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Old 12-17-2013, 05:04 AM   #31
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its why I take much pleasure in bashing GP.
forgit where he came from now that he's up on the hill
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Old 12-17-2013, 06:31 AM   #32
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Evolved, adapted, compromised, ...if ya can't beat em join em. Something like that maybe. But probably didn't forget, I assume.
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Old 12-17-2013, 07:10 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by CLAMCHOWDER2000 View Post
its why I take much pleasure in bashing GP.
forgit where he came from now that he's up on the hill
Originally Posted by trojantide View Post
Evolved, adapted, compromised, ...if ya can't beat em join em. Something like that maybe. But probably didn't forget, I assume.
And once to the top of the hill, you grab a bigger stick so you can beat off the others trying to get up....

or those that simply bother you.

Now, I wouldn't accuse GP of carrying a bigger stick since his arrival upon the mound, as I don't have enough history here to judge how he used to be.

I will puke up the ol' saying however: Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Especailly when you start getting laid for free, even if only 20% of the time.

Or maybe it's only a 20% discount? I am fuzzy on the rumored Mod benefit details....

Or is it just a perk to ban those with which you disagree / don't like?

I suppose you really couldn't go around banning everyone you disagree with or didn't like - there'd likely be far fewer members of Upset NY. (And I am sure the Mods would get tired of only talking among themselves.) But maybe, just maybe, you could abuse your power just a weeeee-little bit and get rid of someone that really was a pain in the ass....?

When someone is banned, is it made "public" knowledge why they were banned? The specific offense? So us other sheeple wouldn't inadvertently break the same rules? Or are we left to assume and guess?

Ah - back to the subject of the thread - was OSD reinstated? Are more letters to St. C necessary at this point? If emailing the head-honcho, I'd really prefer to pull that trump card out someday to save my own ass. Selfish, I know.
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Old 12-17-2013, 08:45 AM   #34
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gp hasn't changed he is who he is.
rooster same
dd same
the posters getting banned push and push the rules
they know the rules they try to push.
ban away baby
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Old 12-17-2013, 09:06 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post

Then can i assume that you believe that i'm the only one who thinks this whole "mod bashing/XY issue" is utterly absurd?

People want to come up with all these deep seated theories as to what's going on here. It's simple. People are acting like idiots.

And frankly, GP is the one who set the tone long ago, so as outrageously stupid as i think it all is, i have difficulty developing any real sympathy.

Your comments just seemed ...Ughhh a bit self righteous in this thread about Osd. I have seen him say so many cool things about you in the past. Admitting that the two of you do not always see eye to eye. I have never seen him reduce your cause to stupidity.

So that's basically just gave me that vibe, and then the lack of gratefulness from the mods when members like yourself step in and support them on a thread getting knee deep before they even show up to say anything on their own.

I thought how rude.

I mean why should everyone trust that they are right and xy doesn't deserve the credibility? When something gets thrown online like that and perhaps other members do not have a little bit of history, I believe the issues trying to be posted need some sort of explanation. Atleast a.. hey members this is why we are deleting it, or a thank you to ppl like you who.try to help others understand Wtf xy is really all about.

The lack of appreciation really demonstrates that they don't need it. They will delete or ban whatever they see fit. It's their site and members really don't mean shit to them.

All we hear about is what a thankless job, perhaps they should treat others like you( who help with the work load) how they wish to be treated.

It struck me as funny. Osd started to make a lot more sense. He wasn't going against anybody, he was asking questions to see wtf was up. Perhaps if they answered him instead of jumping down his throat it wouldn't have got so carried away.

Funny thing is when the pimping thread was posted a lot of people thought it was nonsense too, and some of those same people now expect everyone to understand xy lacks credibility.

So, my biggest turn off: people who.think they are better then others. Who always comment on how stupid others are or foolish.

Sometimes the freaks have a lot more intelligence then others give them credit for. That can be a weakness for the high and mighty, but they don't know that. Imho.
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Old 12-17-2013, 09:20 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Frankie Fine View Post
Your comments just seemed ...Ughhh a bit self righteous in this thread about Osd. I have seen him say so many cool things about you in the past. Admitting that the two of you do not always see eye to eye. I have never seen him reduce your cause to stupidity.

So that's basically just gave me that vibe, and then the lack of gratefulness from the mods when members like yourself step in and support them on a thread getting knee deep before they even show up to say anything on their own.

I thought how rude.

I mean why should everyone trust that they are right and xy doesn't deserve the credibility? When something gets thrown online like that and perhaps other members do not have a little bit of history, I believe the issues trying to be posted need some sort of explanation. Atleast a.. hey members this is why we are deleting it, or a thank you to ppl like you who.try to help others understand Wtf xy is really all about.

The lack of appreciation really demonstrates that they don't need it. They will delete or ban whatever they see fit. It's their site and members really don't mean shit to them.

All we hear about is what a thankless job, perhaps they should treat others like you( who help with the work load) how they wish to be treated.

It struck me as funny. Osd started to make a lot more sense. He wasn't going against anybody, he was asking questions to see wtf was up. Perhaps if they answered him instead of jumping down his throat it wouldn't have got so carried away.

Funny thing is when the pimping thread was posted a lot of people thought it was nonsense too, and some of those same people now expect everyone to understand xy lacks credibility.

So, my biggest turn off: people who.think they are better then others. Who always comment on how stupid others are or foolish.

