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Old 11-26-2013, 10:38 PM   #541
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Idiot I B Idiot.
Yes you are, you cum-gobbling golem fucktard.

Originally Posted by Bert Jones View Post
If I succeed, mankind will forever thank me!!!
Are you finally sending out invites for your 3rd grade graduation, Bert?
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Old 11-26-2013, 10:39 PM   #542
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Fuckin Joan Baez over The Band? ROLMAO. But hey, some guys like to lick assholes.
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Old 11-26-2013, 10:40 PM   #543
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
God Damn, you are killing me... You are a funny MOFO.... Joan Baez...LOL
Yeah, it's got a better tempo.

Apparently a lot of people agree with me. Her version hit No. 3 on the Billboard chart.

The Band's version ... did not.

BTW, the fact that I like her version doesn't mean I agree with her dippy politics.

Do you agree with Bob Dylan's politics? You posted his cover of Dixie, didn't you?
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Old 11-27-2013, 06:15 AM   #544
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Everyone of your posts has been your OPINION about what was worse than the Confederacy - and nothing more. Unlike your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass, everyone of my posts is backed up by facts which repudiate as lies everyone of your universals and absolutes, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. BTW, your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass failed to acknowledge that you were also repudiated as follows: There is Little Timmy-tard, and others, who repudiated one of your points about why Confederate soldiers fought, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Then there was Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man who unintentionally repudiated your absolute of there being nothing worse than being a slave under the Confederate government/flag, when he stated there was no horror worse than the Middle Passage -- which was not done under the Confederate government/flag -- but rather under the Stars and Stripes by Yankee slave traders from New England and New York, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. IFFY's videos also prove your universals are lies, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Then you conceded that the Nazi's were worse, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and that one concession was all that was needed to prove that your absolutes and universals are lies, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. But then you conceded that Leopold's reign in the Congo was worse, again proving that your absolutes and universals are lies, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Wait, wait, here's the real kicker, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, your wiki article on China again proves that your absolutes and universals are lies, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass was repudiated, multiple times by multiple people, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Shithead, it is still anecdotal even if it is documented. Those are not contradictory ideas you pseudo-intellect. It's official, documented evidence that repudiates your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Are you really trying to imply that living under slavery had no ill health affects ON AVERAGE that living as a freeman? More importantly, do you think the southern states kept accurate records of how many slaves they killed off and how early? The burden is on YOU to refute the obvious. That's your way of admitting you cannot support your POV with facts, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Are you really denying that YOU brought up the Irish working in the swamps? Those Irishmen were average freemen doing work for wages, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

No stupid, you just made the SAME mistake. You don't isolate for ANY occupation. You compare the average for ALL black slaves to the average for ALL whites or ALL black freemen. You haven't provided one iota of evidence to prove your point, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Once again, asshole, you don't isolate for ANY occupation. You compare the average for ALL black slaves to the average for ALL whites or ALL black freemen. And you, not me, are the one trying to compare all black slaves to particularly dangerous job occupations. Because you are dishonest, of course. You haven't provided one iota of evidence to prove your point, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Hence, your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

No, dumbshit, they were working in ONE particular job that was dangerous. So by definition, they would not be the average. Do you not know anything about randomized testing? You haven't provided one iota of evidence to prove your point, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Hence, your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Do you actually believe those numbers? Here are the facts, asshole, most of that growth came between 1790 and 1860, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. The 1790 U.S. Census enumerated 694,280 slaves, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Then, in 1860, the U.S. Census enumerated 3,950,343 slaves, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. So most of that sevenfold growth took place in the 70 years before the Civil War, and not in the preceding 180 years, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Again, your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Here is your first cite: ...which says that a TOTAL of about 600,000 slaves were imported into the Thirteen Colonies. Your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass omitted the words "and states", you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. The article goes on to report that of that 600,000, approximately 203,000 were imported between 1791 and the Federal ban on the importation of slaves in 1808, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. It is estimated that approximately 51,000 slaves were illegally imported between 1810 and 1860, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. That means the other three million slaves were born here and that your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is again repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

And that began in 1610. "Began" explains it all; it doesn't say "and ended", you illiterate, lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Your second cite says that in 1790, there were only 694,000 slaves in the US. So, are we supposed to believe that over the course of 180 years, those 600,000 slaves only grew by about 94,000? That wiki article indicates that only 329,000 slaves had been imported before 1790 (308,000 of them after 1700), and the 1790 Census puts the slave population at 694,280 or double the number by-way-of procreation that had been imported, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. So your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is again repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

And THEN in the next 70 years, they grew by 3,256,000? That means the population went up by 5.7x in 70 years. THAT means that the AVERAGE male-female pair of slaves born in 1790 had to have about 12 descendents by the time they were 70. And that's the AVERAGE. For every couple that was sterile, or where the female died in an earlier childbirth, another couple had to produce 15 or 17 descendants.

