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Old 12-08-2013, 11:47 AM   #1
what the hell
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Default food during limited access

I don't cook very often so my knowledge is limited. Before the icy weather, I made sure I had at least 4 days worth of food. I already did, so no big deal. However, I didn't take into consideration that my electricity may go out. Luckily mine didn't, but had it gone away, I would have only bread and crackers to eat. And that would have only lasted about 1 day.

What are foods that I can buy that don't require refrigeration or heating? Canned foods, yes, but don't most of them require heat to prepare?

I am going to plan better next time and buy foods that can be opened and eaten, without the need for electricity.

Any ideas?
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Old 12-08-2013, 01:09 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by what the hell View Post
I don't cook very often so my knowledge is limited. Before the icy weather, I made sure I had at least 4 days worth of food. I already did, so no big deal. However, I didn't take into consideration that my electricity may go out. Luckily mine didn't, but had it gone away, I would have only bread and crackers to eat. And that would have only lasted about 1 day.

What are foods that I can buy that don't require refrigeration or heating? Canned foods, yes, but don't most of them require heat to prepare?

I am going to plan better next time and buy foods that can be opened and eaten, without the need for electricity.

Any ideas?
All canned foods are safe to eat without heating. Don't forget to get a hand can opener. If you are spending the money, go get yourself a Coleman stove. Then you can cook. If you really want to prepare get a gas generator and heater. Just be careful to not burn your house down and make sure about ventilation. CO2 can kill you very quickly.
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Old 12-08-2013, 01:33 PM   #3
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Default CO2 can be fatal, but i think CO is the more immediate concern

CO (carbon monoxide)
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Old 12-08-2013, 07:04 PM   #4
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Google "Meals Ready to Eat" and buy a case of MREs. This is what soldiers eat when there is no dining facility available. Each meal contains every thing except water. MRE heaters are also avalable.
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Old 12-08-2013, 07:19 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Remote View Post
Google "Meals Ready to Eat" and buy a case of MREs. This is what soldiers eat when there is no dining facility available. Each meal contains every thing except water. MRE heaters are also avalable.
i am thinking maybe he wants food that tastes good.
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Old 12-08-2013, 08:00 PM   #6
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Come on man this is North Texas, this shit almost never lasts for more than a couple of days. This ain't North Dakota or Yukon Country...Lol

Check into a motel and eat every meal at IHOP!!! But, if you have to be survivalist on a budget, stock up on water. You can go without food for over a week, but water only about 3 days. Make sure you have a gas barbecue grill that has a side burner or a Coleman camp stove in case you want to heat something up. But for protein you don't have to heat up, packages of salmon or tuna are great...You can keep most of that can food crap, I'll live off beef jerky before I would open a can of anything except a fish product.

Now, when I rough it in the mountains, MRE's are a survival necessity if needed along with matches and canteens of water.
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Old 12-08-2013, 09:16 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by ManSlut View Post
Come on man this is North Texas, this shit almost never lasts for more than a couple of days. This ain't North Dakota or Yukon Country...Lol

Check into a motel and eat every meal at IHOP!!! But, if you have to be survivalist on a budget, stock up on water. You can go without food for over a week, but water only about 3 days. Make sure you have a gas barbecue grill that has a side burner or a Coleman camp stove in case you want to heat something up. But for protein you don't have to heat up, packages of salmon or tuna are great...You can keep most of that can food crap, I'll live off beef jerky before I would open a can of anything except a fish product.

Now, when I rough it in the mountains, MRE's are a survival necessity if needed along with matches and canteens of water.
I was right there with you up to the MRE. I will take freeze dried backing meals over MRE's any day! Boggles my mind how many people forget they have a gas grill they can cook on lol!
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Old 12-08-2013, 09:44 PM   #8
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I have an RV with a generator and full kitchen. I keep it stocked with enough long term items for a week. It also has a couple of cases of MREs. I think they get a bad rap. There were plenty of time in the past when no other food was available that MREs tasted real good. It's not great food but compared to a cold greasy burger and stale fries, it's not bad.
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Old 12-08-2013, 11:21 PM   #9
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Nice easy way to heat and keep food warm is to use cans of sterno. Caterers use them under the metal pans to keep food nice and toasty and to shut off the burning you just slide the lid back on.

As noted above, a propane grill with a side burner can be perfect to cook on also. And I for one keep 2-3 extra tanks at all times because you never know when you'll be in the middle of a holiday and run out so having extras is great.

Ramen soup is cheap and lasts a long time and just needs water. then heat.

Power can go out any time of the year so don't just think about cold weather, think about when it is over 100 in August

One cheap "survival" tip is to use rinsed out 2 liter bottles to freeze water. Because a freezer works better full, instead of leaving empty air, keep it filled with 2 liter bottles of water and if the power goes out in the summer it will help keep any food cold. I have a chest freezer and that is one thing that keeps the electric use lower.

And a small chest freezer is incredibly cheap and doesn't take much room.
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Old 12-09-2013, 10:39 AM   #10
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Fresh fruits and veggies will last about 5 days to a week. Dehydrated produce lasts forever.

And hey, MRE's have improved A LOT! You can get them at REI. Great store!

My answer to having no electricity was the Hilton!
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Old 12-09-2013, 12:42 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by thathottnurse View Post
Fresh fruits and veggies will last about 5 days to a week. Dehydrated produce lasts forever.

And hey, MRE's have improved A LOT! You can get them at REI. Great store!

My answer to having no electricity was the Hilton!
I like the way you think! Why tough it out when their is room service!!
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Old 12-09-2013, 03:40 PM   #12
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+1 on the fresh fruits. Fruit doesn't really require any refrigeration.
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