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Old 12-09-2013, 08:18 AM   #31
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Cool Yeaaa ok

Originally Posted by TheRedMonroe View Post
I'm not a man, so I probably shouldn't be commenting, but it's a study day for me and I'm starting my day with coffee & Eccie.

Doesn't it all depend on what the gentleman wants at the time? I made an analogy on my blog not long ago that both Mario's and Tim Horton's serve steak. Very different quality, price & atmosphere, but what are the men looking for at that moment? Does the gentleman just want some hot, quick(drive-thru), cheap meat or does he want an entire experience (romantic lighting, good company, quality) at a higher price?

Before finding Eccie I was a BP gal (I'm REALLY glad someone told me about this site), but if you think about it, BP is one of the only cheap advertising options in Rochester that works.

Just because a provider is more expensive doesn't mean that she is upscale and cheap doesn't always mean lower quality. There are great reviews of both low price & high price providers.
I'm not a guy, but to me a higher price should have an entire upscale experience coming along with it (candles, a bit of romance, immaculately clean non-hotel incall, privacy, nice furnishings, quality linens, discretion, low-volume, no drama, no PT, no STD's/STI's, and a sparkling clean provider dressed for the occasion). I've seen ads for providers who charge an upscale price to provide out of a hotel. Her services may be fabulous, but that just confuses me.

I am curious to find out why you go to your OBGYN every week.

To test for an STI or STD they either do blood or urine tests or a swab of the infected area (pap smear) or an infectious sore swab. Too frequent pap smears lead to many other issues.

"there is a common belief that more screening is better. In fact, annual Pap tests offer very little if any benefit compared to screening every 3 years. False positives are very common with cervical cancer screening, and more frequent screening leads to more frequent need for follow up tests that can be invasive and have unwanted side effects, including problems related to future pregnancies and delivery, as well as increased anxiety and time away from work or home." http://www.cancer.org/cancer/news/ex...very-year.aspx

Yearly pap smears are safe as well, but shouldn't be done more frequently than that. There are blood and urine tests that can be done for STD/STI. I can believe weekly urine tests which test only for chlamydia and gonorrhea, but are you really having weekly blood draws? Seems unlikely, but I'm curious as to what you are getting done at the OBGYN.

PM me if you're not comfortable posting publicly about it.
I am never uncomfortable abt talkn in public... Yes I do go see my doc every week... & this is because of the business we are in and because of what I hear guys ask for that I hang up on!! I test a mixture of ways when I go cause I know abt the Pap smear long term effect!! My Doc is a client of mines and provides me with the best ways to stay staff!! I make this choice on my own because i am a bit paranoid!! And that's just what I want to do others can do as they choose... I run a different type of business over here!! Quotes and links mean nothing to me I do what I want and what I feels that keep me safe!!! Thanks have a great day!!
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Old 12-09-2013, 08:22 AM   #32
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And yes as for the out of a hotel thing!! Most do this because they have lives outside of this with families and dont really care to bring clients home... Lololol.. The type of hotel, the services she provides. how she handles herself etc... Determines what a provider should get as a donation or the difference between upscale or not!!
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Old 12-09-2013, 08:26 AM   #33
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Upscale has absolutely nothing to do with the providers price range nor where they advertise..it has to do with her own maintenance as being
clean, and ready for her visitors and how she enjoys and treats the company she keeps...she is also able to express compassion and empathy towards folks and isnt in the market to judge them.
A lady doesnt have to come on the board screaming she is upscale to everyone and every post she makes..it just naturally flows from her...and in and how she carries herself..

putting ladies down for the rates they choose to ask for and where they advertise is just
low class in my book..this is upstate.if your not advertising on a few of the general sites up here..you may as well retire..cuz there arent very many tools to our disposal here. And yes..I DO adv on bp as well..and i get many very nice gents there that have never asked me about bb..
Also if your not able to adjust your rate towards the economy of the city your living in your gonna starve. Also some of us have families to take care of. I like to stay bizzy, does that mean i have a revolving door? Hardly. just means this week lights will be paid and rent as well.
And checking a lady on her rate..well thats just you being way to up into their biz..
understand..every lady here is in their own genres..you are not in competition with other ladies..the only lady you need to worry about being in competition with is yourself..
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Old 12-09-2013, 08:36 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by aj14620 View Post
Upscale has absolutely nothing to do with the providers price range nor where they advertise..it has to do with her own maintenance as being
clean, and ready for her visitors and how she enjoys and treats the company she keeps...she is also able to express compassion and empathy towards folks and isnt in the market to judge them.
A lady doesnt have to come on the board screaming she is upscale to everyone and every post she makes..it just naturally flows from her...and in and how she carries herself..

putting ladies down for the rates they choose to ask for and where they advertise is just
low class in my book..this is upstate.if your not advertising on a few of the general sites up here..you may as well retire..cuz there arent very many tools to our disposal here. And yes..I DO adv on bp as well..and i get many very nice gents there that have never asked me about bb..
And checking a lady on her rate..well thats just you being way to up into their biz..
understand..every lady here is in their own genres..you are not in competition with other ladies..the only lady you need to worry about being in competition with is yourself..

I am in NO competition but its seems PPL on here make me the comp.. However the question was to the guys why do u choose cheap over upscale...