Again don't you think those numbers are WRONG? The numbers aren't wrong, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is wrong. Despite the record numbers of manumitted slaves in the period of 1790 to 1860, the number of slaves increased by three million through birth, so your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is again repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Or how about this - The US continued to IMPORT large numbers of slaves after 1790. So the population growth you cited isn't birth related, it's (forced) immigration related. In which case your comparisons to China are ridiculous. You are trying to compare apples to oranges. Twist, twist, twist, you lying, you racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, the number of imported slaves only accounts for 1/13 of the population growth among slaves during that period, so your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is again repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, and the comparison is valid.

Oh, so you are just going to cut off 5 years for population growth under communist rule in order to make the numbers work in your favor, liar? You're the one lying, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Check post # 469, 650 million was the cited number for China's population in 1958 when Mao started his "Great Leap Forward", you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

And it you really want to get the numbers accurate, you have to start in 1950, not even 1953, to get the true population growth under Chinese rule. So it is even higher than 2.3x. You're the one lying, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Check post # 469, 650 million was the cited number for China's population in 1958 when Mao started his "Great Leap Forward", you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. Your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass is repudiated, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Oh, so now you are cherry picking the four worst years of communist rule in order to come up with your AVERAGE? How dishonest are you?
Your memory is almost as short as your puny dick, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. There's no "cherry picking" involved, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass. As previously stated -- multiple times, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass -- the years 1957 to 1962 bracket Mao's "Great Leap Forward" (1958-1961) when Mao's reign was at it's most horrific, and your wiki source bears this out by citing a negative growth rate. Up to 1957, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, China's population growth was growing, and then, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass, in 1958 it began to decline and went negative in 1960 -- deaths out numbered births.
• 1957...23.23%
• 1958...17.24%
• 1959...10.19%
• 1960....-4.57%
• 1961.... 3.78%
• 1962...26.99%
Hence, your lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee ass has been thoroughly repudiated with your own wiki source, you lying, racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
keep it up, and sooner or later IBsqueaky will evolve
The cum-gobbling golem fucktard has your "squeaky" for ya, CBJ7.
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Old 11-27-2013, 07:55 AM   #545
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Yes you are, you cum-gobbling golem fucktard.

Are you finally sending out invites for your 3rd grade graduation, Bert?
I see my advice was helpful insofar as that was an original comment about third grade. You seemed to have regressed concerning your insults of the lying Yankee racist, though.
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Old 11-27-2013, 08:04 AM   #546
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Originally Posted by Bert Jones View Post
I see my advice was helpful insofar as that was an original comment about third grade. You seemed to have regressed concerning your insults of the lying Yankee racist, though.
Actually, Bert, your advice is pretty much useless; especially since the racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass continues to denigrate women of color and you nevertheless run to his defense.

BTW, Bert what's your opinion, doesn't a declining and eventual negative growth rate, such as occurred between the years 1957 to 1962 bracketing Mao's "Great Leap Forward" (1958-1961), indicate that Mao's reign was very horrific for hundreds of millions of Chinese?
• 1957...23.23%
• 1958...17.24%
• 1959...10.19%
• 1960....-4.57%
• 1961.... 3.78%
• 1962...26.99%
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Old 11-27-2013, 08:14 AM   #547
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Actually, Bert, your advice is pretty much useless; especially since the racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass continues to denigrate women of color and you nevertheless run to his defense.

