Originally Posted by RoamingTheMidwest
Can someone say two-faced? 
Originally Posted by CryptKicker
No- the OP removed the watermark giving the photographer credit for the photos.
Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
I can't believe that he wanted the photos removed… None of us were making any money off of this calendar… it was just a fun project to be invited to participate in…
Originally Posted by KCQuestor
I'm not surprised. A professional photographer had his photos edited to remove his name and contact information. That's bad form. I don't think BCD would have had a problem with the photos if the OP hadn't taken the extra step of removing his watermark.
Good morning all - Oh how I LOVE drama on Eccie, I normally try to stay away from this sort of BS, however I just can't help myself in replying about the situation:
CryptKicker / KCQuestor - could not be more right! (see above comments)
First off I NEVER asked or "demanded" the OP to remove the images, I simply asked him to do ONE of three things:
1. Reupload the original uncropped images showing the watermarks.
2. Give proper credit to my photo business in a followup reply to the post.
3. Ask a Mod to update the cropped images with the uncropped photos originally submited by ladies.
I even offered to email him the uncropped original images if he provided me his email address. I did notice that he left Mrs. September: Victoria Jolie watermark (Santillo) on the bottom right side of the image, but decided to crop off mine?? I thought he said NO watermarks, humm?
We chatted through PM first, and I never asked, demanded or requested a Mod take the images down. I never even contacted a Mod to inquire about the possibility of doing so. That was OP's decision which really only hurts the ladies in the end. I have no problem with my clients (the ladies) choice to submit any images I create to any online competition, magazine or use in marketing for her business. Thats why I am in business and do my craft.

I only have a problem when someone (whos not my client) deliberately crops or changes my © images to use for their own purpose but doesn't allow credit where credit is do.
I'll be happy to post their entire PM string so people can make up their own minds as to what I asked and how it was handled on the other side with OP. Assuming its not a code violation to post PM discussions in open forums?
That is all, have a wonderful xmas!