Now.... Why would u invalidate urself as a lady by going so low is what I don't understand!! I advertise everywhere as well... But in no way will I accept the low ball in thats just insanely crazy to me and what I believe!! Think abt it if u see a girl who is doing $50$50$50 or whatever.. Exactly how many ppl do u think she sees just to get rent!! Yeah!!
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Old 12-09-2013, 08:39 AM   #35
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There is never any comp for me.. Gurlll have u seen me? Nope!! Heads turn when I enter a room!! Im gd!! Get back to u guys when Im NOT busy!!
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Old 12-09-2013, 08:44 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by ExoticChyna View Post
. I run a different type of business over here!! Quotes and links mean nothing to me I do what I want and what I feels that keep me safe!!! Thanks have a great day!!
No need to get upset. I mean no disrespect, I was just curious is all. Of course we all do what we feel is best for us.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion about what upscale is. I simply gave what my idea is and what I would expect to find if I were to look for an upscale lady. I didn't say that any variation from my opinion or expectations was wrong.
You are right about lives outside of the hobby. Many ladies don't have the luxury of a separate incall or have the option of using their home and that is completely understandable. There are many upscale providers who use hotels and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. An opinion is just a view on something, it's not set in stone and my opinion is by no means the standard by which things should be done.

I'm going to stop blabbing and go study now.
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Old 12-09-2013, 09:00 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by ExoticChyna View Post
I am in NO competition but its seems PPL on here make me the comp.. only you have done this with your responses to others responses..

Now.... Why would u invalidate urself as a lady by going so low is what I don't understand!! I advertise everywhere as well... But in no way will I accept the low ball in thats just insanely crazy to me and what I believe!! Think abt it if u see a girl who is doing $50$50$50 or whatever.. Exactly how many ppl do u think she sees just to get rent!! Yeah!!
lol..who's invalidating who here..and those gents goin to see those ladies asking for those 50 buck rates will be the same gents you will see..this is a small community up here sweetheart..we all see these gents..weather they are paying 500 bucks or 50.. and regardless who you posed the question to..i feel since im a member here on this site..it enables me to comment where i so choose to comment..

now..i have hash to sling..have a marvy day everyone..
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Old 12-09-2013, 09:50 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by ExoticChyna View Post
There is never any comp for me.. Gurlll have u seen me? Nope!! Heads turn when I enter a room!! Im gd!! Get back to u guys when Im NOT busy!!
The way you talk to some of the well established members here (forget for a moment they're also providers) is likely doing next to nothing reinforcing what an upscale provider you are to those with the funds with which to see you.

I am hardly a White Knight, and haven't seen anyone that has chosen to chime in on this post.

But, I know them in a sense from having read their opinions and hear how they express themselves over the past few months I've been a member.

Still, just by your general tone and how you wish to present yourself, I know where my hobby funds won't go.

If my use of big words or punctuation has thrown you off at all, I'll consult my gangbanger's dictionary or find some 12 year old playing Call of Duty to break free for a few minutes to assist me in composing a proper response.

(Mods please send me a PM detailing whatever points I may have earned so I can keep track and plan my next vacation accordingly.... thanks!)
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Old 12-09-2013, 10:55 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by ExoticChyna View Post
I am in NO competition but its seems PPL on here make me the comp.. However the question was to the guys why do u choose cheap over upscale...
I'd say it's largely economic. It comes down to what guys can afford.

A little confused on what upscale means. For me it means a provider who offers a quality GFE at a clean incall. Donation amount is secondary.
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Old 12-09-2013, 11:01 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by ExoticChyna View Post
There is never any comp for me.. Gurlll have u seen me? Nope!! Heads turn when I enter a room!! Im gd!! Get back to u guys when Im NOT busy!!
I do not think I have ever been out in public with a provider and I did not see other male heads turn, a few females also.

And I been in lots of places with many different providers.
not counting M&G's.

List of where and who all both to long list.
age's from the ops to 50
in dressed to kill to old sweats with paint on them to buy paint.
I bet the Judge still got my red light cam ticket pic's that I did not fight.

So guessing most males will take look any at any gal they like the look of.
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Old 12-09-2013, 11:03 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by ExoticChyna View Post
There is never any comp for me.. Gurlll have u seen me? Nope!! Heads turn when I enter a room!! Im gd!! Get back to u guys when Im NOT busy!!
You're not lacking confidence, I'll give you that. Being a head turner doesn't make you a good provider. Been with plenty of "head turners" over the years who weren't very good.
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Old 12-09-2013, 11:11 AM   #42
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OSD, they are looking at you. Who you trying to kid? LOL
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Old 12-09-2013, 11:13 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by GP View Post
OSD, they are looking at you. Who you trying to kid? LOL
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Old 12-09-2013, 12:05 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by GP View Post
OSD, they are looking at you. Who you trying to kid? LOL
So my bid to be your next target worked???
Or am I wrong?

Oh and just who highjacked this threAD ?
I know I'm guilty most of the time. But not this time.
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Old 12-09-2013, 12:15 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
So my bid to be your next target worked???
Or am I wrong?

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
Oh and just who highjacked this threAD ?
I know I'm guilty most of the time. But not this time.
A small hijack here and there might be ok, especially around Christmas time. As long as it is an upscale hijack and not your typical dirt cheap hijacks.
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