BTW, Bert what's your opinion, doesn't a declining and eventual negative growth rate, such as occurred between the years 1957 to 1962 bracketing Mao's "Great Leap Forward" (1958-1961), indicate that Mao's reign was very horrific for hundreds of millions of Chinese?
• 1957...23.23%
• 1958...17.24%
• 1959...10.19%
• 1960....-4.57%
• 1961.... 3.78%
• 1962...26.99%
Indeed, Mao's reign was quite horrific, in spit of the racist, lying Yankee's defense of Mao, and the racist, lying Yankee's denigration of women of color, and the racist, lying Yankee's soft spot for government handouts to business. Those must be some of the reasons that you consider him to be a racist, lying Yankee.
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Old 11-27-2013, 08:27 AM   #548
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Originally Posted by Bert Jones View Post
Indeed, Mao's reign was quite horrific, in spit of the racist, lying Yankee's defense of Mao, and the racist, lying Yankee's denigration of women of color, and the racist, lying Yankee's soft spot for government handouts to business. Those must be some of the reasons that you consider him to be a racist, lying Yankee.
The racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass denigrates women of color and presents a "holier-than-thou" facade predicated on his place of birth, and, of course, he lies. FYI, I wasn't born or raised in the South, I just despise racists and pretentious Yankee fucks like him.
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Old 11-27-2013, 08:58 AM   #549
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Confucius actually predicted this very situation. He is on record as saying, "Pretentious, lying, racist Yankee provide cover story to allow Mao kill many people someday".
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Old 11-27-2013, 09:24 AM   #550
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Originally Posted by CJ7 View Post
keep it up, and sooner or later IBsqueaky will evolve
Why do you think so? The cockroach has largely avoided evolution for millions of years, and IB is of comparable genetic material.
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Old 11-27-2013, 09:48 AM   #551
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
The racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass denigrates women of color and presents a "holier-than-thou" facade predicated on his place of birth, and, of course, he lies. FYI, I wasn't born or raised in the South, I just despise racists and pretentious Yankee fucks like him.
Of course someone so vehemently against racism would defend slavery in the south as "not really all that bad". Yep, just what I would expect you to say, Massa.

Just when I think you can't dig your grave any deeper on this topic, just when I think you have said the stupidest thing you can say about some slaves doing quite will in the confederacy/south, you manage to show that I underestimated your sick mind.

On this topic you should probably stick to your vomitus meaningless insults rather than try to argue substance. People just mock you when you repeat "Yankee jackass" 800 times in one post, but when you try to portray yourself as a serious supporter of the confederate slave based lifestyle they think far worse of you. Better yet, admit defeat, acknowledge that slavery in the south was vile and evil, and quit trying to decide whether the slaves in the south or relocated intellectuals in China's cultural revolution had it worse. It sucked to be either and leave it at that. Slavery in the confederacy was evil, and as long as you keep replying, "yes, but....." you come across as one very sick man.
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Old 11-27-2013, 10:02 AM   #552
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Why do you think so? The cockroach has largely avoided evolution for millions of years, and IB is of comparable genetic material.
Whereas your brain is composed entirely of inert matter that wouldn't spark even if gasoline and a match were added, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.

Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Of course someone so vehemently against racism would defend slavery in the south as "not really all that bad". Yep, just what I would expect you to say, Massa.

Just when I think you can't dig your grave any deeper on this topic, just when I think you have said the stupidest thing you can say about some slaves doing quite will in the confederacy/south, you manage to show that I underestimated your sick mind.

On this topic you should probably stick to your vomitus meaningless insults rather than try to argue substance. People just mock you when you repeat "Yankee jackass" 800 times in one post, but when you try to portray yourself as a serious supporter of the confederate slave based lifestyle they think far worse of you. Better yet, admit defeat, acknowledge that slavery in the south was vile and evil, and quit trying to decide whether the slaves in the south or relocated intellectuals in China's cultural revolution had it worse. It sucked to be either and leave it at that. Slavery in the confederacy was evil, and as long as you keep replying, "yes, but....." you come across as one very sick man.
What you ignorantly continue to deny is the OP's ignorant assertion is unmitgated balderdash, an OP, btw, which you helped invalidate by remarking on the Middle Passage involvement of Yankee slave traders, and that is all that is of present concern, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Your fallacious assertions otherwise, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, are lies. Proving you and the racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass are fatuous and historically ignorant is not defending slavery,Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. The whole purpose of every post was to cast light on your and the racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass's monumental ignorance, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Your participation thus far has served to further reveal your monumental ignorance, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
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Old 11-27-2013, 10:24 AM   #553
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
What you ignorantly continue to deny is the OP's ignorant assertion is unmitgated balderdash, an OP, btw, which you helped invalidate by remarking on the Middle Passage involvement of Yankee slave traders, and that is all that is of present concern, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Your fallacious assertions otherwise, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, are lies. Proving you and the racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass are fatuous and historically ignorant is not defending slavery,Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. The whole purpose of every post was to cast light on your and the racist, dumb-fuck Yankee jackass's monumental ignorance, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Your participation thus far has served to further reveal your monumental ignorance, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
The original point, by the way, was that the confederate flag was a traitor's flag--and at tea party gatherings didn't help the tea party cause.