Sometimes the freaks have a lot more intelligence then others give them credit for. That can be a weakness for the high and mighty, but they don't know that. Imho.
Can I join Club Fine even prior to heading over the border?

Well said Frankie!
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Old 12-17-2013, 11:40 AM   #37
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Frankie - well said, but I hope you didn't hurt Doove's feelings. LOL
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Old 12-17-2013, 01:14 PM   #38
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doove wants to be the sole judge and god on here

great post ff, well done
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Old 12-17-2013, 02:38 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Perryay View Post
Frankie - well said, but I hope you didn't hurt Doove's feelings. LOL
Actually, i don't think i've ever read a more impressive post from her.

I'll just point out a few things, however. First, i didn't even have OSD in mind when i made my comment. OSD is who he is, meaning he's no different now than he was 3 years ago. Secondly, i made a reference to "the last 3 months" because by my recollection, and my timing may be off somewhat, but it seems like that's about the time that Paul started just flying off the handle with his mod bashing and bringing some people along with him for the ride. I threw in the XY situation because it seems that all the mod bashing just morphed into the XY situation to where they became one and the same. And the whole situation, at least to me, has gotten out of hand to the point of absurdity. Particularly since that's all that seems to be done around here anymore.

And when GP was the one doing it, i thought the exact same thing. When people have nothing better to do than sit around bashing mods all day long for weeks on end, when nothing the mods have done has really had any impact on their life whatsoever, what should i think?

Originally Posted by bjwstw View Post
doove wants to be the sole judge and god on here
Sure would make things easier around here.
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Old 12-17-2013, 02:57 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Sure would make things easier around here.
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Old 12-17-2013, 04:00 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Perryay View Post
Frankie - well said, but I hope you didn't hurt Doove's feelings. LOL
That would be the last thing I'd want to do to anyone. For real xo

Originally Posted by bjwstw View Post
doove wants to be the sole judge and god on here

great post ff, well done
I don't believe he has a god complex, well I was wondering for a sec, but that was the first time. Seriously

Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Actually, i don't think i've ever read a more impressive post from her.

I'll just point out a few things, however. First, i didn't even have OSD in mind when i made my comment. OSD is who he is, meaning he's no different now than he was 3 years ago. Secondly, i made a reference to "the last 3 months" because by my recollection, and my timing may be off somewhat, but it seems like that's about the time that Paul started just flying off the handle with his mod bashing and bringing some people along with him for the ride. I threw in the XY situation because it seems that all the mod bashing just morphed into the XY situation to where they became one and the same. And the whole situation, at least to me, has gotten out of hand to the point of absurdity. Particularly since that's all that seems to be done around here anymore.

And when GP was the one doing it, i thought the exact same thing. When people have nothing better to do than sit around bashing mods all day long for weeks on end, when nothing the mods have done has really had any impact on their life whatsoever, what should i think?
Thank you for saying that, and taking me the right way.

I think I have eaten two shoes in the last few days lol. I did take what you said wrong, and I am happy to find out that I was wrong. I have always been impressed with your humanity, as Osd did say before a different kind of white knight. I am sorry

I tend to be a white princess at times

I would have to agree, it has gotten to the point where the subject of mods and xy does seem morphed into one. Not sure how to say what I really want, but I will try.

I think that subject might be a complex "one", and perhaps that is why the last 3 months have been that way. And I ate my shoes. I wasn't thinking that way at first until I saw how the subject was handled.

Now, with that said, ppl getting too involved with other ppl didn't help in the first place. Some could have avoided the chaos. But like I said, It's all looking a bit more complex to me now :/

So I throw my hands up, it' s way above my head, and without more info I don't know if it's a cause worth anything to me. What sucks is it might be, because I do care about people and this industry.
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Old 12-17-2013, 05:14 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by MC View Post
D'oh, the image didn't work.

Let's try that again.

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Old 12-17-2013, 06:07 PM   #43
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OK....this girl is so hot....I am driving to the falls after the first of the year.

Originally Posted by Frankie Fine View Post
That would be the last thing I'd want to do to anyone. For real xo

I don't believe he has a god complex, well I was wondering for a sec, but that was the first time. Seriously

Thank you for saying that, and taking me the right way.

I think I have eaten two shoes in the last few days lol. I did take what you said wrong, and I am happy to find out that I was wrong. I have always been impressed with your humanity, as Osd did say before a different kind of white knight. I am sorry

I tend to be a white princess at times

I would have to agree, it has gotten to the point where the subject of mods and xy does seem morphed into one. Not sure how to say what I really want, but I will try.

I think that subject might be a complex "one", and perhaps that is why the last 3 months have been that way. And I ate my shoes. I wasn't thinking that way at first until I saw how the subject was handled.

Now, with that said, ppl getting too involved with other ppl didn't help in the first place. Some could have avoided the chaos. But like I said, It's all looking a bit more complex to me now :/

So I throw my hands up, it' s way above my head, and without more info I don't know if it's a cause worth anything to me. What sucks is it might be, because I do care about people and this industry.
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Old 12-17-2013, 07:11 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Hardpiped03 View Post
OK....this girl is so hot....
Hot - and cerebral.
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Old 12-17-2013, 07:12 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Hardpiped03 View Post
OK....this girl is so hot....I am driving to the falls after the first of the year.
Get in line.
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