, 11:27 AM   #39
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Default Trust is most important.

Originally Posted by OLindsay View Post
Fellas you all would be surprised at how many providers on here that have pimps, or that will get close to a client to get as much info as possible from them to only turn around and use it against them if they don't get said amount of money from them , then they threaten the hobbyists by telling their significant other if they don't give it to them. Or how about getting money from clients ahead of time and not repaying them or following through with premade arrangements (such as seeing them on a certain date and don't answer the phone to the client when they call).
Or how about the ones that make up lies using their kids as the pawn to get someone to feel sorry for them. This makes me sick to my stomach just thinking and typing it.
As I set here myself being a provider I could never imagine threating a client for not giving me money when asked, or destroying their home life..
Karma is a bitch and believe it or not that provider will get hers.
Ijs not all of us are like that to our clients and it sucks. Cause one bad apple can ruin it all.
Well Lindsay,

Thank you for what I think is an affirmation of what I have previously said: using personal identification to get a lady to see you is a hazard. A guy has no way of knowing how the personal info will be used. It is understood the P411 collects personal information, such as your employer; what for. Every provider I have ever known takes the caution of using an alias, and for good reason. This discussion demonstrates several good reasons for a guy to use an alias.

I have never met you, but you just went to the top of my list. Finding a lady that a guy can trust is more important than the opportunity to meet a stranger.


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Old 12-28-2013, 06:13 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
Well Lindsay,

Thank you for what I think is an affirmation of what I have previously said: using personal identification to get a lady to see you is a hazard. A guy has no way of knowing how the personal info will be used. It is understood the P411 collects personal information, such as your employer; what for. Every provider I have ever known takes the caution of using an alias, and for good reason. This discussion demonstrates several good reasons for a guy to use an alias.

I have never met you, but you just went to the top of my list. Finding a lady that a guy can trust is more important than the opportunity to meet a stranger.


Thank you. I'd love the opportunity to meet you when ever your ready.
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Old 02-22-2014, 04:26 PM   #41
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Default Why stay in contact?

I don't understand if you feel a certain way about a person or feel that they're untrustworthy why stay in contact?

He have stayed in contact with me numerous times since this post & still wants to see me until things don't go his way. Then the threats of ruining my reputation start. I don't care about ones opinion. It's two sides to every story
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Old 02-22-2014, 09:20 PM   #42
Col. Zodiak
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Default This thread is moved to Coed Discussions

And this has been dragging on for 2 months now? Really?

Come on people!

To the Op and several others:

The moderators of ECCIE are not Hobby Police and able to help enforce what you deem to be "proper behavior" in your day to day dealings with other members of this board, except during the interactions you have with those people here on the board.

ECCIE stand for Escort Client community Information Exchange. This means that info posted on here is meant to benefit ALL members of the community, whether good or bad.

Stating that you have had a less than satisfactory experience with a member, without naming said member within the guidelines, really is of no use.

When you are soliciting the company of a person, there are three very important things you need to remember:

1. The ladies are on here to entertain the male members of the community and to make money for their efforts.

2. The men are on here seeking entertainment and willing to pay said lady(s) for their effort.

3. Most every lady on here is more interested in what is in your hip pocket rather than what is under your zipper. Like Chris Rock once said, "Pussy costs money, dick is free."

Occasionally, someone will get drawn in, men and ladies both, to a situation that seems more than it is. In almost every instance, in my observation, it does not turn out well with someone winding up butt hurt, but unwilling to commit to naming names.

If there is significant info to add to this thread, please do so. Otherwise, this one needs to die out and go to page 2, or more.

The Colonel
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