It turned into and remains a long diatribe only because one moron on here--YOU--try to convince the world that slavery was pretty cool. That at least one or two slaves probably had it OK in the south. That since there were other bad people in history it is unfair to speak ill of plantation owners.

But you continue to ignore the essence of the thread because it speaks ill of your beloved plantation way of life. It speaks ill of slave owners. It tells the truth that slavery was a filthy, evil stain on our country's history. My dripping-with-sarcasm comment about the slave ships was in no way a support of slavery as you now claim it was. I have always condemned the entire slave trade chain. It is only YOU that wants to make the southern plantation owners seem blameless.

I really wonder--in all seriousness--did the black women you reviewed on here know your pro-slavery views before you saw them? I refuse to believe that they would have seen you if they did. I am certain you took off your southern white gentleman's outfit and you left you bullwhip and mint julep at home before you saw them. I refuse to believe you could introduce yourself as IBHankering, point them towards your typical posts, and they would voluntarily be in the same room with you. Not unless it was an S&M session and you were the one bound and gagged--in that case they may have thought about doing it for free. Too bad you are unlikely to provide a serious response.

By the way, that gasoline comment of yours was soooooooo clever. Still patting yourself on the back for that one?
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Old 11-27-2013, 10:34 AM   #554
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
The original point, by the way, was that the confederate flag was a traitor's flag--and at tea party gatherings didn't help the tea party cause.

It turned into and remains a long diatribe only because one moron on here--YOU--try to convince the world that slavery was pretty cool. That at least one or two slaves probably had it OK in the south. That since there were other bad people in history it is unfair to speak ill of plantation owners.

But you continue to ignore the essence of the thread because it speaks ill of your beloved plantation way of life. It speaks ill of slave owners. It tells the truth that slavery was a filthy, evil stain on our country's history. My dripping-with-sarcasm comment about the slave ships was in no way a support of slavery as you now claim it was. I have always condemned the entire slave trade chain. It is only YOU that wants to make the southern plantation owners seem blameless.

I really wonder--in all seriousness--did the black women you reviewed on here know your pro-slavery views before you saw them? I refuse to believe that they would have seen you if they did. I am certain you took off your southern white gentleman's outfit and you left you bullwhip and mint julep at home before you saw them. I refuse to believe you could introduce yourself as IBHankering, point them towards your typical posts, and they would voluntarily be in the same room with you. Not unless it was an S&M session and you were the one bound and gagged--in that case they may have thought about doing it for free. Too bad you are unlikely to provide a serious response.

By the way, that gasoline comment of yours was soooooooo clever. Still patting yourself on the back for that one?
The OP said that no nation/flag was worse than the Confederacy, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.

Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Exactly WHAT would a country have to do to be MORE dishonorable than the Confederacy - a nation established for the express purpose of ensuring the existence of human slavery.

OK, I will agree that Nazi Germany was worse. It existed for the purpose of committing genocide.

But, after that, what is worse?

Not the Soviet Union or Red China. It might have sucked to live under a lousy economic system enforced by totalitarians, but that is far better than chattel slavery.

Perhaps knuckle-dragging Confederate sympathizers don't agree with that, but that is because slavery (for blacks) wouldn't affect them. but put yourself in the place of a black person. You are robbed of everything you have by the person who owns you. Your master can whip you, hang you, burn you, sell your wife, sell your children, and even kill you with no repercussions. The law is on HIS side.

That was the Confederacy. That is FAR worse then living under communism - unless you are white, of course.
But as you so correctly pointed out, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, Yankee slave ships conducted the Middle Passage under the Stars and Stripes
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Old 11-27-2013, 10:43 AM   #555
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After you enslave, torture, and kill millions of people I don't think you can get "worse". At that point they are all in one big slag heap of evil, so arguably none are "worse" than the other, so there would be none "worse" than the confederate flag in that regard.

As to your second point, you obviously do not care to listen. The evil of the capture in Africa does not absolve the evil of the transport. And neither of those absolves the evil of the southern plantation owners. But no matter how you care to spin it, it was the demand of the end using slave owners that created the capture and transport legs. So long as you try to justify and diminish the guilt of the south by saying there were other evils along the way, you are justifying slavery.
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